Glenn Campbell's tweet archive, searching for "invest"

For at the start of a word
Dates: after but on or before format: 2013-11-07
Chronological order (oldest first) if checked:

Also try official twitter search for "invest" in @BadDalaiLama - @KilroyCafe - @BadLamaArt. (Word must be exact. Includes reader replies but not BDL retweets.)

Searching the archives for both @BadDalaiLama and @KilroyCafe for Glenn Campbell's tweets. Click on date to view original tweet on Twitter. Search is based on the downloaded archive, which is updated about every two weeks, so this search may not include the most recent tweets. Multi-line tweets may not be complete in this listing. See our Twitter Overview for more info. Help give these tweets new life by retweeting the ones you like.

1: 2018-10-27: The investors of the world now have a weekend to think things over. On Monday morning, will they shop for bargains, or will they read all the warning signs and bail out?
2: 2017-12-07: Oxymoron Alert: Prune juice is impossible! A prune, by definition, is a dried plum. There’s no juice left. We don’t have “raisin juice“; it’s grape juice, so prune juice should be “plum juice“. #investigativereporting #prunepolice
3: 2017-07-14: In love, employment and politics, people do not choose the best qualified candidate but the one who least threatens existing investments.
4: 2017-03-21: Personality is a story of investment. The more you invest in something, the more you believe in it, regardless of whether it's good for you.
5: 2017-01-22: Now that Trump is in power, my big stock of Forever stamps looks like a bad investment.
6: 2016-10-26: Anyone who is already made a substantial investment wants you to make the same investment to help validate their own decision.
7: 2016-09-19: What people seek in love is not compatibility or virtue but endorsement of the investments they have already made.
8: 2016-06-05: ownership bias — n. the tendency to rate positively the thing you have already invested in. (Remember this when reading online reviews.)
9: 2015-07-04: An investment in an adult is not worth as much as an investment in a child, and that's not worth as much as an investment in birth control.
10: 2015-01-13: News Flash! Anderson Cooper is reporting LIVE from the scene of the latest disaster. "The investigation is continuing," he says.
11: 2014-05-06: Disease of Success: people fighting for the life they want, getting it, not being happy but not changing because of all they have invested.
12: 2014-04-26: You want a safe investment with a proven track record and solid performance year after year. Choose Bernard L Madoff Investment Securities.
13: 2014-03-17: Everyone is walking on eggshells through their own life, trying to not to offend the ego or devalue past investments.
14: 2014-03-08: "We might not pay our debts. We might seize your assets." — The best way to discourage investment in your country. #russia #notwinning
15: 2014-03-08: Defeat your own demons, or invest in a fantasy where the demons are defeated for you? Fantasy usually wins.
16: 2014-01-21: People who have made investments are always trying to manipulate you into making the same investments.
17: 2014-01-12: Novel idea: Unusual detective with amusing personality quirks investigating a murder among a cast of colorful characters.
18: 2013-11-29: Families are by nature conservative. They are predisposed to defend the emotional investments the parents and ancestors have already made.
19: 2013-11-16: If you invest a lot in it, you want there to be more to it, so you pretend it's there even if it isn't.
20: 2013-10-28: The most valuable advice cannot be spoken because it threatens ego and investments. Your audience will only get angry and pull away.
21: 2013-10-25: My location: halfway between Bernard L. Madoff Investments and Angelica Escorts. Time to get off.
22: 2013-09-12: Stock market investing is based on the assumption that you're smarter or luckier than other investors — aka "gambling".
23: 2013-09-11: People should be growing and getting more productive their entire lives, but most don't, because they get trapped in their past investments.
24: 2013-09-11: A law of nature: Whenever a good thing happens, parasites come along to suck off it, so the good thing has to invest in defenses.
25: 2013-08-10: Ego is your emotional investment in your current path that prevents you from accepting any contrary information.
26: 2013-08-08: @MinnieGupta "Tax break" Is how people justify a lot of bad investments.
27: 2013-07-31: Vines are parasites of the forest. They can climb trees to catch the sun. They don't have to invest in wood.
28: 2013-07-21: Those who have already made an emotional investment will always be able to find evidence to justify it.
29: 2013-07-17: You become trapped in The Matrix as soon as you make investments within it.
30: 2013-06-29: "People who receive frequent news updates on their investments earn lower returns than those who get no news."
