Glenn Campbell's tweet archive, searching for "tornado"

For at the start of a word
Dates: after but on or before format: 2013-11-07
Chronological order (oldest first) if checked:

Also try official twitter search for "tornado" in @BadDalaiLama - @KilroyCafe - @BadLamaArt. (Word must be exact. Includes reader replies but not BDL retweets.)

Searching the archives for both @BadDalaiLama and @KilroyCafe for Glenn Campbell's tweets. Click on date to view original tweet on Twitter. Search is based on the downloaded archive, which is updated about every two weeks, so this search may not include the most recent tweets. Multi-line tweets may not be complete in this listing. See our Twitter Overview for more info. Help give these tweets new life by retweeting the ones you like.

1: 2011-06-28: Apart from earthquakes and tornados, catastrophe is rarely random. It usually flows from the excesses and hubris of the previous success.
2: 2011-06-26: Tornado effects in Clarksville, Arkansas.
3: 2011-06-10: What is your best defense against tornados, sharks, airplane crashes, serial killers and terrorist attacks? Statistics!
4: 2011-05-31: RT @washingtonpost: Compared with other disasters, tornadoes have small environmental impact
5: 2011-05-25: RT @washingtonpost: Violent thunderstorms leave 9 dead in Oklahoma, Arkansas, Kansas, days after Joplin tornado
6: 2011-05-25: Even if 500 people die this year in tornados, it's still a statistically trivial source of death, behind 1000s of accidents and diseases.
7: 2011-05-25: Am I safer now that I have crossed from Missouri to Oklahoma? Do tornados respect state lines?
8: 2011-05-25: Are 100 deaths by tornado more important than the other million dying today?
9: 2011-05-25: RT @ChefTariqHanna: Cnn's reporting a tornado heading that way at 45 mph. <== Ha! I can outrun that!
10: 2011-05-25: The tornado siren and the cop telling me to seek shelter were a nice touch.
11: 2011-05-25: It's spooky, but I'm not afraid. The likelihood of another tornado is slim. People are just shellshocked and overreacting.
12: 2011-05-25: Tornado siren sounding, but I have nowhere to go. People running!
13: 2011-05-25: For real!? I think they're just a little oversensitive. The likelihood of another tornado in the same place seems slim.
14: 2011-05-25: The Joplin tornado must have been brought to us by the same people who faked the moon landing. I can't find it!
15: 2011-05-25: Massive tornado Sunday night in Joplin. Supposedly wiped our most of the town. WHERE IS THE DEVASTATION??? Am I crazy?
16: 2011-05-25: Still searching for tornado devastation in Joplin MO. Can't find it. Not even a downed tree. See my geotags. Am I in the right town?
17: 2011-05-25: In downtown Joplin, Missouri, looking for tornado damage. WHERE IS IT? Everything I've seen so far is completely normal.
18: 2011-05-25: Visiting Joplin MO in search of tornado devastation. So far no signs of it.
18 tweets found.

(Search module created 7/18/2013)