Glenn Campbell's tweet archive, searching for "old"

For at the start of a word
Dates: after but on or before format: 2013-11-07
Chronological order (oldest first) if checked:

Also try official twitter search for "old" in @BadDalaiLama - @KilroyCafe - @BadLamaArt. (Word must be exact. Includes reader replies but not BDL retweets.)

Searching the archives for both @BadDalaiLama and @KilroyCafe for Glenn Campbell's tweets. Click on date to view original tweet on Twitter. Search is based on the downloaded archive, which is updated about every two weeks, so this search may not include the most recent tweets. Multi-line tweets may not be complete in this listing. See our Twitter Overview for more info. Help give these tweets new life by retweeting the ones you like.

1: 2018-12-15: "Get Ready for the Coming Permanent Recession" - My Philosophy Monograph #180 (1 Dec) - - Reactivating an old newsletter format last used in 2008.
2: 2018-04-05: Same old story: She wasn’t getting enough hits on YouTube, so she went postal at YouTube HQ. #violentwomen
3: 2018-02-23: OLD: Take only photos. 📸 Leave only footprints. 👣
4: 2017-08-17: Times like these call for a good old-fashioned Indiana Jones Lost Ark of the Covenant Nazi face melting.
5: 2017-03-17: The whole world is hanging on the words of a spoiled 13-year-old.
6: 2017-03-13: The worst disease of youth is pathological risk-taking. For the old, it's pathological risk aversion.
7: 2017-01-17: The pathological risk-taking of youth is matched only by the pathological risk aversion of old age.
8: 2017-01-16: We should dispel ourselves of the notion that if someone is old they are wise. A more likely characteristic is "entrenched".
9: 2016-11-05: Disturbing fact: Former Playboy centerfold models are dying at an alarming rate… of old age!
10: 2016-11-05: Fun McFact: Chicken McNuggets are 33 years old. Not all of them though, just the ones I had today.
11: 2016-10-27: If your older self could give advice to your younger self, the younger one would probably say, "Fuck off, old man!"
12: 2016-09-18: RT @sciam: The old adage that necessity is the mother of innovation doesn’t hold water, a growing body of research finds.…
13: 2016-09-16: RT @MooseAllain: Poor old Escher, he never quite reached the top of his profession.
14: 2016-09-05: "Oh What A Night" took place in "late December back in '63", which would make the participants AT LEAST 70 YEARS OLD NOW! #believeitornot
15: 2016-05-18: Being the oldest person in the world may sound cool until you realize there's a younger competitor ready take your place in a few days.
16: 2016-05-02: RT @nypost: The 54-year-old “Sail Away” singer was outed last week as the richest female in British and Irish history…
17: 2016-04-22: RT @Peripatetia: Following a woman in a red hat in Old Quebec (2 days ago) @ Quebec, Quebec
18: 2016-02-23: With the old folks at home.
19: 2016-01-09: What makes you seem "old" is not age but the insistence on pursuing fixed goals rather than the opportunities actually available to you.
20: 2015-12-18: Neglect fashion at your peril. It tells the world whether you're old or young, fat or thin, self-confident or insecure.
21: 2015-11-12: Every generation thinks they're different, that the old rules don't apply to them, then they make all the same mistakes as their parents.
22: 2015-07-04: These kids totally capture the old people vibe. (1 minute video)
23: 2015-06-29: Japan's Orwellian future: too many old people.
24: 2015-05-29: What is taken for wisdom in the old is often merely inertia.
25: 2015-05-06: Why do they keep making new porn? It's not like the storyline has changed. Why can't they recycle the old porn and save the environment?
26: 2015-04-08: Not a thing you see every day: a 100-year-old murderer. @nytimes
27: 2015-03-04: RT @the_anastasia: Just because you're older, doesn't mean you're smarter.
28: 2015-02-18: History accumulates like snow on a glacier, compressing the older layers until they're almost forgotten.
29: 2015-02-12: For the past 30 years, I have been running into old people—hobbled, fatalistic and given up on change—who were born after I was. So sad!
30: 2014-11-30: Edgar Allan Poe, at age 27, married his 13-year-old cousin. So, yeah, a little creepy. @Peripatetia
31: 2014-11-06: RT @VeryShortStory: I am lonely. I make paper people out of old newspapers. We sit and talk. We start to bicker. They throw me out, bundled…
32: 2014-10-28: Old guy, now dead, claims to have worked with alien craft at Area 51. Video, article and comments.
33: 2014-09-13: They engaged in a bitter custody battle over the dog that only ended when the dog died of old age.
34: 2014-09-11: The old D.A.R.E. program did not work, but this one does: @sciammind
35: 2014-08-20: RT @washingtonpost: It's not just your imagination, there are a lot of old posts in your Facebook feed.
36: 2014-08-06: "Young" is the state of not having screwed up your life yet. "Old" is being already trapped. Years have little to do with it.
37: 2014-07-31: Old age has been determined to be a risk factor in dying. @TheEconomist
38: 2014-07-13: Rock 'n Roll Fact: Christian Rock is only 4000 years old.
39: 2014-06-10: "Maybe they didn't die of old age," said the space detective. "Maybe they had the life force drained out of them."
40: 2014-05-21: Found some of my old UFO contacts in the Encyclopedia of American Loons. t takes a loon to keep track of them all!
41: 2014-05-03: "Old" isn't an age but an attitude toward life. As soon as you say, "I'm too old to change now," you're it.
42: 2014-05-01: On My Bucket List: Become a Creation scientist, proving by scientific means that the earth is less than 6000 years old.