31: 2013-05-28: People who have already invested in a certain lifestyle want you to join them, because it helps relieve doubts about their own choice.
32: 2013-05-08: RT @latimes: College is a bad financial investment for a fair number of people, a new study says
33: 2013-05-07: People are prisoners of their own investments.
34: 2013-05-07: When belief is reinforced by investment, it is immune to all logic and argument.
35: 2013-05-02: With infinite mysteries and limitless lines of inquiry, science is the human politics of what gets investigated first.
36: 2013-04-20: @BadDalaiLama Also known as "investors".
37: 2013-04-04: Once someone is emotionally invested in a choice, no logic will change them. Only catastrophe will change them.
38: 2013-03-30: On My Bucket List: Squander my massive lottery prize on foolish luxuries and bad investments.
39: 2013-03-07: For a pleasant conversation, free of stress, figure our what your listener has already invested in and completely avoid that topic.
40: 2013-02-19: Being invested in a work of art, you gain motivation but lose perspective.
41: 2013-02-12: She was heavily invested in the trivial and couldn't be budged into meaning.
42: 2013-01-25: Most of what passes for investing is everyone racing to the slot machine where the last jackpot was won.
43: 2013-01-22: Every investor is tempted by the Sunk Cost Fallacy.
44: 2013-01-22: Investment means you are willing to accept second best for yourself to avoid its loss.
45: 2013-01-22: Children adapt quickly not so much because their brains are supple but because they are unburdened by investment.
46: 2013-01-22: Adults are willing to grow, just not in ways that upset their prior investments. So they don't grow.
47: 2013-01-17: Diplomacy is figuring out what someone has already invested in and carefully tiptoeing around it.
48: 2013-01-05: If you expect to keep growing your entire life, you need to avoid investments that hold you down.
49: 2013-01-04: The first step to getting out of the trap you're in is accepting the loss of your investment.
50: 2012-12-28: Human relations is a minefield of ego sensitivities. Whatever you say, it is bound to offend somebody who has invested in the opposite.
51: 2012-12-24: The more you have invested in something, the more you have to believe in it and continue investing. Right or wrong, you'll keep doing it.
52: 2012-12-18: People have problems, but they only want solutions that won't disrupt their existing emotional investments, so the problems persist.
53: 2012-12-09: "Depression vs. Cancer: An Investigation" - my new philosophy essay from North Carolina
54: 2012-11-25: "I wouldn't want to live anywhere else," is a suspicious assertion if you are already heavily invested there.
55: 2012-11-23: RT @KilroyCafe: Curiosity is rare in adults because it threatens the assumptions they have already invested in. They will look but not e ...
56: 2012-11-10: Asking a question does not imply one is prepared for an answer. Usually people just want affirmation for their existing investments.
57: 2012-10-03: My Super Spam Attractor: weight loss fat vitamin supplement nutrition loan buy gold male enhancement investment foreclosure plastic surgery!
58: 2012-08-25: No one wants to hear that the investments they have made are misguided. They won't listen. Only hard consequences can teach that lesson.
59: 2012-08-22: Hot investment tip: Time to dump FB and buy AAPL because everyone else is doing it. What could possibly go wrong?
60: 2012-08-10: Children can change quickly not so much because their brains are supple but because they have few prior investments to get in the way.
61: 2012-07-14: Got this beach all to myself. Protected by a reef. The perfect place to test my $15 investment.
62: 2012-07-10: RT @KilroyCafe: No censorship is so draconian as that imposed by the individual upon himself to defend his current investments.
63: 2012-07-08: The Sunk Cost Fallacy: The bigger the investment one has made in a bad choice, the harder it is to acknowledge the error and retreat.
64: 2012-07-05: What is the point in investigating the universe in outer space or within the atom? Is the gain worth the costs?
65: 2012-06-30: With a price this low, I'm thinking of investing. Better than Facebook stock!
66: 2012-06-10: Everyone claims to want the truth. Few will accept it when it conflicts with their existing investments.
67: 2012-06-08: There are smart people and dumb people. Every person is valuable, but only a few are worth investing your time in.
68: 2012-06-05: Anyone would avoid disaster when there's no cost in stepping aside. When ego becomes invested, the costs go up and the blinders go on.
69: 2012-05-28: Beliefs are formed to protect the emotional investments one has already made. The rationalization is filled in later.
