Glenn Campbell's tweet archive, searching for "hawaii"

For at the start of a word
Dates: after but on or before format: 2013-11-07
Chronological order (oldest first) if checked:

Also try official twitter search for "hawaii" in @BadDalaiLama - @KilroyCafe - @BadLamaArt. (Word must be exact. Includes reader replies but not BDL retweets.)

Searching the archives for both @BadDalaiLama and @KilroyCafe for Glenn Campbell's tweets. Click on date to view original tweet on Twitter. Search is based on the downloaded archive, which is updated about every two weeks, so this search may not include the most recent tweets. Multi-line tweets may not be complete in this listing. See our Twitter Overview for more info. Help give these tweets new life by retweeting the ones you like.

1: 2018-09-30: On My Bucket List: Visit the Valley of the Jolly Hohoho Green Giant. (I think it’s in Hawaii somewhere.)
2: 2013-07-10: @BadDalaiLama Well, I thought I had visited the southernmost Walmart in Hawaii until I discovered Walmart Argentina.
3: 2013-02-04: @BadDalaiLama Yes, it is possible to be Hawaii'ed out. Even Paradise can wear thin.
4: 2013-02-04: My 15 photo albums from Hawaii (newly indexed) Your February escape!
5: 2012-08-02: Hawaiian girl I picked up at the Salvation Army.
6: 2012-07-31: Hawaiian girl I met at the Salvation Army.
7: 2012-07-28: Travel Tales of the Unexplained: I rented a Hertz car in Seattle and it has HAWAII plates! How did that happen?
8: 2012-06-09: @dannysainsbury Hawaii!
9: 2012-05-19: Hawaii: Newly uploaded photos from 2007: Maui Oahu Kauai
10: 2012-04-05: @TheLastVirgo You in Hawaii?
11: 2011-10-22: Walmarts I Have Known #6: Kauai, Hawaii. Best selection of Chinese-made Hawaiian souvenirs!
12: 2011-10-22: Walmarts I Have Known #5: Big Island, Hawaii. Southernmost Walmart in the USA.
13: 2011-10-22: Walmarts I Have Known #3: Florida City, Florida. Southernmost Walmart in the continental US (excluding Hawaii).
14: 2011-09-28: Newly edited video from Hawaii (shot in March): How to Beat High Food Prices on Kauai (1:11)
15: 2011-04-02: Chinese Hawaiian dancing girls at the dollar store.
16: 2011-03-31: RT @bornslippy69: “@BadDalaiLama: Fact: Your Hawaiian citizenship is revoked if you fail to renew your Costco membership.” yes you must. ...
17: 2011-03-31: Fact: Your Hawaiian citizenship is revoked if you fail to renew your Costco membership.
18: 2011-03-22: To me, jumping from Istanbul to Rome to Hawaii seems as superficial as changing TV channels, because it doesn't change my core goals.
19: 2011-03-20: RT @Arhanious: bir yandan da bu adamin Hawaii'deki maceralarini izliyorum :) RT @BadDalaiLama The Blue Hole! (crater of Waialeale)
20: 2011-03-20: RT @ziggzagzac: I'm stuck in a cubicle while @BadDalaiLama is taking a hike on Waialeale in Hawaii. #lifeisntfair
21: 2011-03-19: The REAL Hawaiian adventure is to go flume riding through this irrigation tunnel, which passes through a mountain.
22: 2011-03-18: The worst thing about Hawaii is the Hawaiian music piped in EVERYWHERE. Cloying, vapid, saccharine—worse than country!
23: 2011-03-18: In ancient Hawaii, the punishment for every infraction was the same: "kapu"—death.
24: 2011-03-18: The notion of "gentle Hawaiians" is made up for the tourists. It was a violent culture!
25: 2011-03-17: Lihue Walmart: your source for genuine Hawaiian souvenirs—made in China.
26: 2011-03-17: ++++ Begin LIVE TWEETING of my unexpected camping experience on Kauai, Hawaii.
27: 2011-03-16: What can you do with a $4 disposable camera? My 2008 photo experiment on Kauai, Hawaii
28: 2011-02-27: All our best tourist photos from the past four years, spanning half the globe from Jerusalem to Hawaii.
29: 2011-01-01: 2010 Highlights: Big Island of Hawaii. Waipio Kona School More
30: 2010-12-31: 2010 Highlights: Waikiki Beach, Hawaii Oahu Shore Honolulu (March)
31: KilroyCafe: 2010-03-25: New photo album: Waikiki Beach, Hawaii.
32: KilroyCafe: 2010-03-23: Photo album: Oahu, Hawaii (2007)
33: KilroyCafe: 2010-03-22: New photo album: Kauai, Hawaii, with a disposable camera:
34: KilroyCafe: 2010-02-22: New photo album: Abandoned Schoolhouse on the Big Island of Hawaii:
35: KilroyCafe: 2010-01-24: My new photo album: Wawaloli Beach, Big Island of Hawaii: - A volcanic beach on the Kona Coast popular with locals.
36: KilroyCafe: 2010-01-19: My new photo album: Waipio Valley, Big Island of Hawaii: - A trek into the jungle.
37: KilroyCafe: 2010-01-16: Hawaiians are trapped in a hell of Paradise! If you want something else, you can't get in the car and drive. Perfection becomes monotony.
37 tweets found.

(Search module created 7/18/2013)