43: 2014-04-27: Down by the river in Olden, Norway - 360° hi-res panorama (Apr 11)
44: 2014-04-22: You don't tug on Superman's cape. Don't spit into the wind. Don't pull on the mask of old Lone Ranger and DON'T TOUCH MY FUCKING CELLPHONE!!
45: 2014-04-08: Call me old-fashioned if you will, but I prefer simple causation. None of this correlation mumbo-jumbo, thank you.
46: 2014-03-29: Technology and advances in law may eliminate old forms of slavery, but they usually create new ones in their place.
47: 2014-03-20: You are getting older. Time to get serious. When are you going to settle down, get married, have children and fall deeply into debt?
48: 2014-03-17: The oldest Machiavellian trick in the book: Nurture external enemies to consolidate power at home.
49: 2014-03-04: Crimea is home of the world oldest pyramid, dating to the dinosaurs and presumably built by them. Via @ohboywhatashot
50: 2014-02-26: Old Jerusalem: A newly reedited video of my walk from the Damascus Gate to the Western Wall. Dec. 2010.
51: 2014-01-31: He joined the Witness Protection Program. He got a new name and new life. Then he reproduced his sleazy old life all over again.
52: 2014-01-30: Dressed as a woman in his younger years, he was poetry in motion. Now, much older, he is doggerel in drag.
53: 2014-01-10: @K8Silver Try da frozen pasties. Ya won't see many old folks tho. Da Yoopers freeze em in da fall and thaw em out in da spring.
54: 2014-01-02: RT @martinlighthous: I liked a @YouTube video from @baddalailama Old Jerusalem: Walking From Damascus Gate to the We…
55: 2013-12-22: I have an idea! Let's spice up an old Christmas carol with some hip new sounds and make lots of money from Muzak plays! #followthemoney
56: 2013-12-10: Ming: your source for 500-year-old clam chowder.
57: 2013-12-01: "Old" is a self-imposed choice to give up trying.
58: 2013-11-27: Area 51 Research Center, Las Vegas Office - new photos of my old digs in the 1990s
59: 2013-11-19: RT @GeorgieLeeBooks: Are these the world's oldest selfies? via @DailyMailUS
60: 2013-11-03: Circa 1913? An old photo I took myself in the DjurgĂĄrden, Stockholm. Seems like only yesterday. (Actually, it was.)
61: 2013-10-17: You're only as old as the situation you put yourself in.
62: 2013-09-24: An authentic piece of Old Europe in America. @ Columbus, Ohio
63: 2013-09-19: There's always lots of weather to talk about when the old folks get together. Every. Single. Morning.…
64: 2013-09-12: Porn production shut down by HIV scare. Who will notice? It's not like there has been any new technology. Just recycle the old porn!
65: 2013-08-15: I love having people younger than me tell me they're too old to change now.
66: 2013-08-12: Colleges can sell a "BS" in anything. Student loans will pay for it, so they just need to sucker an 18-year-old into "believing in himself".
67: 2013-07-21: On My Bucket List: Prove, through the power of science, that the Earth is only as old as the Bible says it is.
68: 2013-06-28: What is taken as wisdom in the old is often merely inertia.
69: 2013-06-07: Checked into my old hostel in Athens for 6 hours. Nice place, but got this crumbling building out back. [pic]:
70: 2013-06-04: The cruelest way to murder someone is make them die of old age.
71: 2013-05-27: @kendincebilen Thanks! The English edition is more refined. I spent a month on a few new chapters and editing the old ones.
72: 2013-05-20: I never lived through war, but I am old enough to remember the Rural Purge of 1970-71. Those were not happy times.
73: 2013-05-13: People don't want new ideas. New ideas are scary! They want old ideas with new gift wrapping.
74: 2013-05-07: Eastern Europe is a joy to visit! Modern, prosperous and cheap—half the price of Old Europe. You'll get along fine in English.
75: 2013-04-26: "The old ways are the best," said the Luddite, dying an early death from a curable disease.
76: 2013-04-12: RT @tipsfromkatee: can you believe that in the old times people posted thousands of tweets at a time and printed them out and then sold ...
77: 2013-04-01: On My Bucket List: Gather every day with folks my own age to talk about the weather, the old days and how the country has gone to hell.
78: 2013-03-29: Older me to the younger one: "I can't believe you took those foolish risks!" Younger me to the older one: "Get off your ass, dummy!"
79: 2013-03-22: Staying in a crowded, seething tenement in old New York. (@ New York Loft Hostel) [pic]:
80: 2013-03-21: Writer's block is my old friend. I have nothing to fear from him because I know, with meditation, I can always find a way around him.
81: 2013-03-09: iPhone Separation Anxiety (ISA) is greatly reduced when your older iPhone is past its discount upgrade date. Go ahead, punk, get lost!
82: 2013-03-03: The mob takes to the streets, tearing down the symbols of the old order, demanding, "Someone must take care of us!"
83: 2013-02-14: Old scoff at the young; "So naive!" Young scoff at the old: "So entrenched!"
84: 2013-02-13: Gypsy woman. ... More photos from Old Town Alexandria added to end of album:
85: 2013-02-06: "That’s the wonderful thing about foreign travel, suddenly you are five years old again..." Quote: via @AbbigailEva
86: 2013-01-29: Time flies, dude! Those rebels of early rock who died of drug overdoses might be dying now anyway—of old age!
87: 2013-01-18: Home of the tick! (@ Old Lyme, CT) [pic]:
88: 2013-01-08: Sean Morton: New update on my old Area 51 nemesis, UFO Watchdog: - Poor guy. His own worst enemy.
89: 2013-01-07: "Old" is self-defined by ones willingness to say, "I'm too old to change."