70: 2012-05-21: So here's the plan re $FB: Stock will stabilize @ $20; late-investing idiots will take a bath, and the rest of us can go about our business.
71: 2012-05-21: Today is the day Facebook starts trading for real, not propped up by its investment banks.
72: 2012-05-20: (May even Facebook ISTS — Investors Shitting Them Selves)
73: 2012-05-20: Facebook IPO soon to be followed by Facebook VUI. (Very Unhappy Investors)
74: 2012-05-17: "I invested in Facebook" is the new "I have an account with Bernie Madoff."
75: 2012-05-14: "Abandoned Places" - My new index album of all my past ghost investigations
76: 2012-05-13: Abandoned strip club in Georgia: new photo album shot today (95+ photos) An anthropological investigation.
77: 2012-05-06: People want to accomplish great things, but they aren't willing to give up any of their prior investments, so those things never happen.
78: 2012-04-27: Personal growth slows in adulthood not for any biological reason but because adults become entrapped on their own emotional investments.
79: 2012-04-25: Most people say they want the Red Pill, but when the risk to their investments becomes apparent they quickly go back to the Blue Pill.
80: 2012-04-22: I got ¥1000 burning a hole in my pocket. Should I invest ¥800 in some premium Hokkaido french fries? [pic]:
81: 2012-04-12: People believe what they need to believe to protect the emotional investments they have already made.
82: 2012-04-12: Catch-22: People who have made absurd investments won't accept criticism from you unless you have made the same absurd investments.
83: 2012-04-12: People who have invested their lives in dubious belief systems will always say, "Don't criticize what you don't understand."
84: 2012-04-09: For 65 years, UFO investigators have been on the verge of a great breakthrough. Alas, it always gets delayed.
85: 2012-04-09: A whole generation of UFO investigators has lived and died without getting any closer to "the truth". Martyrs to the cause! Are you next?
86: 2012-04-09: 65 years after the first flying saucer claims, still no visible progress in the investigation. Time to hang it up? #UFOs
87: 2012-04-05: The most effective charities are those providing services to at-risk children. A small investment can have a huge benefit to society.
88: 2012-04-03: RT @xtinewu: @BadDalaiLama i would say that purposeful apophenia to bolster investment decision = data-mining. Omitting anything contrar ...
89: 2012-04-03: If you start making hard investment decisions based on apophenia, you're screwed, but you can still find inspiration in it.
90: 2012-03-29: Most investing consists of people running en masse to the slot machine where the last big payout was given.
91: 2012-03-13: Most of "investing" is just people running to the slot machine where the jackpot last hit.
92: 2012-03-08: The world is full of opportunities. The question is whether your own investments and attitude are going to get in the way of them.
93: 2012-02-27: There is no more effective censor than the individual, blocking any input that would challenge his own investments.
94: 2012-02-20: If you think you have a brilliant idea, don't expect the world to embrace it, because most people are already invested in the old ideas.
95: 2012-02-17: The last thing a religious person wants to investigate is the history of their religion.
96: 2012-02-05: Rule #1 of technology investing: There will always be a new thing to blow away the old thing. #FacebookIPO
97: 2012-02-01: "Value investing" is common sense in any field, from stocks to relationships. Amazing how few people get it. Most are emotional investors.
98: 2012-02-01: The #FacebookIPO will be driven by naive investors who say, "I use Facebook. It's cool! I want in!" Stock price is irrelevant to them.
99: 2012-01-29: The impending #FacebookIPO may be the greatest gold rush since, well, the Gold Rush, with the same unhappy results for most small investors.
100: 2012-01-28: I expect the coming #FacebookIPO to be a big success - because a lot a naive investors with poor math skills are eager to climb on board.
101: 2012-01-25: RT @nainysahani: Only those in love will invest time in fighting and making up one time after another. Its when either of these stop tha ...
102: 2012-01-24: It doesn't take a Sherlock to know where the investigation is heading in the Hollywood body parts case.
103: 2012-01-17: Everyone claims to want the truth about themselves, but they have also made emotional investments that usually demand censorship.
104: 2012-01-14: You gain a consistent brain by investing time in it, by ruminating for extended periods on what has happened to you.
105: 2012-01-13: Every relationship is an investment. There can be no reward without some commitment of capital.
