Glenn Campbell's tweet archive, searching for "relig"

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Dates: after but on or before format: 2013-11-07
Chronological order (oldest first) if checked:

Also try official twitter search for "relig" in @BadDalaiLama - @KilroyCafe - @BadLamaArt. (Word must be exact. Includes reader replies but not BDL retweets.)

Searching the archives for both @BadDalaiLama and @KilroyCafe for Glenn Campbell's tweets. Click on date to view original tweet on Twitter. Search is based on the downloaded archive, which is updated about every two weeks, so this search may not include the most recent tweets. Multi-line tweets may not be complete in this listing. See our Twitter Overview for more info. Help give these tweets new life by retweeting the ones you like.

1: 2017-03-12: Every religion needs persecution to sustain itself. Christians were thrown to the lions 2000 years ago, and they'll never let you forget it.
3: 2016-05-11: Religion is the opiate of the masses but OxyContin is a big one too.
4: 2016-05-02: "Can I just fix my life in post?" @ThatsWright - That's called "religion".
5: 2015-09-26: BREAKING NEWS: Religious leader condemns the world's problems. Calls for change. Offers no useful advice for how to go about it.
6: 2015-06-20: RT @NIETZSCHESOURCE: Religion saves the rich from being massacred by the poor #Napoleon Bonaparte #NIETZSCHE
7: 2015-04-14: Don't expect religion to bless your avant-garde lifestyle. That's the opposite of what religion is.
8: 2015-03-16: Propaganda doesn't end with governments. Lawyers, advertisers and religious believers all do the same.
9: 2014-12-27: Take a stand against connected logic. Do what feels good. Don't ask why. If the results are bad, religion will save you.
10: 2014-09-24: Alcohol or religion? Why must it be one or the other?
11: 2014-08-26: Religion is a philosophical device to allow you to believe anything you want to believe.
12: 2014-07-17: All the inconsistencies in your life, all the hypocrisies and self-deceptions – religion can help you smooth those things over.
13: 2014-06-06: I believe no one should be persecuted or discriminated against for their religious beliefs, no matter how asinine they may be.
14: 2014-05-25: RT @RobbyGreer: Abe Lincoln's religion...
15: 2014-05-03: The person most hurt by religious fundamentalism is the fundamentalist, who is inevitably drawn into bad personal decisions based on faith.
16: 2014-03-20: Religiosity is impervious to science, technology or reason. It will always find a way to believe.
17: 2014-03-17: Is science a religion? How Science Mimics Faith, Scientific American via @PsychologyTip
18: 2014-03-09: Pure science is a religious pursuit based on unquestioning faith—the faith that what we find will improve our lives and not blow us up.
19: 2014-03-02: RT @DolbyLama: Whether we follow a religious path or not, as human beings we all need to chill the fuck out.
20: 2014-02-21: Your race, religion or gender may have suffered great historical injustices, but don't forget that history sucked for just about everybody.
21: 2014-02-19: Trusting in Jesus, the poor sap never saw the truck that hit him. #religionexplained
22: 2014-01-27: Religion is the easiest way to believe that the world revolves around you, just like it did in your infancy.
23: 2014-01-05: @MinnieGupta "Fat Fellows" sounds better and promotes religious tolerance for "Buffoons"
24: 2013-12-21: Religion is a process of covering things up, escaping responsibility and obscuring logical connections that are emotionally inconvenient.
25: 2013-12-18: On My Bucket List: Discover through divine revelation that the only true religion is the one I happened to be born into.
26: 2013-10-12: On My Bucket List: Fiercely defend the religion or ethnic group I happen to have been born into.
27: 2013-08-19: Atheism is for former religious believers who still want absolutes. If you can tolerate uncertainty, be agnostic.
28: 2013-08-19: If you were skeptical of major religions but did not have all the answers about the universe, you'd call yourself agnostic, not the atheist.
29: 2013-08-19: "All UFO sightings are false" is a logical fallacy. How can you have tested every claim?—So how can an atheist say the same about religion?
