Glenn Campbell's tweet archive, searching for "superhero"

For at the start of a word
Dates: after but on or before format: 2013-11-07
Chronological order (oldest first) if checked:

Also try official twitter search for "superhero" in @BadDalaiLama - @KilroyCafe - @BadLamaArt. (Word must be exact. Includes reader replies but not BDL retweets.)

Searching the archives for both @BadDalaiLama and @KilroyCafe for Glenn Campbell's tweets. Click on date to view original tweet on Twitter. Search is based on the downloaded archive, which is updated about every two weeks, so this search may not include the most recent tweets. Multi-line tweets may not be complete in this listing. See our Twitter Overview for more info. Help give these tweets new life by retweeting the ones you like.

1: 2018-06-21: My Marvel superhero name should be Plotmaster. My superpower is being able to tell what is going to happen in future Marvel movies based only on past Marvel movies. My famous quote: “Why do I need to see the new Avengers movie when I know exactly what will happen?”
2: 2017-11-16: If I don't see the latest superhero movie, will the world still be saved?
3: 2016-08-31: If I were a superhero who just saved the world, I'd tell humanity, "I just saved your ass!" and humanity would shrug and say, "Meh!"
4: 2016-01-03: I'm on Team Proactive—a band of unlikely superheroes who use their special powers of planning ahead to avert problems before they happen.
5: 2014-11-28: RT @Peripatetia: Superheroes on Bourbon St., New Orleans. Right now! I think I'm in love.
6: 2014-09-04: New Marvel superhero: The Verbalizer. Won't shut up. Bores his enemies to death.
7: 2014-01-31: I get all my Florida news from @_FloridaMan — "the world's worst superhero"
8: 2014-01-03: I'm on Team Proactive—a band of unlikely superheroes who, using the special powers each possesses, solves problems before they happen.
9: 2013-12-04: The Verbalizer — superhero who just won't shut up. Bores his enemies to death.
10: 2013-10-09: Exposed to a nearly lethal dose of gamma radiation, I have gained the superhero power of detecting my own bullshit. Boy this stuff stinks!
11: 2013-05-07: The Achilles' heel of every superhero, real or fictional, is to spend his superpowers to their limit until they do not work anymore.
12: 2013-02-20: "Superhero Fantasy Meets Reality" - sample chapter of a book under construction
13: 2013-02-17: Superhero burnout is caused by compassion and good intentions exercised without boundaries and capacity controls.
14: 2013-02-09: The Superhero Handbook: 3-minute audio reading from my current writing project
15: 2013-01-17: The Superhero's Conundrum: The needs of the world are so vast that no matter how great your superpowers they will never be enough.
16: 2013-01-17: The challenge to every superhero is how to not become super-exhausted and super-cynical when the demands for rescue exceed ones powers.
17: 2013-01-10: Attn superheroes: Never hold your supervillain in a glass cell because he can always hack into the mainframe to get out. Steel never fails!
18: 2012-12-22: Superhero demonstrating wrist utility device.
19: 2012-10-17: @BadDalaiLama Dude, that Superhero Handbook is great writing!
20: 2012-10-17: "The Superhero Handbook: A Do-Gooder's Guide to Saving the Planet" - 2008 book I forgot I wrote.
21: 2012-09-17: The fantasy of love—two superheroes joining forces—is rarely the reality.
22: 2012-07-15: Superhero Law: When you rescue someone, they should pay a price. It has to be painful and awkward for them or they'll expect it again.
23: 2012-07-09: The destiny of a god or superhero is to be cursed by the people who worship him when he fails to live up to their impossible expectations.
24: 2012-07-03: No superhero, no matter how great his powers, can right every injustice. You must choose your battles wisely and let the others go.
25: 2012-05-20: The greatest alliance of superheroes ever assembled!
26: 2012-03-05: The risk in being a superhero is that the people you rescue come to expect it and lose the incentive to rescue themselves.
27: 2012-02-06: The trouble with being a god or superhero is that people will eventually expect more of you than even you are capable of.
28: 2012-02-06: The trouble with superheroes in real life is they fly into a problem expecting to save people but end up becoming part of the problem.
29: 2011-12-12: Even superheroes have to stop and do their laundry. People are going to die, but you can't be flying around in a soiled supersuit.
30: 2011-04-29: The sadness of the superhero is you cannot save everyone. In the end, you have to worry about systems, not individuals.
31: 2011-04-29: Superheroes get a lot of press for saving those in peril, but the real accomplishment is disabling the peril so no rescue is needed.
32: 2011-04-29: Superheroes see the "big picture" of what is going on in the world and where they are headed. You can do that, too!
33: 2011-04-29: There are no "ordinary" days in the life of a superhero, and there shouldn't be in your life either.
34: 2011-04-29: We are all superheroes if we choose to be.
35: 2011-04-29: Every superhero has to come to grips with his own superpower. He denies it for a while until he recognizes the necessity of using it.
36: 2011-04-29: Each of us is a potential superhero, possessing certain skills or resources that others can only marvel at.
37: 2011-04-02: Every superhero needs a supervillain to define him, and vice versa, so when the opportunity comes to kill each other, they won't do it.
38: 2011-03-06: #### End. This has been a one-hour essay from the Bad Dalai Lama: "Advice for Superheroes"
39: 2011-03-06: Some secrecy is essential for superheroes. You must closely hold your powers and intentions or everyone will demand rescue. Hence the mask.
40: 2011-03-06: The pain of a superhero is that even with his superpowers he must refuse most calls for help, because there are too many.
41: 2011-03-06: We all have superpowers—the ability to help those in need. And we all face the same dilemma as superheros: who to help and when to let go.
42: 2011-03-06: The challenge of superheroism is to help others without enabling dependence or dysfunction.
43: 2011-03-06: ++++ Begin one-hour essay: "Advice for Superheroes"
44: 2011-01-07: Sometimes the most important thing you can do is your laundry. Even superheros have to wash their supersuits!
45: 2010-12-09: Even superheroes have to stop and do their laundry. People are going to die, but you can't be flying around in a soiled supersuit.
46: 2010-12-08: Watch "Megamind"! Earnest bad guy yapping at the heels of a too-good superhero. Yup, we can identify!
47: 2010-09-24: The trouble with superheroes in real life is they fly into a problem expecting to save people but end up becoming part of the problem.
48: KilroyCafe: 2010-09-24: RT @BadDalaiLama: The trouble with superheroes in real life is they fly into a problem expecting to save people but end up becoming part ...
49: KilroyCafe: 2010-06-21: The trouble with being a god or superhero is that people will eventually expect more of you than you're capable of.
50: KilroyCafe: 2010-02-26: The trouble with superheroes in real life is they fly into a problem expecting to save people but end up becoming part of the problem.
51: KilroyCafe: 2009-06-01: Even superheroes have to do their laundry. Yes, people are going to die, but you can't be flying around in a soiled supersuit.
51 tweets found.

(Search module created 7/18/2013)