Glenn Campbell's tweet archive, searching for "passiv"

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Dates: after but on or before format: 2013-11-07
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Also try official twitter search for "passiv" in @BadDalaiLama - @KilroyCafe - @BadLamaArt. (Word must be exact. Includes reader replies but not BDL retweets.)

Searching the archives for both @BadDalaiLama and @KilroyCafe for Glenn Campbell's tweets. Click on date to view original tweet on Twitter. Search is based on the downloaded archive, which is updated about every two weeks, so this search may not include the most recent tweets. Multi-line tweets may not be complete in this listing. See our Twitter Overview for more info. Help give these tweets new life by retweeting the ones you like.

1: 2017-04-15: "I'm just saying." = I'm saying it passive-aggressively.
2: 2015-12-07: No, no, it's not a problem at all. Be passive aggressive all you want.
3: 2015-07-26: Following the news doesn't necessarily make you a responsible world citizen. News is just your chosen form of passive entertainment.
4: 2014-11-27: Passive-Aggressive Thanksgiving Prayer: Dear Lord, we humbly thank you for everything we have, even though you could have sent more.
5: 2013-09-12: Facebook makes you happy if you are an active contributor and unhappy if you are a passive scroller.
6: 2013-09-06: On My Bucket List: Perfect the skill of passive-aggressive manipulation.
7: 2013-07-30: Sarcasm is passive-aggressive irony.
8: 2013-01-14: The camera of perception has multiple settings: depressed, euphoric, paranoid, passive. You need a balanced setting for accurate pictures.
9: 2013-01-09: Passive-aggressive Battleship ends with: "Fine, sink my battleship. I don't even care anymore. It's what you always wanted to do, so do it."
10: 2012-12-30: Passive-aggressive chess usually ends with, "Fine, take my queen. I'm too stupid to play this game. Maybe I'll just kill myself."
11: 2012-10-13: "Self starters"—people who initiate their own actions—are far outnumbered by "passives" who only respond to the stimuli presented to them.
12: 2012-09-30: RT @HumanBeam: The passive-aggression is coming from INSIDE THE PHONE!
13: 2012-07-05: The fact that your life is very busy does not mean you are taking initiative. Passivity can lead to busyness as well.
14: 2012-07-05: Most humans are highly passive, responding to events but rarely initiating them.
15: 2012-07-05: The opposite of initiative is passivity. That's when you respond to your environment and repeat past behaviors but don't start anything new.
16: 2012-06-03: Sarcasm is passive-aggressive obstruction. You imply something is wrong while blocking any possible solution.
17: 2012-05-15: I wish I could passive aggressively FF all the people I follow for occasional insight but whose addiction frightens me, @lexxieviolin
18: 2012-05-09: RT @TheBosha: The Civil War didn't end in 1865, it just went passive aggressive.
19: 2012-05-05: The passive-aggressive way to abuse others is to accuse them of abuse.
20: 2012-03-14: Don't fight the currents of life, but don't go passive either. Sail with the winds while maintaining control of the rudder.
21: 2012-03-10: Now playing in my head: "Waiting on the World to Change" by John Mayer. Good song, stupid lyrics. It's an ode to passivity!
22: 2012-01-15: The natural product of overstimulation and overprogramming is passivity. You have no time to initiate events, only respond to them.
23: 2012-01-15: "Active passivity" is when your body is very busy but you take little initiative beyond the patterns already established.
24: 2011-11-30: Sarcasm is the passive-aggressive way of saying things. It expresses ones frustration while blocking any avenue of resolution.
25: 2011-10-19: Sarcasm is passive-aggressive irony.
26: 2011-07-27: An autodidact is the primary active force in his own education, vs. a "student", who is merely a passive receiver.
27: 2011-07-15: Passive-aggression can persist only in a protected environment, where one party is willing to support the other unconditionally.
28: 2011-07-15: Passive-aggressive strategy: Refuse to say what you want, then complain bitterly when you don't get your wishes.
29: 2011-07-15: Passive-aggressive Battleship usually ends with, "Go ahead, sink my battleship. I don't care. It's what you always want to do, so do it."
30: 2011-07-15: Passive-aggressive chess usually ends with, "Fine, take my queen. I'm too stupid to play this game anyway."
31: 2011-07-15: Passive-aggressive chess is where you maneuver your opponent into a position where he can't win no matter what he does.
32: 2011-03-28: The chief effect of data overload is people become passive. They consume media in huge quantities, but they never actually DO anything.
33: 2011-02-20: "Trust the Force" may have worked for Luke Skywalker but in real life that kind of passivity usually just gets you into deeper shit.
34: 2011-01-27: @lolahayes HHBDL has never advocated passivity, only working with the tools you have. Right now you have no tools to address homelessness.
35: 2011-01-20: We wanted you prisoners to be passive, sedated and non-confrontational. That's why we gave you television.
36: 2011-01-03: As a rule, celebrities, politicians and people in power are very passive. They won't make decisions or respond to requests unless forced to.
37: 2010-12-29: Life is a struggle against passivity and inertia. The first step to solving any problem is to take control and stop being a victim.
38: 2010-12-27: Education is the passive form of learning. Curiosity is the active form.
39: 2010-12-11: "Adult Education" implies a passive adult without the initiative to teach himself.
40: 2010-12-06: Spectator politics is jeering from the stands but not joining the game. It gives passive, sedentary people the illusion of action.
41: 2010-11-29: Sarcasm is the passive-aggressive way of saying things. It expresses your frustration but cynically assumes nothing can change.
42: KilroyCafe: 2010-08-28: Fine, you go out and have fun. Enjoy yourself. Don't mind me. I'll just sit here being passive-aggressive.
43: KilroyCafe: 2010-08-28: Sarcasm is just another form of passive-aggression. If you have something to say, say it. There is no courage in saying the opposite.
44: KilroyCafe: 2010-02-04: Depression leads to passivity - a decreased willingness to solve one's own problems - so the grim assessment of life is self-fulfilling.
45: KilroyCafe: 2010-01-20: Passive-aggressive -- the expression of ones anger, frustration or impotence by not doing things as opposed to doing them. The coward's way.
46: KilroyCafe: 2009-08-17: As a rule, those in positions of power are very passive. They won't make decisions unless they are forced to.
47: KilroyCafe: 2009-05-20: Information obesity results in passivity and shallowness of feeling. You do only the minimum required of you, little more.
48: KilroyCafe: 2009-05-16: Modern audio-visual entertainment overloads the emotional system, making people numb and passive. My old essay:
48 tweets found.

(Search module created 7/18/2013)