30: 2013-08-18: You can challenge someone's religion, but you can't change their religiosity. If they need to believe in an unseen power, they will.
31: 2013-08-18: Religiosity includes atheists assembling in groups to proselytize their absolute faith that no gods or spiritual forces exist.
32: 2013-08-12: Language Police: Don't call someone "dead". This is insensitive to religions that believe in an afterlife. Use "not currently interactive".
33: 2013-08-11: On My Bucket List: Declare my love for the country, region and religion into which I was born, insisting they are the best.
34: 2013-08-03: Religion is where you turn when you find yourself trapped by your own bad decisions because it is easier than facing them.
35: 2013-07-29: Every race, gender, sexual persuasion, culture and religion has its fair share of cretins and idiots, so let's not discriminate, shall we?
36: 2013-06-07: The religion an individual follows today hinges largely on who conquered whom centuries ago.
37: 2013-05-19: Religion exists to reassure you that you made the right choices.
38: 2013-05-10: I offer my deepest condolences to every religion that has been persecuted, but persecution doesn't make your beliefs any less silly.
39: 2013-05-06: UFO Researchers – a community of people confidently repeating what others have said but with no new data. See also Religion.
40: 2013-05-06: RT @NIETZSCHESOURCE: Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction. ~Blaise Pascal
41: 2013-05-05: RT @HLMenckenBot: Religion's modest + greatly overestimated services on the ethical side have been more than overborne by its damage to cle…
42: 2013-03-29: For a religion to thrive, it must be able to claim oppression, even if it took place 2000 years ago.
43: 2013-03-21: scientificism — religious belief that all problems can be solved with more knowledge and that "clearly more research is needed."
44: 2013-03-19: Worshipping at a temple of a religion I don't believe in. (@ Budweiser Brewery) [pic]:
45: 2013-03-10: Whatever your religion, the architecture must be epic, to show the people the power of your God.
46: 2013-02-21: I am not a religious man, but sometimes I am called to worship @ Fry's Electronics.
47: 2013-02-13: Duh! ==> "Religious skeptics, compared to believers, are both more reflective and effective in logical reasoning tasks." See @Neuro_Skeptic
48: 2013-02-13: RT @NIETZSCHESOURCE: Religion is the masterpiece of the art of animal training. #Schopenhauer #NIETZSCHE
49: 2013-02-10: RT @dramapad: In science, you check things out to see if they're true. In religion, you don't.
50: 2013-01-20: I believe no one should be persecuted for their sexual preference, religious beliefs or political affiliations. They are all equally insane!
51: 2012-12-15: RT @Neuro_Skeptic: Would Tarzan believe in God? "Many scholars would say yes: cognitive biases generate religious i ...
52: 2012-12-13: An atheist is a fundamentalist agnostic. It is enlightened to say you don't know. It is religious to claim you know for sure.
53: 2012-12-12: "Inventacon: The Movie" (my expanded treatment) A flamboyant con artist starts a religion.
54: 2012-11-28: RT @DalaiLama: I always try to share with others the idea that in order to become compassionate it is not necessary to become religious.
55: 2012-11-12: Shinto is a pay-to-pray religion. Just show up at the temple whenever you want, drop a coin in the box and pray. Convenient and affordable!
56: 2012-11-10: .@TheViewFromHell Agreed! Believers in the Whole Foods religion are probably healthier—but mainly cuz it's so expensive you don't eat much!
57: 2012-10-31: A religious believer's faith depends on not asking too many questions.
58: 2012-10-27: @LadyFriday Hmmm. I see religion.. not a rebellious topic. Sort of like Born Again bikers. The Milquetoast Rebels of Bayshore?
59: 2012-10-14: RT @KilroyCafe: Religion is the ultimate refuge of the narcissist: "God is there for ME."
60: 2012-09-22: RT @KilroyCafe: Religion. Simple answers for those who can't bear to leave childhood behind.