90: 2013-01-05: Instant casting! This 3-year-old took one look at me, with my Lex Luther haircut, and said, "Bad guy!" Made my day!
91: 2012-12-27: Old Montreal - new photo album shot this evening.
92: 2012-12-24: @lawnrocket Skeptical. "Experiences" = complication. What's wrong with plain old Hostelworld? Just book and go!
93: 2012-12-22: RT @nytimes: A 52-Year-Old Man Is Convicted, in Juvenile Court, of a 36-Year-Old Murder
94: 2012-12-22: @siskonen Not my grandmom! In Middle America, nearly all older women are "pregnant".
95: 2012-12-21: Been reading some of my old screen stories from 2008. Some are quite good! Always a surprise at the end.
96: 2012-11-23: Call me old-fashioned, but the traditional ways of revenge are best. You want them to bleed before your eyes. Don't just send an email.
97: 2012-11-18: Israel is a sucker for that old schoolyard ploy: "Go ahead, cross this line. I dare you. What are you, chicken? Come and get me, Israel!"
98: 2012-11-12: Old men gathered in the American Heartland discussing the nation's problems. They have all the answers!
99: 2012-11-11: The young say: "I've got plenty if time. I'll change later." The old say: "It's too late to change now." So when?
100: 2012-11-11: "I'm too old to change now," is a fatalistic attitude unrelated to age. You even hear teenagers say it!
101: 2012-11-11: Your choice: a) "I'm too old to change now." or b) "Time is running out. I have to change quickly!"
102: 2012-11-04: Finally acknowledging your repressed sexual identity opens up a whole new world—with just as many problems as your old world.
103: 2012-10-26: This town is some kind of Steven King freak zone. Everyone is under 25. WHAT HAVE THEY DONE WITH THE OLD PEOPLE???
104: 2012-10-16: They have dual standards here for "old".
105: 2012-10-08: Older Canadians are masters at sitting in exactly the same place every morning and shooting the bull.
106: 2012-09-07: Old Town Tallinn - hi-res 360 panorama (one hour ago)
107: 2012-09-05: RT @KilroyCafe: The young man says, "I've got plenty of time. I'll change later." The old man says, "It's too late for me. I can't chang ...
108: 2012-08-21: This woman told me about the history of the school, which was over 100 years old. (Fremont, Ohio, yesterday)
109: 2012-08-18: @WittyCassieHere Please use the whole URL of your blog entry. If you use just the website, your old tweets are useless.
110: 2012-08-16: When the new iPhone 5 comes out, we should all donate our old iPhone 4's to the underprivileged children who don't have them. So sad!
111: 2012-08-10: RT @KilroyCafe: Nothing restores one's ego to balance like good old-fashioned failure.
112: 2012-07-26: RT @LIFECOACHERS: The etymology of "children" is "chil" and "dren" which comes from the old Norse and means "Killers of Dreams."
113: 2012-07-17: The biggest difference between the young me and older me is better triage skills.
114: 2012-07-05: "I'm too old to change now," is an excuse almost anyone can use, regardless of age. Even teenagers have been heard to say it.
115: 2012-07-05: Shit Old People Say: "I'm too old to change now."
116: 2012-07-05: Technology does not improve the world. It just changes it, creating new problems to replace the old ones.
117: 2012-06-29: 10 minutes in Dubrovnik (unedited travel video, one week ago) Wandering the narrow streets of the Old City.
118: 2012-06-26: RT @KilroyCafe: If you're gonna sell shit, it has to be new shit, not old shit. No one wants old shit, unless it's really, really old hi ...
119: 2012-06-20: View from my hostel window in Dubrovnik. (@ Old Town Hostel) [pic]:
120: 2012-06-12: The age-old problem of running a bar is how to sell people alcohol without drunks trashing the place.
121: 2012-06-10: The greatest burden to the fast food industry is the "Senior Coffee". The old farts buy the coffee, sit in a booth and never leave.
122: 2012-06-09: On My Bucket List: Become so old I get the Senior Discount everywhere it is offered.
123: 2012-06-09: .@dannysainsbury Who you calling "old" buddy?!
124: 2012-06-09: RT @dannysainsbury: The old sage we know as @BadDalaiLama has visited every state in the US a minimum of 8 times. How incredible is that?
125: 2012-06-08: RT @KilroyCafe: The problem with long commitments is the world may change in ways you weren't expecting, then you're trapped in the old ...
126: 2012-06-08: Believe It...Or Not! — Hugh Heffner's original Playboy Playmates are now DYING OF OLD AGE!!!!
127: 2012-06-05: They object to homosexuals in this Arkansas establishment—or maybe ugly old ladies.
128: 2012-06-02: The foolish risk taking of youth is usually replaced by pathological risk aversion in old age.
129: 2012-06-02: "Old" is a state of giving up on life and just waiting it out.
130: 2012-05-24: Golden Oldies - The most popular tweets from our training account @KilroyCafe (active 2009-2010) -
131: 2012-05-20: RT @(private) @BadDalaiLama My mother is borderline. I love her, but she exhausts me. It's like she's 49 stuck in a 16 year olds mindset.
132: 2012-05-19: What would you do with your life if you knew you had only 5-10 years to live? Welcome to the world of old people!
133: 2012-05-18: The Massachusetts Constitution is the oldest active constitution in the world.
134: 2012-05-14: Overheard from a 5-year-old: "Johnny Depp is a vampire but he's a good vampire." (Tell that to the hippies and construction workers.)
135: 2012-05-08: Call me old fashioned, but I just can't see "The Avengers" without Mrs. Peel in it.
136: 2012-04-19: Shinto seems to be a religion with no specific beliefs except that the old ways are the best.
