Glenn Campbell's tweet archive, searching for "predict"

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Dates: after but on or before format: 2013-11-07
Chronological order (oldest first) if checked:

Also try official twitter search for "predict" in @BadDalaiLama - @KilroyCafe - @BadLamaArt. (Word must be exact. Includes reader replies but not BDL retweets.)

Searching the archives for both @BadDalaiLama and @KilroyCafe for Glenn Campbell's tweets. Click on date to view original tweet on Twitter. Search is based on the downloaded archive, which is updated about every two weeks, so this search may not include the most recent tweets. Multi-line tweets may not be complete in this listing. See our Twitter Overview for more info. Help give these tweets new life by retweeting the ones you like.

1: 2017-07-23: Prediction: Any dignity and public respect that Scaramucci once had will be gone in a few days. He's too easy a target in an impossible job.
2: 2017-01-24: Prediction: The Trump Administration will be the leakiest in history. Every conflict in the White House will be reported in the Wash Post.
3: 2017-01-24: Prediction: When Trump resigns, he will thereafter be referred to by his number of days in power, e.g. "the 57-day Trump presidency."
4: 2016-12-01: A world of possibilities always ends in one reality which is never quite what the fantasies predicted.
5: 2016-08-04: Trump Behavioral Prediction: If poll numbers widen and it's clear he cannot win, Trump will quit the race saying the election is "rigged".
6: 2015-02-12: Anyone can adapt to the demands of the moment. Very few can project ahead and accurately predict what happens next.
7: 2014-11-05: Yet another tragic selfie accident as predicted by @BadDalaiLama
8: 2014-09-15: The main problem with narcissism is it leads you to faulty predictions about the outside world.
9: 2014-08-11: RT @TIME: Global financial guru who predicted the crisis of 2008 says more turmoil may be coming
10: 2014-06-23: Next year I plan to watch the Eurosceptic song contest. I predict it will be bigger than ever.
11: 2014-03-16: When predicting human behavior, don't expect long-term rational self-interest. Expect immediate ego protection.
12: 2014-01-27: A pretty face predicts no virtue, only a preoccupation with societal norms.
13: 2013-12-31: People can change, but the best predictor of their future behavior is still their past behavior.
14: 2013-12-16: The most important thing to know about someone: Do their predictions about their own behavior match their actual behavior?
15: 2013-09-25: The best predictor of someone's future behavior is their past behavior.
16: 2013-09-18: Truth is not absolute, only relative. Some models of the world are truer than others because they yield more accurate predictions.
17: 2013-07-13: The main thing the past teaches us is how poorly we predict the future.
18: 2013-05-20: I can psychically predict that whenever a psychic hotline goes out of business, comedians will say, "They should have seen it coming!"
19: 2013-04-24: "Predictive Hedonism" - New chapter in our book-in-progress 'The Meaning of Life':
20: 2013-03-14: Serendipity can't be planned or predicted, but you can arrange your life to be ready to change course when it happens.
21: 2013-03-04: Emotional intelligence: (a) accurately predicting the behavior of others, and (b) accurately predicting your own behavior.
22: 2013-03-04: Almost anyone can see someone cry and know they're unhappy. Not everyone can predict it or grasp the factors that made it happen.
23: 2013-02-13: RT @KilroyCafe: We all tend to overestimate our ability to predict the future. We say, "I have this totally worked out," then time prove ...
24: 2013-01-15: Wisdom mainly involves managing your own emotions and predicting the emotional behavior of others.
25: 2012-12-13: Your belief system is like a mapping app for your iPhone. You choose the one that makes the most reliable predictions and ignore the rest.
26: 2012-12-08: People can change, but the best predictor of their future actions is still their past actions.
27: 2012-11-11: Rare is the person who knows his own capacities and can accurately predict his own behavior.
28: 2012-11-11: Promises, to most, are expressions of current feelings, not accurate predictions of future actions.