106: 2012-01-13: Emotional blocks are when we become invested in our past mistakes and can't move beyond them.
107: 2012-01-07: When you get divorced, your friends say either "Congrats!" or "So sad to hear that!" It all depends on their own investments.
108: 2011-12-22: While it is within your power to learn anything (Greek, particle physics), the question is whether it's the best investment of your time.
109: 2011-12-12: Discovery is unpredictable but not random. It happens mainly when we invest in exploration.
110: 2011-12-12: The risk of exploration is that it will reveal flaws in our existing investments. That's why most people rarely leave home.
111: 2011-12-07: People choose beliefs that support their existing investments. Evidence is then selected to support those beliefs.
112: 2011-12-06: RT @pixieinthedark: Asking the cat for investment advice leads to a rather skewed portfolio.
113: 2011-12-05: "Execute every act of thy life as though it were thy last." ~ Marcus Aurelius <== If we lived by that, no one would invest in the future.
114: 2011-12-05: What makes someone "old" is not aging of the body but an accumulation of investments that makes them unwilling to change.
115: 2011-12-04: You can't just live for today or you'd invest in nothing, but if the goal is too long, you put off hard decisions and don't act now.
116: 2011-11-29: Some ideas are offensive because they are exploitative, others only because you have already invested in the opposite.
117: 2011-11-26: Selfless service to others is NOT your first priority. First invest in yourself, then you will have the tools to invest in others.
118: 2011-11-22: To evaluate your own work, you must overcome your own ego and resist the emotional pressure to defend your investments.
119: 2011-11-13: Curiosity is when you see something unusual on the side of the road and you turn back to investigate instead of blasting past.
120: 2011-11-05: In any investment decision, monetary or otherwise, what matters is ongoing value, not past cost.
121: 2011-11-04: The Sunk-Cost Fallacy: Just because you have made a huge past investment in something doesn't make it the right thing to continue doing.
122: 2011-10-28: You cannot grow unless you are willing to give up old habits and investments. Anything new requires the displacement of something old.
123: 2011-10-25: People believe what they need to believe to justify the investments they have already made.
124: 2011-10-23: People stop growing when the weight of their own investments catches up with them.
125: 2011-10-23: Childhood ends when you get trapped by your own investments and stop growing.
126: 2011-09-05: Identical twins separated at birth have many traits in common but also investments that greatly distinguish them.
127: 2011-09-05: Personality is the sum of ones investments.
128: 2011-08-22: Whether you continue to learn and grow throughout adulthood depends on the investments you get yourself locked into.
129: 2011-08-03: Don't look to logic to predict people's behavior. Instead figure out what they are emotionally invested in and need to justify.
130: 2011-08-01: "Old" is the state of being so trapped in your past emotional investments that you can no longer significantly change.
131: 2011-08-01: Most of the inertia of old age has little to with age itself but with an accumulation of investments that make change seem impossible.
132: 2011-07-24: Do you love someone because they are best for you or because you have already invested so much that you have no choice?
133: 2011-07-21: There are many obvious observations you make about others that you can't tell them, because you know they're invested and can't change.
134: 2011-07-16: The strength with which a delusion is held is proportional to the investment one has already made in it.
135: 2011-07-15: The main purpose of religion is to justify the investments you have already made.
136: 2011-07-10: You can't expect to move toward new goals without giving up some of your past investments.
137: 2011-07-10: Wile E. Coyote is trapped in the Sunk Cost Fallacy. The more he fails, the more he is compelled to press on, to justify his past investment.
138: 2011-07-10: @xtinewu If you had invested in a flying car you wouldn't have these problems. #Carmageddon
139: 2011-06-30: The Sunk Cost Fallacy is the main thing keeping people from changing. "I've invested so much in this path that I can't turn back now."
140: 2011-06-15: RT @Stonerpreneur: @baddalailama have you thought about investing in a bald cap?
141: 2011-05-25: To grow, you always have to give something up. That's the hardest part: letting go of your past investments.
142: 2011-05-17: "Real estate is the one investment that always appreciates, never depreciates." — One of our friends during the housing boom.
143: 2011-05-03: RT @TheBosha: Starting a new paranormal investigation group called FEAR: Find. Evaluate. Authenticate. Run.
144: 2011-04-28: When you have "plateaued", your personal development isn't going any farther because you have fenced yourself in with your own investments.