137: 2012-04-11: Dear old people: You can't stop the clock, but you can clip your nose and ear hair. Just one little thing that cries "old".
138: 2012-04-09: Got my film confiscated here AGAIN! 18 years later. Like old times! (@ National Cryptologic Museum)
139: 2012-04-09: Still detained (gently) while and "agent" comes from from HQ to check me out. Just like old times! See geotag for location.
140: 2012-04-08: @cottonmouth1 I went glam when I went Kojak about a year ago. The old photos look so... ewww!
141: 2012-04-05: People are getting older faster. The old farts now gripe about the "new" Facebook and how things were so much better in the old days.
142: 2012-04-03: Apophenia is looking up at the clouds and seeing faces or animal shapes or turning on an old-style TV and seeing patterns in the static.
143: 2012-03-26: Sexual politics is as old as sex itself. There is always a competition, some carefully guarded secrets and a risk of deception.
144: 2012-03-24: You know you're getting old when objects from within your own lifetime turn into "antiques".
145: 2012-03-23: RT @Kyoks1: “Perhaps the biggest tragedy of our lives is that freedom is possible, yet we can pass our years trapped in the same old pat ...
146: 2012-03-20: @TrekkieGirls What it means is that the original Trekkies are getting frigging OLD! They're collecting Social Security now!
147: 2012-03-18: Call me Old School, but I like to manually flush my own toilet.
148: 2012-03-11: My old Millennium Park photos (but tonight is better!)
149: 2012-03-03: My new nephew was born on February 29, so he's never going to get old.
150: 2012-02-26: Initiative is the ability to change old habits you know aren't best for you. As soon as you know about it, you change!
151: 2012-02-20: If you think you have a brilliant idea, don't expect the world to embrace it, because most people are already invested in the old ideas.
152: 2012-02-20: Funny to watch young siblings in action. The older one is a know-it-all and the younger mimics the older and pretends to be.
153: 2012-02-15: Just stumbled upon a singer with an amazing voice: Sophie Rose. She's only 11 years old! or FB
154: 2012-02-05: RT @CandyCrisis: What doesn't kill you makes you older.
155: 2012-02-05: Rule #1 of technology investing: There will always be a new thing to blow away the old thing. #FacebookIPO
156: 2012-02-02: .@pixieinthedark "Why do they keep making more porn?” <== Good question. Can't we just recycle the old porn and save the environment?
157: 2012-01-25: Highlight of my week: a new blankie! (My old one was getting tattered and smelly.)
158: 2012-01-25: Every fallen empire of the past has said: "We are totally different. The old rules don't apply to us." But time always proves them wrong.
159: 2012-01-25: @princeboucher LOL! That's what every fallen empire of the past has said: "We are totally different. The old rules don't apply to us."
160: 2012-01-20: RT @mfcompost: Just built an awesome Rube Goldberg machine! It begins with unprotected sex and ends with a 5 year old crying over a lost ...
161: 2012-01-17: You creativity gets blocked when you get hung up on old projects that aren't going anywhere. Set them aside and move on!
162: 2012-01-17: An essential skill of creativity is being able to let go of old projects to make way for new ones.
163: 2012-01-13: Teenagers make no mistakes. To do that you have to be older and wiser.
164: 2012-01-12: Old people like to play games, the same ones over and over. It means they've blocked themselves in and run out of ideas.
165: 2012-01-08: RT @ThatsWright: You can figure out a person's age just by what old TV show they can quote the most from.
166: 2011-12-31: Sometimes you have to remind people of the old technology.
167: 2011-12-28: Inspired by my 2-day-old success in quitting caffeine, I have upped the ante on abstinence,quitting all Junk Food.
168: 2011-12-14: The needless risk-taking of youth is usually replaced by pathological risk aversion in old age.
169: 2011-12-12: Death is inevitable, but old is a choice.
170: 2011-12-05: Dear old people: There are many aspects of aging you have little control over, but you can clip your nose and ear hair, dammit!
171: 2011-12-05: What makes someone "old" is not aging of the body but an accumulation of investments that makes them unwilling to change.
172: 2011-12-04: Doing our part to Save the Environment, BDL now recycles year-old tweets between 12 and 6am ET. What are YOU doing?
173: 2011-11-30: Supposedly I'm on TV — Right now! History Channel. Old UFO Hunters episode.
174: 2011-11-29: RT @ExpertPrimate: The only thing that scares me about getting old is old people. Have you ever tried listening to one? So full of shit.
175: 2011-11-19: Same old story: The drunk zoo visitor climbed into the lion habitat and was eaten. Happens all the time. Move along please!
176: 2011-11-15: My iPhone has way more computing power than this clunky old thing. (Photo - Stennis Space Flight Center)
177: 2011-11-04: If my modern self could talk to my 20-year-old self, it could point out his defects in judgment and reasoning, but 20 wouldn't listen.
178: 2011-10-29: Catastrophe is a precious resource, the one thing strong enough to kick you out of your old habits into a higher plane.
179: 2011-10-28: You cannot grow unless you are willing to give up old habits and investments. Anything new requires the displacement of something old.
180: 2011-10-26: "The Problems of Attachment" - one of my old Family Court essays on the philosophy of divorce.
181: 2011-10-25: Israel is a land where refugees from Ancient Brooklyn have settled and reproduced a idealized version of their old country.
182: 2011-10-23: Music is the ultimate comfort food. No one really wants anything new. They want the old and comfortable.
183: 2011-10-23: Live audiences don't care about new songs. They want to hear the old ones played over and over. For a new song, they go "Huh?"