29: 2012-09-21: "Hindsight prediction" is looking back at recent trends and extrapolating them forward in a straight line. Alas, the future rarely complies.
30: 2012-09-20: "Predictive Hedonism: Where Meaning Comes From" - My latest philosophy essay, written today.
31: 2012-09-14: Life keeps handing you surprising things you never would have predicted based on theory alone. You have to live it to know.
32: 2012-09-08: Essential human truth: People want predictions but don't really care if they are accurate.
33: 2012-07-07: Life is an exploration, not an itinerary. The farther ahead you look, the less you can predict where you will be and when.
34: 2012-06-03: RT @KilroyCafe: The worst mistakes of individuals and nations are when they try to impose a linear prediction on a curve, cycle or feedb ...
35: 2012-05-13: People predict the future by taking the current trend and extrapolating it in a straight line. Alas, history rarely turns out that way.
36: 2012-05-07: "Facebook IPO: A Bet on King Zuck" <== I'm predicting a stock-price collapse.
37: 2012-05-06: The most valuable lesson from the past is how inept we are at predicting the future.
38: 2012-04-12: Living with an abusive person, you delude yourself into thinking you can predict and control the abuse cycle through diplomacy. You can't.
39: 2012-04-09: Coyote Springs, a "new" ghost town in the Nevada desert whose demise I predicted long before the crash. via @angusbatey
40: 2012-04-03: Analyst Predicts Teenager Will Be Thirty Feet Tall By Middle Age Based On Current Growth Trends
41: 2012-03-22: Based on current market conditions I predict there's 50-50 chance a certain stock will go higher.
42: 2012-02-29: Music/movie award shows would be far more interesting if they had any track record of predicting future classics. Better a roulette wheel!
43: 2011-12-18: Science predicts whether a song will be a chart hit — But a "classic hit" is predicted only by "Is it good?"
44: 2011-11-08: Watch out for them wide-facers! Researchers claim CEO head shape can predict performance—and morality. via @noahWG
45: 2011-08-03: Don't look to logic to predict people's behavior. Instead figure out what they are emotionally invested in and need to justify.
46: 2011-07-24: In January, we made some psychic predictions for 2011. Look how many have already come true!
47: 2011-07-24: BDL Psychic Prediction: Negotiations will reach an impasse, but an agreement will be worked out in the nick of time. #duh
48: 2011-07-24: BDL Psychic Prediction: A prominent politician will be found to have been leading a secret life at odds with his rhetoric. #duh
49: 2011-07-24: BDL Psychic Prediction: A celebrity marriage will disintegrate into a bitter custody battle. #duh
50: 2011-07-24: BDL Psychic Prediction: Terrorism will strike where it is least expected. #duh
51: 2011-07-24: BDL Psychic Prediction: A rising star will soon fall from grace. #duh
52: 2011-07-24: BDL Psychic Prediction: Within the next few months, there will be a major disaster, killing hundreds if not thousands. #duh
53: 2011-07-03: Someone who expects to be cheated responds to the world in such a way that their prediction usually comes true. #paranoia
54: 2011-05-22: Advice to religious zealots: Vague, unprovable predictions are always better than specific, disprovable ones.
55: 2011-04-03: Fools make poor predictions about the behavior of others because they can't suppress their own ego enough to see the other's viewpoint.
56: 2011-03-24: Reality has no respect for our predictions. It does what it wants.
57: 2011-03-23: "The worst mistakes of individuals and nations are when they try to impose a linear prediction on a curve, cycle or feedback loop." —Ibid
58: 2011-03-20: If a bacterium divides every few hours, math predicts it will soon take over the world, but resource limits guarantee this won't happen.
59: 2011-03-20: The "momentum" of a stock or other asset is a delusion. It may seem apparent in retrospect but is a poor predictor of future prices.
60: 2011-03-19: If you are returning to a vacation destination that is already known and predictable to you, then you have wasted a learning opportunity.