61: 2012-09-01: Religion is a way to give your ordinary life an epic-seeming greatness without you having to do anything special.
62: 2012-08-30: RT @KilroyCafe: Other Christians need to cut Mormons a break. Their religion isn't any more absurd than yours, just more efficient.
63: 2012-08-27: On My Bucket List: Start a utopian religious community named after me in the jungles of Guyana. (Kool-Aid, anyone?)
64: 2012-08-16: RT @KilroyCafe: The opposite of religion is not atheism but existentialism, the theory that all meaning derives from what you can see an ...
65: 2012-07-17: RT @religiouscritic: "Faith means not wanting to know what is true." - Friedrich Nietzsche #atheist #quote
66: 2012-07-17: My religious beliefs are eggnogstic.
67: 2012-07-05: Science is more rational in its methods than religion, but its motivation is still an assumption taken on faith: More knowledge is better.
68: 2012-07-05: The government funding particle physics is like it funding the Catholic Church. This is a religious pursuit, not for the public good.
69: 2012-07-05: Astronomy is a religion that believes exploring the stars is more valuable than addressing the problems of earth.
70: 2012-07-05: Science is a religion based on the unproven assumption that more knowledge is always good.
71: 2012-07-02: RT @KilroyCafe: The primary function of religion is to make you feel comfortable with the decisions you have already made.
72: 2012-06-18: You can't accept one religion as your true faith without in some way devaluing all the others, so religious conflicts are inevitable.
73: 2012-06-01: The few humans who can think ahead can easily exploit the others by setting up casinos, credit card companies and religious institutions.
74: 2012-06-01: Religion is as much in our genes as sex, pair bonding and our love of rich food (turning us into fat, married, oversexed churchgoers).
75: 2012-06-01: Religion was essential to the survival of ancient humans because it was the way instructions were passed between generations.
76: 2012-05-09: Marriage is a RELIGIOUS institution that government ought to stay clear of. The issue isn't gay rights but separation of church and state.
77: 2012-05-07: @Kyoks1 I wonder if you are looking at the right video. This is some kind of religious procession in Ueno Park, Toyko.
78: 2012-05-05: The main purpose of religion is to permit the believer to retain the childhood delusion that he is the center of the universe.
79: 2012-04-27: RT @RowdyPrimate: In America, we've made a religion out of diet and exercise. We talk about it incessantly and generally ignore the most ...
80: 2012-04-20: Never question someone's religion (or religiously held beliefs). They cannot tolerate doubt and will act to eliminate you if you persist.
81: 2012-04-19: Shinto seems to be a religion with no specific beliefs except that the old ways are the best.
82: 2012-04-17: In the spirit of cultural tolerance, I believe we should respect other people's bonehead religions. — Bad Dalai Lama
83: 2012-04-15: Alcohol, cigarettes, caffeine and photos of sexy ladies—cultural universals around the world except where actively prohibited by religion.
84: 2012-04-05: The thing that bugs me most about religious people is their absolute certainty. They know what the truth is and need no further inquiry.
85: 2012-04-04: It's sad Catholicism can't tolerate homosexuality, birth control, etc., but get over it. What about "religion" do you not understand?
86: 2012-04-04: .@jimmychanclas Religion, for example. No matter how bizarre the belief, people pass it to their children, who usually accept it.
87: 2012-04-03: Apophenia could be seen as the basis for religion. In random natural events, you see the hand of God.
88: 2012-03-29: Parenthood is based on the religious belief that this is the best way to spend your resources. Not an once of logic in it.
89: 2012-03-19: Wedding are like funerals: You throw in as much religious symbolism as you can because you don't honestly know what lies on the other side.
90: 2012-03-02: Religion helps you cope with a life of deep regrets and little personal growth.
91: 2012-02-19: Music can be a religion like any other. People believe in it without asking, "Why?"
92: 2012-02-17: The last thing a religious person wants to investigate is the history of their religion.
93: 2012-01-24: Religion is the triumph of slogans over substance.