184: 2011-10-23: Elton John is the epitome of old school has-been. Hasn't written a good song in years. Lavish lifestyle, touring often enough to support it.
185: 2011-10-23: The life of your standard Rock legend is lazy luxury punctuated by occasional tours to re-milk their old songs.
186: 2011-10-23: The main art of music is creating new songs, not re-performing old ones.
187: 2011-10-23: Of all the big names in Rock, how many have produced great new music all their lives? (vs playing the old stuff whenever they need $$)
188: 2011-10-20: The most massive hostel I have ever stayed at, a grand old hotel. (@ HI New York Hostel)
189: 2011-10-17: RT @GuardianTravel: Behind Las Vegas glitz and glamour lies a dark city marred by poverty <== My old town.
190: 2011-10-17: When old people talk about how the world has gone to hell, it's a reflection not of a changing world but the delusions of youth and old age.
191: 2011-10-16: Every anarchist believes he can build a better world merely by destroying the old one.
192: 2011-10-15: Affirming the age-old connection between music and weaponry.
193: 2011-10-14: RT @oliverburkeman: One-year-old confused by old-fashioned magazine that doesn't respond the way an iPad does
194: 2011-10-13: "I can't change because no one will help me" is the oldest excuse in the book.
195: 2011-10-13: 360° Panoramas from Boston: Government Center North End Old North Church
196: 2011-10-09: Every morning, in cafes and parks around the world, millions of old people gather to play games and talk about empty things. What a waste!
197: 2011-10-09: Young people say, "I've got plenty of time. I'll change later." Old people say, "It's too late for me. I can't change now." So when?"
198: 2011-10-07: My old beat at Family Court in Las Vegas. RT @latimes: A chilling account of child prostitution in Las Vegas
199: 2011-09-18: "Old" is a state of entrapment, not necessarily a physical age. When people dress old, act old and believe old things, this they become.
200: 2011-09-18: Returning to the old "Ghost Church" in Nebraska that I visited a couple of years ago.
201: 2011-09-17: In Olde Danish Iowa.
202: 2011-09-05: It is usually true that the older a person gets the more entrenched their personality, but acceptance of this is a personality trait itself.
203: 2011-09-04: Young people: Join AARP for $16 at and get the OLD PEOPLE DISCOUNTS! Don't renew but keep the discount card for life!
204: 2011-09-01: Don't try to tear down the old world. Build a new one.
205: 2011-08-22: Spent about 5 hours here. Just old stuff mainly. (@ Verona)
206: 2011-08-13: For every fresh young talent coming on the scene a washed up older one is falling off it.
207: 2011-08-10: RT @the_anastasia: Don't you hate it when you run into an old friend and they're not happy to see you and ask you why you're hiding in t ...
208: 2011-08-01: #### End of live-tweeted essay: "Old Age"
209: 2011-08-01: "Old" is the state of being so trapped in your past emotional investments that you can no longer significantly change.
210: 2011-08-01: The reckless risk-taking of youth is usually replaced by pathological risk aversion in old age.
211: 2011-08-01: Death is inevitable, but old is a choice.
212: 2011-08-01: Our 2009 philosophy essay: "The Secret of Eternal Youth" - Old age is a philosophical problem, not a physical one.
213: 2011-08-01: Why must people "slow down" in old age? Given the dwindling time, shouldn't you "speed up" to accomplish all you can?
214: 2011-08-01: The young say, "I have plenty of time. I'll change later." The old say, "It's too late for me. I can't change now." So when?
215: 2011-08-01: Most of the inertia of old age has little to with age itself but with an accumulation of investments that make change seem impossible.
216: 2011-07-16: Nothing seems quite so ironic as former Hollywood sex symbols dying of old age.
217: 2011-07-14: Don't complain about getting old. That disclosure has always been part of the rental agreement.
218: 2011-07-11: Every time you go back to your old home town it gets smaller.
219: 2011-07-09: Young people are usually chronological chauvinists in the forward direction, old people in the reverse. ("The old days were better.")
220: 2011-06-28: The REAL Parthenon, not that crumbly old Athens thing. Nashville.
221: 2011-06-27: RT @CrankyPappy: Low testosterone levels in older men leads to Alzheimer's disease.
222: 2011-06-22: This is where I'm headed today. Old Cairo. Looks like a maze!
223: 2011-06-21: My camel driver, 13 years old.
224: 2011-05-14: RT @Sports_Greats: We do not quit playing because we grow old, we grow old because we quit playing.-Oliver Wendell Holmes
225: 2011-05-07: RT @DalaiLama: Compassion and love constitute non-violence in action. <== Dude has run out of new platitudes so is retweeting old ones.
226: 2011-05-07: "Liberal vs. Conservative" is as old as politics itself. Give either too much power and they'll destroy society.
227: 2011-05-06: RT @PoulsNocturne: I know a lot of old people who the failures didn't season them at all. And a lot of young people who are much better.
228: 2011-05-06: RT @Toledowni A good old friend use to say, "I don't wait for opportunities to show up. I prepare. Then, I track them down."
229: 2011-05-06: RT @Toledowni: @BadDalaiLama A good old friend use to say. I don't wait for opportunities to show up. I prepare. Then, I track them down ...
230: 2011-04-30: Old Woman Bay, Lake Superior.
231: 2011-04-19: I can think of nothing more depressing than growing old with someone. Have you seen what those people have to put up with?
232: 2011-04-18: The measure of "old" is the extent to which you are dwelling on the past instead of the future.
233: 2011-04-17: Early results of yesterday's video shoot in Old Jerusalem. (2-minute draft portion of a promo video)
234: 2011-04-16: Video Postcard: Old Jerusalem "Subway" - Many cities have subways, but this one is FREE and carries only 3 boys.