145: 2011-04-28: If you want to move ahead in your life, you have to be prepared to give up things you have already invested in.
146: 2011-04-14: Invest in a dolt and years later they will still be a dolt. And you will be watching your words very, very carefully. {ibid}
147: 2011-04-14: People who are heavily invested are easily offended.
148: 2011-04-12: When is the last time you saw a real investigation in print?
149: 2011-04-11: In the Brave New World of the internet, everyone is a recycler of other people's work. There's little incentive to invest in new content.
150: 2011-04-10: A 40-year-old doesn't usually change like a 20-year-old, not for any biological reason, but because he is blocked in by his own investments.
151: 2011-04-09: The greater investment one has made in one's faith, the more one believes.
152: 2011-04-08: "Retroactive investing" is buying into a "hot" product that has already shown huge gains. You're joining a bubble just before it bursts!
153: 2011-04-08: When everyone agrees on the wisdom of an investment, you're a fool to join them.
154: 2011-04-08: #### End. This has been a live essay by the Bad Dalai Lama: "Delusions of Investing" — We now resume our regularly scheduled programming.
155: 2011-04-08: Leave investing to gamblers who have nothing better to do with their lives.
156: 2011-04-08: Every investor, like every gambler, thinks he is smarter than everyone else, that he can outwit the system, until he loses his shirt.
157: 2011-04-08: Investors are the poor saps who fund the lavish lifestyles of corporate executives.
158: 2011-04-08: Investors don't make money. People who serve investors make money. Corporate executives, brokers, etc.
159: 2011-04-08: The main delusion of gambling and investing is that the winners get all the publicity while the losers vanish into obscurity.
160: 2011-04-08: If you had invested all your money in the stock market ten years ago, prudently you thought, you would have made close to nothing.
161: 2011-04-08: A bold thesis: Investing, at least at the retail level, is a loser's game, little better than taking your money to a casino.
162: 2011-04-08: "Investing" is distinguished from "gambling" when you have a better chance of winning than losing.
163: 2011-04-08: In investing, there are winners and losers. The question is whether winners really outnumber losers in the long run.
164: 2011-04-04: Investor wanted. Pagosa Springs, Colorado.
165: 2011-04-03: On the set of my latest movie, "Man Investigates a Plumbing Problem".
166: 2011-04-03: Wisdom is the willingness to experiment and investigate to determine the structure of reality for yourself.
167: 2011-04-02: People believe what they have to believe to justify their past investments. Logic is filled in only later to rationalize the belief.
168: 2011-04-02: Renamed my new 1-minute movie to "Investigating a Plumbing Problem" - Nephews wanted more blood.
169: 2011-04-01: Our new video: "Investigating the House" - A one-minute suspense movie filmed and edited tonight in Orlando.
170: 2011-03-30: "I married the most wonderful man in the world!"—of course! You invested everything in him, so you have to believe he's the best.
171: 2011-03-30: Once people grow up, they start making emotional investments, and then have to defend those investments to avoid painful regret.
172: 2011-03-30: Children are less effected by the sunk cost fallacy because they live for the moment and have invested little in their past decisions.
173: 2011-03-30: The sunk cost fallacy is not just a quirk of human behavior but one of its main forces. We all tend to stick with our investments.
174: 2011-03-30: The sunk cost fallacy: "I've already invested so much that I can't turn back now!"
175: 2011-03-28: There is no more effective censor than the individual, blocking the input that would challenge his own investments.
176: 2011-03-26: For $1000, you can invest in this impressive swing set, which your kids will use approximately five times.
177: 2011-03-25: People believe in whatever they have already invested in. The greater the investment, the greater the belief.
178: 2011-03-20: Beethoven is a product like any other. The question is whether the benefit you are getting from it is worth the investment of your time.
179: 2011-03-20: #### End. This has been a live 1-hour essay by the Bad Dalai Lama: "Love and Investing"
180: 2011-03-20: In love, like investing, underlying value is more important than surface trends.
181: 2011-03-20: The recurring error of investors everywhere is to take the "trend" of today and extrapolate it in a straight line into the future.
182: 2011-03-20: People in love are essentially investors, betting on a future outcome based on the trends of today.
183: 2011-03-20: Naive investors tend to mistake trends for underlying value.