94: 2011-12-18: educationism — n. the religious belief that one is incapable of learning anything without taking a course and obeying an instructor.
95: 2011-12-14: If you want a fine example of religious obfuscation, get a hunter to explain to you why he does it.
96: 2011-12-08: RT @DalaiLama: I am a man of religion, but religion alone cannot answer all our problems.
97: 2011-12-08: When starting a new religion, your finest stroke of luck is to be persecuted. Then you can play the victim for millennia!
98: 2011-11-26: Writing and recording a song is a creative process. Performing it live is a religious one. People are worshipping the gods who made it.
99: 2011-11-24: Scientists are as religious as any fundamentalists, believing without proof that science will cure all ills.
100: 2011-10-19: Of all the religious beliefs, the most pervasive and unquestioned is faith in science to solve the world's problems.
101: 2011-10-11: RT @MailOnline: Monty Python star Terry Jones: Life of Brian 'couldn't be made today' because of political correctness and relig... http ...
102: 2011-09-01: Religion is unavoidable. People need it to justify the decisions they have already made. Dispel one faith and another will take its place.
103: 2011-07-29: All of us, at some point, are tempted to give up choice and join a religious order. Alas, the penalty is usually some form of abuse.
104: 2011-07-25: RT @AtheistQ: "Religion attacks us in our deepest integrity by saying we wouldn't be able to make a moral decision without it"-Christoph ...
105: 2011-07-15: The main purpose of religion is to justify the investments you have already made.
106: 2011-07-13: Religions of the affluent suburbs: (1) Christianity. (2) Judaism. (3) Whole Foods.
107: 2011-07-01: The solution to depression is religion, say religious leaders.
108: 2011-06-28: Narcissists are not always grandiose or greedy. Some are pious, religious people who believe that God is there for them.
109: 2011-05-22: Advice to religious zealots: Vague, unprovable predictions are always better than specific, disprovable ones.
110: 2011-05-06: AD 64—Nero throws Christians to the lions, giving them the persecution they need to become a major religion.
111: 2011-05-01: Don't dismiss religion as useless. Most people need that "eye in the sky" to remain honorable and give their lives direction.
112: 2011-05-01: Jerusalem is a magnet for all kinds of religious nutcases. Even Rael wants to build an Extraterrestrial Embassy there!
113: 2011-04-19: Change of venue. (My original hostel was full due to the bi-religional holiday,) (@ New palm hostel)
114: 2011-04-18: Religion isn't about trusting God. It's about trusting that other people know more about God than you do.
115: 2011-04-16: RT @Kyoks1: Jerusalem te ensena q todas las religiones son lo mismo; diferentes sombreros y festividades misma suspencion de logica via ...
116: 2011-04-16: If you are religious, then no matter how mundane and restricted your life may be, you can feel superior, because God knows you personally.
117: 2011-04-16: Jerusalem teaches you how every religion is the same. Different hats and holidays, same underlying suspension of logic.
118: 2011-04-15: On My Bucket List: Wear a funny hat to indicate my religious affiliation.
119: 2011-04-14: #### End. This has been a live 1-hour essay: "Childhood and Religion"
120: 2011-04-14: Religion, in adulthood, allows one to return to a satisfying pseudo childhood, where imaginary elders offer protection.
121: 2011-04-14: Religion is basically Santa Claus for grownups.
122: 2011-04-14: Humans are overwhelming religious because it must have had some survival benefit in our past.
123: 2011-04-14: Religion and religious faith are not a deviation in human intellectual development; they are an essential part of it.
124: 2011-04-14: Human children accept the words of their elders as truth, even if those words are absurd and counterintuitive, as with religion.
125: 2011-04-05: Like many Muslim countries, Israel is controlled by religious extremists, but unlike them, diversity of opinion is cherished.
126: 2011-04-04: For harmony in polite social situations, it is best not to discuss politics, religion or Walmart.
127: 2011-04-02: There's no point in debunking religion because those with a need for irrational belief will always find something to attach it to.