61: 2011-03-19: What you will learn from travel is by nature unpredictable. You can only predict that the destination will be new to you.
62: 2011-03-04: One thing that must go into our planning is how bad we are at predicting the future.
63: 2011-03-02: Equipment: $10 sleeping bag + $5 tarp (both disposable). No rain, as predicted. Some mild mosquito action, but not serious.
64: 2011-03-01: You understand something (or someone) if you can accurately predict its behavior in the future.
65: 2011-02-21: Freedom is our ability to adapt to things we can't predict.
66: 2011-01-31: Morality is a set of policies to best prepare you for a future you cannot precisely predict.
67: 2011-01-11: All human behavior is predictable in retrospect: A+B=C. The problem is predicting it in advance, when you don't know which A and B to use.
68: 2011-01-11: @lolahayes “Human behavior at large is fairly predictable” <== Only in retrospect.
69: 2011-01-07: Predictions for 2011: Facebook will go from hip to square. Sharks will be jumped.
70: 2011-01-06: Predictions for 2011: The world will mostly continue on the same path, but with some dramatic surprises.
71: 2011-01-06: Predictions for 2011: Many will suffer dramatic reversals of fortune, especially those who weren't expecting it.
72: 2011-01-06: Predictions for 2011: Major government revelations about extraterrestrial contact will not occur.
73: 2011-01-06: Predictions for 2011: A hot new technological innovation will be talked about a great deal.
74: 2011-01-06: Predictions for 2011: The economies of some countries will get worse, while others get better.
75: 2011-01-06: Predictions for 2011: Some of the things we think are important today will not seem relevant by the end of the year.
76: 2011-01-06: Predictions for 2011: Health care and health insurance will get more expensive.
77: 2011-01-06: Predictions for 2011: World peace will not be achieved.
78: 2011-01-06: Predictions for 2011: You or someone you know will suffer from a serious disease or life-threatening accident.
79: 2011-01-06: Predictions for 2011: Certain celebrities and politicians will become ensnared in scandal. It will be revealed that they were very foolish.
80: 2011-01-06: Predictions for 2011: Earthquakes will strike without warning, as well as more predictable volcanic eruptions. Many will die!
81: 2011-01-06: Predictions for 2011: Many unpredictable and unexpected events will occur. Some of these events will be tragic.
82: 2011-01-06: Predictions for 2011: Many famous people will die—in fact 1-2% of the famous people out there! Mostly older ones. Many fans will be sad.
83: 2010-12-13: "One of the human mind's chief preoccupations is prediction." WSJ via @NewMindMirror
84: 2010-10-30: The best predictor of someone's future behavior is their past behavior.
85: 2010-09-22: If your life today is exactly as you predicted it ten years ago, you're probably living in captivity.
86: KilroyCafe: 2010-08-26: We all tend to overestimate our ability to predict the future. We say, "I have this totally worked out," then time proves we don't.
87: KilroyCafe: 2010-06-17: If your life right now is exactly as you predicted it ten years ago, you're either incredibly dull or living in captivity.
88: KilroyCafe: 2010-02-27: The worst mistakes of individuals and nations are when they try to impose a linear prediction on a curve, cycle or feedback loop.
89: KilroyCafe: 2010-01-30: While you can't predict unexpected opportunities, you can prepare for them by limiting your obligations and allowing for change.
90: KilroyCafe: 2009-12-08: Clark County (NV) gov't in crisis, layoffs certain. News: - Recall my LV crash prediction in '06:
91: KilroyCafe: 2009-11-25: The ultimate test of any law or public policy is how human behavior actually responds to it -- which no ideology can predict.
92: KilroyCafe: 2009-09-29: The best predictor of someone's future behavior is their past behavior.
93: KilroyCafe: 2009-05-28: My prediction: No one will ever build a new house or casino in Las Vegas (other than those already started). The growth is over!
94: KilroyCafe: 2009-05-16: Prediction: The airport alert level will go to Red only AFTER an attack has already occurred, to give the impression of gov't action.
94 tweets found.

(Search module created 7/18/2013)