184: 2011-03-20: Bubbles happen when investors start looking around at what others are doing instead of understanding the value of what they're buying.
185: 2011-03-12: Our investigation of a SECRET UNDERGROUND FACILITY next to the Jefferson Memorial in Washington. Blog entry:
186: 2011-03-09: The main thing keeping you from a new and better life is your own refusal to give up investments in your old life.
187: 2011-03-09: Personal longitudinal studies can be quite enlightening—watching friends and family make investments then seeing the results years later.
188: 2011-03-09: Most who seek "self-improvement" will tolerate it only in a very narrow range where it doesn't threaten their emotional investments.
189: 2011-03-07: If a little voice whispers something in your ear, listen to it! Why not? Don't change your life based on it, just listen and investigate.
190: 2011-03-05: It's mostly parents who are hung up about sex, not children. Adults have invested so much in it that they can't see it as routine.
191: 2011-03-04: People want solutions to their problems but without disrupting their existing emotional investments. So... no real solutions!
192: 2011-02-26: In most cases, adulthood is the shutting down of creativity. You become invested in a path and stop seeing any others.
193: 2011-02-24: In investing, money is made mainly through the strategy of making others lose it.
194: 2011-02-24: From Fremont Street early this morning, our linguistic investigation of "Double Entendre"
195: 2011-02-04: The sole reason to maintain a romantic relationship is because it gives you good value for your investment.
196: 2011-02-04: A small investment in a child can have substantial effects on their development. This is rarely true with an adult.
197: 2011-01-29: So far, I have only invested $15 in the Egyptian visa. I can accept the loss if there is real risk involved.
198: 2011-01-18: Value investing—seeing the underlying value of a stock—also applies to the rest of life. Ignore the fundamentals and they'll bite you!
199: 2011-01-15: Growth is permissible only within the confines of the investments you have already made—which means, in most adults, no growth at all.
200: 2011-01-11: The main delusion of growth investing is the same as gambling: You only hear about the winners, not the losers.
201: 2011-01-11: The best gauge of future performance is past performance—except in investing where the market already factors that assumption in.
202: 2011-01-11: bubble surfing—a form of speculative investing in which one buys an objectively overpriced asset on the assumption it will go even higher.
203: 2011-01-11: Investment advice for the new Graduate: plastics!... also: railroads, airlines, bathroom fixtures. Leave Tech to the gamblers.
204: 2011-01-10: Changing your gender is a giant placebo pill. After you have invested so much in the change, you have to believe it made your life better.
205: 2011-01-09: So, yeah. Bet YOU have never been investigated by Homeland Security! It takes a special breed of iPhone user!
206: 2011-01-09: ***BREAKING NEWS!*** We are Investigated by the FBI and Homeland Security for Suspicious iPhone Photography! TRUE STORY!
207: 2010-12-29: A person's beliefs are dictated by their existing investments, with reasons backfilled later to support the chosen beliefs.
208: 2010-12-18: Someone can be "smart" and "talented" but that's only part of the story. The rest is how they are emotionally invested.
209: 2010-12-11: The college student is invested in the parading of knowledge and the expounding of opinions untested by experience.
210: 2010-12-11: The risk of exploration is that it will reveal flaws in our existing investments. That's why most people never leave home.
211: 2010-12-10: Discovery is unpredictable but not random. It happens mainly when we invest in exploration.
212: 2010-12-08: Intellect shuts down when investments get in the way.
213: 2010-12-06: People choose beliefs that support their existing investments. Evidence is then selected to support those beliefs.
214: 2010-12-05: What makes a person "old" is not the deterioration of the body but an accumulation of investments that makes them unwilling to change.
215: 2010-12-04: Doctors, lawyers & engineers are some of the most imprisoned workers—personal growth frozen by their educational investment and high salary.
216: 2010-11-29: Some ideas are offensive because they are exploitative, others only because you have already invested in the opposite.
217: 2010-11-26: Selfless service to others is not your highest calling. First invest in yourself, then you will have the tools to invest in others.
218: 2010-11-19: Investments are future commitments to an object, idea, person or activity. They make us who we are—and are the main block to our growth.
219: 2010-11-16: People tend to value their possessions and investments based on how much they spent on them, not on true market value or usefulness.
220: 2010-11-11: There is no sense in arguing with someone who has already invested his life in the opinion he holds.