128: 2011-03-13: It's always suspicious when the city/country/religion that one happens to have been born into turns out to be the greatest in the world.
129: 2011-03-11: Apparently, you can be a pious religious believer only if you wear a conspicuous uniform showing the world your faith.
130: 2011-03-09: RT @Kyoks1: Algunas personas súper religiosas son las + narcisistas. No entienden q otros puedan tener opiniones diferentes a ellos via ...
131: 2011-03-09: RT @Kyoks1: La religión es el refugio de los narcisistas. Nada valida + el sentirse "especial", q creer q Dios te conoce personalmentevi ...
132: 2011-03-09: Scientific research is a religious pursuit, not a rational one. It is based on blind, unproven faith that more knowledge is always better.
133: 2011-03-07: Religion is the refuge of the narcissist. There's no better support for your specialness than thinking God knows you personally.
134: 2011-03-07: Rode a train in Italy near an American priest-in-training lambasting his sister & parents with his religious views. What a freaking a-hole!
135: 2011-03-06: Macochism—n. religion that contends you can change the world merely by choice of computers. Believers willing to endure great pain.
136: 2011-03-04: RT @Wyrdmaven: @BadDalaiLama Or blessed: For example...winning the Daytona 500 and thanking Yahweh for it. Religious arrogance wrapped ...
137: 2011-02-26: It's okay to question religion, but to say that sex has no meaning, that it isn't a worthy goal in itself... that's blasphemy!
138: 2011-02-19: Video Postcard: Four minutes inside St. Peter's Basilica, The Vatican. (Mother church of the Catholic religion.)
139: 2011-02-07: Some sort of religious ceremony is taking place at the hostel.
140: 2011-02-01: The Dudeist religion is headed by the Dudely Lama and believes in all things laid-back and chill. and
141: 2011-01-31: "Religious belief is not a precondition either of ethical conduct or of happiness." @DalaiLama <== Sometimes the dude gets it right!
142: 2011-01-30: You can't fight man's inherent need for religion. If you debunk one, he'll invent another.
143: 2011-01-26: Entertainment is a religion of its own, based on sacred assumptions taken without proof—namely, that entertainment is worth ones time.
144: 2011-01-09: Science Is a religion that believes all knowledge is good. It neglects that every advance creates new hazards and detracts from other goals.
145: 2011-01-07: How does hearing a song "live", with cheering fans and poor acoustics, make it better? That's a religious experience, not a musical one.
146: 2011-01-07: Songs can be inspirational, when they capture a meaningful idea, or merely religious, when you dwell on the priests and what they are doing.
147: 2010-12-15: Music isn't just music. It's our worldwide religion! More people can sing a Beatles tune than any hymn.
148: 2010-12-15: .@DalaiLama Correction: The aims of religion are to help people escape their responsibility and to give more power to religious leaders.
149: 2010-12-07: When starting a new religion, your finest stroke of luck is to be persecuted. Then you can play the victim for millennia!
150: 2010-11-16: Religiosity is resilient. If one belief system is discredited, people will shift their faith to another.
151: 2010-11-13: True atheists are rare. Even those who profess no faith in God may follow quasi-religious beliefs without proof—like belief in atheism.
152: 2010-11-03: RT @DalaiLama: I am convinced that everyone can develop a good heart and a sense of universal responsibility with or without religion.
153: 2010-11-02: The pillars of religion are narcissism and paranoia—that an all-powerful being cherishes me personally and is watching my every move.
154: 2010-11-01: Isn't it amazing how the religion you were born into just happens to be the right one? That's the magic of faith!
155: 2010-10-28: If you need religion to make sense of your life, so be it. Just don't go around thinking you are God's chosen one.
156: 2010-10-28: No one should be discriminated against for his sexual preferences, religious beliefs or political affiliations. They are all equally insane!
157: 2010-10-22: The purpose of religion is to justify the choices people have already committed to.
158: 2010-10-22: The law is a religion based on the belief that the ills of society are best addressed by an infinite progression of explicit rules.