235: 2011-04-15: Local politics. Just outside the walls of Old Jerusalem: "Free Palestine"
236: 2011-04-15: Just chillin' in Old Jerusalem. (@ Jaffa Gate Hostel)
237: 2011-04-12: RT @NewMindMirror: The Older You Get, the Harder it Is to Multitask - @psychcentral #aging #brain #seniors
238: 2011-04-12: As we push the boundaries of geriatric medical care, at huge cost, how much will the young be willing to labor to support the old?
239: 2011-04-12: Has anyone done any productivity studies to see if keeping old people alive is cost-effective for society? When does it become a net drain?
240: 2011-04-10: A 40-year-old doesn't usually change like a 20-year-old, not for any biological reason, but because he is blocked in by his own investments.
241: 2011-04-03: Fact: In Maine, they freeze the old folks in the winter then thaw 'em out in the spring. Saves a lot of bitching that way.
242: 2011-03-31: The pleasant narcissists are the little old ladies who talk incessantly about their grandchildren, regardless of whether it is relevant.
243: 2011-03-29: The wisdom of the old is matched by their inertia—their addiction to repetition—so they may never have a chance to exercise that wisdom.
244: 2011-03-29: RT @trevlutz: @BadDalaiLama Thats nothing. My grandma remembers the old days of segregated outhouses.
245: 2011-03-29: I remember the old days when you went to a public restroom and they had faucets you turned and toilets you flushed—and they WORKED!
246: 2011-03-28: Technology keeps itself in business through continuous obsolescence of old technology.
247: 2011-03-28: Technology can help start civil wars, can contribute to the decline of the "old order", but new tyrannies rise up to replace it.
248: 2011-03-28: Technology may solve old problems, but it inevitably creates new ones in their place.
249: 2011-03-28: The internet revolution is supported mainly by the trashy, exploitative ads in the margins of websites. Brave New World or same old one?
250: 2011-03-27: 9 out of 10 friends prefer the old you, before you got ambitious and left them behind.
251: 2011-03-26: One preemie baby, kept alive in an incubator, can absorb resources that might have served hundreds of older children.
252: 2011-03-18: Every young rebel is an anarchist, determined to blow up the old order but not quite sure how to build a new one.
253: 2011-03-17: RT @Cinnapuff: @BadDalaiLama You live such an interesting life! Oh, and btw... your old website was the 1st site I ever saw in the inter ...
254: 2011-03-14: "Hello Darkness, my old friend. I've come to talk to you again." #existentialsonglyrics
255: 2011-03-09: The main thing keeping you from a new and better life is your own refusal to give up investments in your old life.
256: 2011-03-06: Old-people hedonism is doing the same things over and over, day after day, without accomplishing anything.
257: 2011-03-06: Dear old people: You're dying! Now is not the time to be saving juice containers and obsessively defending your property. IT DOESN'T MATTER!
258: 2011-03-05: When porn is freely available, it's easier to see it for what it is: silly repetition of the same old acts, devoid of passion or meaning.
259: 2011-03-02: Same old story: Women are intimidated by smart guys. If you want a girl, you got to play dumb, drink beer and pretend to like sports.
260: 2011-02-26: You can't have new ideas until you get rid of old ideas.
261: 2011-02-21: As soon as you say, "I'm too old to change now," it becomes true.
262: 2011-02-21: RT @Erekosse: @BadDalaiLama Beautiful, love that old stores in Naples
263: 2011-02-14: Follow our old account @KilroyCafe for occasional retweets of the Bad Dalai Lama's ancient wisdom (since he can't retweet his own).
264: 2011-02-01: World's Oldest Person is a contest with high turnover and no winners. ==> World's oldest woman dies at 115 in Texas
265: 2011-01-31: There are ways things are done. We've done them that way for years. There is no reason we should we change now. — (Argggh! Old people!)
266: 2011-01-28: New video of our old haunts. 15 years later, nothing has changed. RT @1080visual Student Podcast about Area 51
267: 2011-01-16: The book is a passing fad (albeit a 500-year-old one). Who today has 10-30 hours to devote to one work? It's an expensive hobby!
268: 2011-01-14: In the World of Tomorrow, every form of "new media" will quickly turn into "old media", fighting for survival.
269: 2011-01-14: One of the world's oldest lifeforms... dead!
270: 2011-01-11: The New Coke: Blind taste tests said people preferred it to old Coke. So why did it flop? Apparently, taste was the wrong metric.
271: 2011-01-06: Predictions for 2011: Many famous people will die—in fact 1-2% of the famous people out there! Mostly older ones. Many fans will be sad.
272: 2011-01-06: Sodom & Gomorrah, Jericho, the Great Flood, the Plagues of Egypt... Those were the good old days when God was vengeful and kept score.
273: 2011-01-06: HD Delusion #6: Mortgages can be "underwater" but so can TVs. As prices drop, you could owe more on your old set than the cost of a new one.
274: 2011-01-04: Old people. In their final months of life, obsessed with the most trivial things. Saving money. Repeating daily procedures. What a waste!
275: 2011-01-02: Old age, for most, is mindless, comfortable repetition.
276: 2011-01-02: Old may seem wise until you realize that most of those old people are stuck in their ways and don't do a damn thing!
277: 2010-12-30: For every successful viral marketing campaign (Old Spice Man), there are probably 1,000 failures you never heard of. Reproducible or fluke?
278: 2010-12-25: JERUSALEM — Bible, Talmud or Koran? This pilgrim to the Old City brought his own sacred text. Photo: (Christmas Morning)
279: 2010-12-25: Video: Panoramic view of Old Jerusalem from the top of the Damascus Gate on Christmas morning. (Video #22)
280: 2010-12-24: Today's best photos from Old Jerusalem!