221: 2010-11-10: The risk of curiosity is discovering that the investments you have made are not the best. That's why so few adults have it.
222: 2010-11-09: Belief is controlled mainly by investment. Whatever you have already invested in, you must believe in.
223: 2010-11-02: The most secure prison is one without bars or locks, that exists only in the mind of the prisoner because he has invested in it.
224: 2010-10-31: The enemy of growth is investment.
225: 2010-10-23: The child finds joy in discovering new things. The adult sees mainly threat in them because he is so heavily invested in the old things.
226: 2010-10-17: "Enforced belief" is when you have to believe something because your existing investments demand it. That's different from free-will belief.
227: 2010-10-15: The most common and pernicious form of censorship is practiced by the individual against himself to defend his own investments.
228: 2010-09-27: Most adults have little curiosity about the world because it might threaten the value of their own investments.
229: 2010-09-15: People believe what they have to believe to avoid disrupting their existing emotional investments.
230: KilroyCafe: 2010-09-09: If you are heading down a certain road, even an unproductive one, you are likely to stay on it because of all you have invested so far.
231: KilroyCafe: 2010-08-31: People believe what they have to believe to avoid disrupting their existing emotional investments.
232: KilroyCafe: 2010-08-30: Personal growth evolves naturally toward greater wisdom and understanding... until it is blocked by investment.
233: KilroyCafe: 2010-08-18: Children have crazy ideas but grow out of them. Adults are less likely to because they invest in those ideas and can't accept the loss.
234: KilroyCafe: 2010-08-12: Adults are trapped by past investments to which they are emotionally committed. This restricts their vision and their freedom to explore.
235: KilroyCafe: 2010-08-12: The ritualized activities of old age aren't a function of the body but of accumulated emotional investments restricting any alternatives.
236: KilroyCafe: 2010-08-06: When something unusual happens, many will turn their heads. Few will change course to investigate.
237: KilroyCafe: 2010-07-14: Most people live in a blue-pill world, accepting the delusion as presented to them without investigating its flaws.
238: KilroyCafe: 2010-06-28: Among adult humans, curiosity is rare. They may notice an alien presence in their environment, but they won't change course to investigate.
239: KilroyCafe: 2010-06-28: Curiosity is avoided because it carries a cost: It runs the risk of revealing that your own personal investments are in error.
240: KilroyCafe: 2010-06-19: Flashback, 2008: Bad economy? Don't worry about me. I invested it all with Bernie Madoff. Nice, solid returns in good times and bad.
241: KilroyCafe: 2010-06-17: If you invest your identity in being sexy, you'll wake up someday as a pathetic cartoon character.
242: KilroyCafe: 2010-06-06: An "investment" has a high probability of success and a "gamble" a low one. Unfortunately, the latter often masquerades as the former.
243: KilroyCafe: 2010-05-28: With all the noble causes in this world, why would one dedicate ones life to a certain killer breed of dog? Because one is already invested!
244: KilroyCafe: 2010-05-20: The most secure prison is one without bars or locks, that exists only in the mind of the prisoner because he has invested in it.
245: KilroyCafe: 2010-05-06: The most common and pernicious form of censorship is practiced by the individual against himself to protect his own investments.
246: KilroyCafe: 2010-04-28: On my bucket list: Put my entire life savings into an unregulated investment that a psychic assures me "can't lose."
247: KilroyCafe: 2010-04-01: Age doesn't make you old. What makes you old is getting trapped in your own investments.
248: KilroyCafe: 2010-03-25: The pain of life is largely the product of naïve investments that don't turn out as expected.
249: KilroyCafe: 2010-03-09: "Authorities are investigating" — just another convenient way to say, "You can turn away now," even though the story isn't over.
250: KilroyCafe: 2010-03-01: Curiosity is rare in adults because it threatens the assumptions they have already invested in. They will look but not explore.
251: KilroyCafe: 2010-02-12: The best investment is not to be invested at all.
252: KilroyCafe: 2010-02-12: Fewer people would lose their money in the stock market if we used a more accurate name than "investing". How about "bubble riding"?
253: KilroyCafe: 2010-02-12: No censorship is so draconian as that imposed by the individual upon himself to defend his current investments.
254: KilroyCafe: 2010-02-06: What do people believe? They believe whatever they have to believe to avoid self-doubt and protect their investments.