159: 2010-10-18: All religions require an enemy to keep faith alive. Muslims and Jews need each other, and Christians never forget being thrown to the lions.
160: 2010-10-14: The root of religion isn't faith in God but faith that other people know more about God than you do.
161: 2010-10-08: Religion isn't so much a belief in God but in certain social policies, taken on faith, that limit the ways you can solve your problems.
162: 2010-10-05: The only difference between a cult and a religion is how long it has been practiced.
163: 2010-10-03: Religion is one opiate of the masses. Another is humor.
164: 2010-09-26: Paranoia is essential to sustaining any religion. There has to be a sense that the rest of the world is out to get us.
165: 2010-09-26: Atheism itself is a religion, based on assumptions taken on faith. How do you know there's no God?
166: 2010-09-21: Scientists are driven by the blind religious faith that more knowledge is always better, a belief not supported by human history.
167: 2010-09-17: RT @DalaiLama: There must be a way of promoting human values without involving religion, based on common sense, experience and recent sc ...
168: 2010-09-15: Religion. Simple answers for those who can't bear to leave childhood behind.
169: KilroyCafe: 2010-09-21: RT @BadDalaiLama: Scientists are driven by the blind religious faith that more knowledge is always better, a belief not supported by hum ...
170: KilroyCafe: 2010-09-12: Religion is the ultimate refuge of the narcissist: "God is there for ME."
171: KilroyCafe: 2010-09-09: Religion. Simple answers for those who can't bear to leave childhood behind.
172: KilroyCafe: 2010-09-04: Rule #1 of starting your own religion: Do it thousands of years ago. That way all the evidence is lost except what your followers convey.
173: KilroyCafe: 2010-09-01: Other Christians need to cut Mormons a break. Their religion isn't any more absurd than yours, just more efficient.
174: KilroyCafe: 2010-08-27: If you mess with Elvis, you're messing with people's religion.
175: KilroyCafe: 2010-08-26: Marriage is a religious institution, performed by priests of whatever faith you believe in. Why should government be involved at all?
176: KilroyCafe: 2010-08-09: Academia is the fundamentalist religious belief that all knowledge flows from others.
177: KilroyCafe: 2010-08-07: Religion is what you need when your life is going nowhere due to your own bad decisions, because it's easier than change.
178: KilroyCafe: 2010-07-25: The opposite of religion is not atheism but existentialism, the theory that all meaning derives from what you can see and experience.
179: KilroyCafe: 2010-07-16: The world's most arrogant position is, "My religion is right for you."
180: KilroyCafe: 2010-07-14: Elvis: He could sing a song. He seemed to have sex appeal. Did he have any talent otherwise? A religious figure mainly. Our Fatima.
181: KilroyCafe: 2010-07-14: Participating in a contest is based on the blind religious faith that the goal is worthwhile and the judges know what they're doing.
182: KilroyCafe: 2010-07-13: If God hadn't given us religion, man would have made it up. Lucky we got God's version. Now, God, which religion is the best. Ours, right?
183: KilroyCafe: 2010-06-30: The only difference between a "cult" and a "religion" is the number of members.
184: KilroyCafe: 2010-06-19: Behind every scientist is the blind religious faith that more knowledge is better, a belief that is not proven by human history.
185: KilroyCafe: 2010-06-19: Having the government fund space exploration is like having it fund a church. It's a religious pursuit with no relevance to governance.
186: KilroyCafe: 2010-06-02: The function of religion is to give false meaning to those without the courage to change.
187: KilroyCafe: 2010-05-31: Macintoshism — a religion that contends you can change the world merely by choice of computers. Believers willing to endure great hardship.
188: KilroyCafe: 2010-05-24: Ain't it amazing how the religion you were born into just happens to be the right one. That's the magic of faith!
189: KilroyCafe: 2010-04-06: My mom/dad/country/religion is the best one in the whole world! One of the great traumas in life is discovering it ain't so.