281: 2010-12-23: Video #18: Jerusalem, Israel: Crossing the Old City. - Intro tour from Damascus Gate to the Western Wall. Today!
282: 2010-12-23: Awesome shot from the Muslim Quarter of Old Jerusalem! Now adding more to FB album:
283: 2010-12-17: The Wisdom Archive has been updated: — Please help rescue old tweets from oblivion by retweeting them!
284: 2010-12-13: The needless risk-taking of youth is usually replaced by pathological risk aversion in old age.
285: 2010-12-12: Death is inevitable, but old is a choice.
286: 2010-12-08: Photos: HHBDL in Barcelona, Spain: Rambla Modern Old Night
287: 2010-12-06: The Liberal/Conservative debate is as old as politics itself, with rational arguments on both sides. Emotional convenience makes the choice.
288: 2010-12-06: His Holiness is loathe to retweet his old wisdom, but this is relevant:
289: 2010-12-05: What makes a person "old" is not the deterioration of the body but an accumulation of investments that makes them unwilling to change.
290: 2010-11-11: The @BadDalaiLama's tweet archive has been updated: - Give old tweets new life by retweeting them!
291: 2010-11-04: As the brain deteriorates, humans revert to their natural animal behavior of saving old containers and bits of string for future use.
292: 2010-10-25: Before you can experience new things, you have to let go of the old things.
293: 2010-10-24: Wine: the world's oldest consumer fraud! Fermented fruit juice sold to gullible social climbers based on invented distinctions of taste.
294: 2010-10-23: The child finds joy in discovering new things. The adult sees mainly threat in them because he is so heavily invested in the old things.
295: 2010-10-17: Idealistic young people will always overestimate their abilities and act accordingly, setting themselves up to become cynical old people.
296: 2010-10-07: The ancient ways, the old traditions, the sacred beliefs of the elders... mindless habits for those without judgment of their own.
297: 2010-10-05: "Old" is a state of having given up on change.
298: 2010-09-30: If porn is just the same acts repeated over and over, why do we need new porn? Can't we just recycle the old porn and save the environment?
299: 2010-09-23: The young man says, "I've got plenty of time. I'll change later." The old man says, "It's too late for me. I can't change now." So when?
300: KilroyCafe: 2010-10-11: To keep your life in balance you must shed old responsibilities at the same rate you are taking on new ones.
301: KilroyCafe: 2010-10-07: RT @BadDalaiLama: The ancient ways, the old traditions, the sacred beliefs of the elders... mindless habits for those without judgment o ...
302: KilroyCafe: 2010-09-10: The young man says, "I've got plenty of time. I'll change later." The old man says, "It's too late for me. I can't change now." So when?
303: KilroyCafe: 2010-09-10: The trouble with most people my age is they've gotten really, really old. They've gone from "Anything is possible" to "Nothing is possible."
304: KilroyCafe: 2010-09-03: The young man says, "I've got plenty of time. I'll change later." The old man says, "It's too late for me. I can't change now."
305: KilroyCafe: 2010-08-26: Outside Graceland, Memphis TN: Most Elvis fans are — How shall I say this? — elderly. Frickin' old! BTW: I ain't paying $30 for this tour!
306: KilroyCafe: 2010-08-25: The old American Dream of home ownership will be replaced by a new, more American dream: freedom of movement tethered only to the internet.
307: KilroyCafe: 2010-08-25: Time to revive an old term: "frigid" — people who are incapable of giving to others, who suck the joy out of any room they enter.
308: KilroyCafe: 2010-08-25: You can't tell people their own personality flaws. They'll either become defensive and angry or claim they're too old or weak to change.
309: KilroyCafe: 2010-08-25: After WWII, there were still some old Nazis who believed in the cause. The only thing to do with these people is let time kill them off.
310: KilroyCafe: 2010-08-16: "Life's Tragedy is that we get old to soon and wise too late." - Benjamin Franklin via @tweetsayings
311: KilroyCafe: 2010-08-12: The ritualized activities of old age aren't a function of the body but of accumulated emotional investments restricting any alternatives.
312: KilroyCafe: 2010-08-11: The Wicked Old Witch of the West and those flying monkeys were the scariest shit ever shown in the movies. No slasher film can compare.
313: KilroyCafe: 2010-08-11: The reckless risk taking of youth becomes pathological risk aversion in old age. Given what they have to lose, shouldn't it be the opposite?
314: KilroyCafe: 2010-07-17: The hardest thing about moving ahead with your life isn't finding a new path but leaving the old one.
315: KilroyCafe: 2010-07-04: There's nothing so schadenfreude as watching the rich and famous get old and decrepit. See, they're not so different!
316: KilroyCafe: 2010-06-29: "The young man knows the rules, but the old man knows the exceptions." — Oliver Wendell Holmes via @tweetsayings
317: KilroyCafe: 2010-05-23: Nothing restores one's ego to balance like good old-fashioned failure.
318: KilroyCafe: 2010-05-14: Europe is full of old shit, which Americans think is special. Really, though, it's just ordinary shit that got old.
319: KilroyCafe: 2010-05-05: Trying to explain to my 80-year-old mother how we handled recycling when I was a kid: We just threw the damn thing out!
320: KilroyCafe: 2010-04-09: "Old" is the state of having already given up on life. For some, it happens at an early age; others never get there.
321: KilroyCafe: 2010-04-01: Age doesn't make you old. What makes you old is getting trapped in your own investments.