255: KilroyCafe: 2010-01-25: Modern capitalism is not a system that makes investors rich. It makes management rich as they con investors out of their money.
256: KilroyCafe: 2010-01-25: The individual's ability to understand his own predicament is very weak. Ego and investment cloud his vision. Sentimentality replaces logic.
257: KilroyCafe: 2010-01-23: "Blowing up 78x60x14 inch airbed. By mouth. 65520 cu-in? This may take a while." @GeoffreyHale - LOL! I've tried! Worth investing in a pump.
258: KilroyCafe: 2010-01-11: "Shooting the messenger" is the official human sport. If a message conflicts with one's own investments, that's the easiest way.
259: KilroyCafe: 2010-01-10: Capitalism, as a rule, is not a system that makes investors rich. It makes management rich as they con investors out of their money.
260: KilroyCafe: 2010-01-01: One of the worst investments of the past decade was the stock market. LA Times: - I ask: Is this the end of capital?
261: KilroyCafe: 2009-12-30: Ads on TV notwithstanding, you don't "invest" in gold. You "speculate" in it.
262: KilroyCafe: 2009-12-16: The ancient ways, the old traditions, the sacred beliefs of the elders -- you have to believe in them if you are already invested in them.
263: KilroyCafe: 2009-12-10: Mystery cocoons discovered at St. Louis shopping mall. Photo album of my investigation: - I conduct an "alien autopsy".
264: KilroyCafe: 2009-10-03: "Enforced belief" is when you have to believe something because your existing investments demand it. That's different from free-will belief.
265: KilroyCafe: 2009-09-04: Most adults have been absorbed into their investments and are no longer open to change. Change can only be forced upon them.
266: KilroyCafe: 2009-09-04: Curiosity is an inverse function of investment. The more invested you are in a certain way of life, the less curious you can afford to be.
267: KilroyCafe: 2009-08-04: "Old" is the state of being so trapped in your past emotional investments that you can no longer significantly change.
268: KilroyCafe: 2009-08-02: I'm now a card-carrying New Yorker, with a shiny new MetroCard subway card. Got $8 invested in this town! High hopes, low expectations.
269: KilroyCafe: 2009-07-22: Real estate is so 20th Century. It just isn't relevant to the 21st. Those who are invested in real estate are entrenched in the past.
270: KilroyCafe: 2009-07-10: Most of the personal investments people make seem to be based on the assumption that they're going to live forever.
271: KilroyCafe: 2009-07-05: Why does growth essentially stop for most people once they reach adulthood? They get trapped in their own investments.
272: KilroyCafe: 2009-06-26: Someone can be "smart" and "talented" but that's only part of the story. The rest is how they are emotionally invested.
273: KilroyCafe: 2009-06-16: Most people decry the idea of censorship but practice it themselves when their own investments are at risk.
274: KilroyCafe: 2009-06-12: People become so invested in sex that they'll come up with no end of absurd ways to make it seem interesting.
275: KilroyCafe: 2009-06-09: Old age is not a physical problem but existential one. People get so trapped by their past investments that they can't change.
276: KilroyCafe: 2009-05-23: Most adults have little curiosity about the world around them because it might threaten the value of their own investments.
277: KilroyCafe: 2009-05-23: One tool of supression is paranoia. If you can imagine a threat in an outside alternative, it won't threaten your own investments.
278: KilroyCafe: 2009-05-23: If you're married to X but meet up with Y, you will look for flaws in Y to justify your investment in X. If none, you make them up!
279: KilroyCafe: 2009-05-23: A doctor can't accept that medicine isn't the best career for him because he has already invested so much. Any other data is suppressed.
280: KilroyCafe: 2009-05-23: People believe what they need to believe to protect what they have already invested in.
281: KilroyCafe: 2009-05-10: Beliefs are driven by investment. People will believe what they have to believe to defend what they have already invested in.
282: KilroyCafe: 2009-05-06: Whatever you believe, do you believe it because it is right or because you are so heavily invested in it that you have to believe?
283: KilroyCafe: 2009-05-06: What makes a person "old" and inflexible is not so much the passage of time but the weight of prior investments accumulated around him.
284: KilroyCafe: 2009-04-22: Before a tsunami hits, there is often a trough (draw back) where the sea recedes. If you go out to investigate, you're doomed!
284 tweets found.

(Search module created 7/18/2013)