190: KilroyCafe: 2010-03-15: Atheism itself is a religion, based on assumptions taken on faith. How do you know there's no God? Agnostic is better: We just don't know.
191: KilroyCafe: 2010-03-15: @YouGoChavez "I respectfully disagree... atheism is not religion, it is the antithesis to religion." So how do you prove there is no God?
192: KilroyCafe: 2010-03-14: The primary function of religion is to make you feel comfortable with the decisions you have already made.
193: KilroyCafe: 2010-03-09: Religion isn't just a belief in God but in certain social policies, taken on faith, that limit the ways you can solve your problems.
194: KilroyCafe: 2010-02-19: Sex is another religion. People want absolutes, and sex seems universal. Faith works until the urge fades and they panic. Viagra!
195: KilroyCafe: 2010-02-19: When you want your senses dulled and escape from responsibility for your current problems, religion is there for you.
196: KilroyCafe: 2010-02-19: Religion is the alcohol of the heavens.
197: KilroyCafe: 2010-02-15: Religion, like other addictions, is the enemy of self-responsibility.
198: KilroyCafe: 2010-02-10: Religion is the place you turn when you have given up trying to solve your own problems.
199: KilroyCafe: 2010-01-23: Religion is one opiate of the masses. Another is humor.
200: KilroyCafe: 2010-01-11: The only difference between a "cult" and a "religion" is how long it has been practiced.
201: KilroyCafe: 2009-11-25: Aren't you lucky that of all the religious sects and beliefs in the world, you happened to be born into the right one!
202: KilroyCafe: 2009-11-06: The root of religion isn't so much faith in God but faith that other people know more about God than you do.
203: KilroyCafe: 2009-10-25: All religions require an enemy to keep faith alive. Muslims and Jews need each other, and Christians never forget being thrown to the lions.
204: KilroyCafe: 2009-10-22: Religion sucks! There's nothing like a visit to Jerusalem - the crossroads of religion - to renew my faith in the stupidity of ALL of them!
205: KilroyCafe: 2009-09-26: I believe no one should be persecuted for his sexual preferences, religious beliefs or political affiliations. They're all equally insane!
206: KilroyCafe: 2009-09-22: If you think you need religion to make sense of your life, so be it. Just don't go around thinking you're God's chosen one.
207: KilroyCafe: 2009-07-28: It can be a great ego boost to know you chose the right religion and that God loves you the best. Lucky you!
208: KilroyCafe: 2009-07-22: Religion is just another way of saying, "I am not responsible for what happens to me."
209: KilroyCafe: 2009-07-09: In fundamentalist religion, what is billed as "trust in God" is really just trust in the word of other people.
210: KilroyCafe: 2009-07-03: Without passing judgment in ones religious beliefs, keeping Kosher (or Halal or vegan) seems like a major pain in the butt.
211: KilroyCafe: 2009-06-21: Music isn't just music. It's our worldwide religion!
212: KilroyCafe: 2009-06-04: Religion is not real morality but a fake substitute. It means you don't have the courage to make your own moral choices.
213: KilroyCafe: 2009-05-31: If you're starting a new religion, the best thing that can happen is to be persecuted. You can play the victim for millennia!
214: KilroyCafe: 2009-05-31: Paranoia is essential to sustaining any religion. There has to be the sense that the rest of the world is out to get us.
215: KilroyCafe: 2009-05-27: The law is a religion like any other, with its blind assumptions. If you're a lawyer, you have to believe, because you're a priest.
216: KilroyCafe: 2009-05-15: Religion, like other addictions, is the enemy of self-responsibility.
217: KilroyCafe: 2009-05-01: Common addictions: drugs, alcohol, cigs, caffeine, TV, video games, music, shopping, sports, sex, porn, religion, travel, food, love...
218: KilroyCafe: 2009-04-28: The Onion: "God Makes Surprise Visit To Local Church" - Nothing so disrupts religion!
218 tweets found.

(Search module created 7/18/2013)