322: KilroyCafe: 2010-03-05: My old arch-nemesis at Area 51, "America's Prophet" Sean David Morton, has been charged with securities fraud.
323: KilroyCafe: 2010-03-02: wine—n. the world's oldest consumer fraud. Fermented fruit juice sold to gullible social climbers based on invented distinctions of taste.
324: KilroyCafe: 2010-02-22: Young people say "I can change later; I got plenty of time." Old people say, "I can't change; it's too late for me." So when do we change?
325: KilroyCafe: 2010-02-17: The essence of old age is saving old knick-knacks because no matter how close to death you may be you never know when you might need them.
326: KilroyCafe: 2010-02-15: If porn is just the same acts repeated over and over, why do we need new porn? Can't we just recycle the old porn and save the environment?
327: KilroyCafe: 2010-02-12: For every fresh young talent coming on the scene, there must be an old, washed up talent falling off it.
328: KilroyCafe: 2010-02-07: If you're gonna sell shit, it has to be new shit, not old shit. No one wants old shit, unless it's really, really old historic shit.
329: KilroyCafe: 2010-01-09: You're officially old when some marketing campaign refers to your age group as "young at heart".
330: KilroyCafe: 2009-12-16: The ancient ways, the old traditions, the sacred beliefs of the elders -- you have to believe in them if you are already invested in them.
331: KilroyCafe: 2009-12-13: The young person's excuse: "I've got plenty of time. I'll do it later." The old person's excuse: "It's too late for me. I can't change now."
332: KilroyCafe: 2009-11-30: This looks like a useful scanning service for old slides and prints: (I haven't tried it yet.)
333: KilroyCafe: 2009-11-04: Somebody should be preserving old cathode ray TVs. They were part of our crappy TV heritage for 50+ years, and the new crap isn't the same.
334: KilroyCafe: 2009-10-03: "Old people" are just killing time 'til time gets around to killing them. Not a dignified ending.
335: KilroyCafe: 2009-09-26: Wine is one of the world's oldest frauds. Each generation convinces the next that it's important, but no one asks "Why?"
336: KilroyCafe: 2009-08-29: An old "TV Nation" segment was about selling Avon products in the Amazon, to people who could barely afford to eat. That's luxury marketing!
337: KilroyCafe: 2009-08-21: I never would have imagined in my youth that Playboy (viewed in utmost secrecy) would someday be seen as quaint and old-fashioned.
338: KilroyCafe: 2009-08-09: It's another old grudge, but were Hiroshima and Nagasaki really necessary? Talk about a Holocaust!
339: KilroyCafe: 2009-08-04: "Old" is the state of being so trapped in your past emotional investments that you can no longer significantly change.
340: KilroyCafe: 2009-08-04: I know this is an old grudge, but wasn't it Ralph Nader who gave us George Bush?
341: KilroyCafe: 2009-07-28: The problem with long commitments is the world may change in ways you weren't expecting, then you're trapped in the old path.
342: KilroyCafe: 2009-07-23: Attention old people: Please clip your protruding nose and ear hair. It will make you seem connected to the real world.
343: KilroyCafe: 2009-06-25: Nutritionally, there is no difference between a freshly opened soda and a "flat" one a few hours old, so why must a flat one be thrown away?
344: KilroyCafe: 2009-06-18: Here are my photos taken today at the ACROPOLIS in Athens, Greece. - Old stuff, mainly.
345: KilroyCafe: 2009-06-15: The needless risk-taking of youth is usually replaced by pathological risk aversion in the old.
346: KilroyCafe: 2009-06-15: "Old" is an accumulation of restrictions about certain ways things must be done. It has little to do with age.
347: KilroyCafe: 2009-06-11: My old essay on the tragedy of "Male Sports Addiction" (Kilroy Cafe #10, June 08)
348: KilroyCafe: 2009-06-10: See my old essay: "Paranoia: Our Enemy Within" (Kilroy Cafe #26, Jan 09)
349: KilroyCafe: 2009-06-09: Old age is not a physical problem but existential one. People get so trapped by their past investments that they can't change.
350: KilroyCafe: 2009-06-09: Death is inevitable, but "old" is a choice.
351: KilroyCafe: 2009-06-06: See my old essay: "Quality vs. Crap: The Enduring Struggle of Life" (Kilroy Cafe #35)
352: KilroyCafe: 2009-05-24: Sometimes I wish the 49-year-old Glenn could go back to advise the 20-year-old one, but that would be cheating.
353: KilroyCafe: 2009-05-24: The 49-year-old Glenn can't go back to advise the 20-year-old one, but the 20-year-old can still inspire the 49-year-old.
354: KilroyCafe: 2009-05-21: "It's not a bug; it's a feature." (old programmer saying) i.e. an apparent defect can turn out to be an advantage.
355: KilroyCafe: 2009-05-20: Why do singer-songwriters perform at all? They need the money! Committed artists would be creating new material, not rehashing the old.
356: KilroyCafe: 2009-05-16: Modern audio-visual entertainment overloads the emotional system, making people numb and passive. My old essay:
357: KilroyCafe: 2009-05-11: Preceding every collapse is euphoria, the feeling that we are special and can do anything and that the old rules no longer apply.
358: KilroyCafe: 2009-05-06: What makes a person "old" and inflexible is not so much the passage of time but the weight of prior investments accumulated around him.
359: KilroyCafe: 2009-05-04: My latest philosophy essay: "The Secret of Eternal Youth" - Old age is a philosophical problem, not a physical one.
360: KilroyCafe: 2009-05-02: If porn is just the same acts repeated over and over, why do we need new porn? Can't we just recycle the old porn and save the environment?
360 tweets found.

(Search module created 7/18/2013)