Glenn Campbell's tweet archive, searching for "fatalis"

For at the start of a word
Dates: after but on or before format: 2013-11-07
Chronological order (oldest first) if checked:

Also try official twitter search for "fatalis" in @BadDalaiLama - @KilroyCafe - @BadLamaArt. (Word must be exact. Includes reader replies but not BDL retweets.)

Searching the archives for both @BadDalaiLama and @KilroyCafe for Glenn Campbell's tweets. Click on date to view original tweet on Twitter. Search is based on the downloaded archive, which is updated about every two weeks, so this search may not include the most recent tweets. Multi-line tweets may not be complete in this listing. See our Twitter Overview for more info. Help give these tweets new life by retweeting the ones you like.

1: 2015-02-12: For the past 30 years, I have been running into old people—hobbled, fatalistic and given up on change—who were born after I was. So sad!
2: 2013-03-21: Fatalism is a self-fulfilling prophesy. If you believe you have no control then you are not going to attempt any, and it will be true.
3: 2012-11-11: "I'm too old to change now," is a fatalistic attitude unrelated to age. You even hear teenagers say it!
4: 2012-09-04: @Andreaof9 Sounds like fatalism to me. Maybe you should be worried about the future to better prepare for it.
5: 2012-08-31: Smoking is a public manifestation of private fatalism.
6: 2012-01-25: .@PritsWire Love can move you to help yourself or move you to drug-like fatalism. Depends on the structure of the relationship.
7: 2012-01-14: Sarcasm is a bitter surrender to fatalism.
8: 2011-12-16: Fatalism is a self-fulfilling prophesy.
9: 2011-11-04: "Trust the Force" is just about the stupidest advice Hollywood has given us. Talk about fatalism!
10: 2011-10-09: Drug addicts and fat people share a common thread of fatalism. They say, "This is what my body wants, and I am powerless to stop it."
11: 2011-10-09: Losing weight is the classic test of initiative vs. fatalism. All you have to do is stop eating. So why is it so hard?
12: 2011-10-09: Life is a personal struggle with fatalism.
13: 2011-10-09: Every hero's journey involves overcoming his own fatalism. To defeat the enemy, he must find control where never thought he had it.
14: 2011-10-09: Fatalism is a self-fulfilling prophesy. If you think you have no control then it will be true.
15: 2011-09-06: Degree of fatalism is reflected in ones ability to resist temptation and depart from previous habits to solve ones own problems.
16: 2011-09-05: The primary axis of personality is degree of fatalism—a person's evaluation of their own ability or inability to change.
17: 2011-08-07: Excuse my bigotry, but if you smoke, I'm labeling you: "low impulse control, highly fatalistic, not inclined to change."
18: 2011-03-24: The emotional benefit of fatalism is that your own failures aren't your fault.
19: 2011-02-25: Smoking implies a certain fatalism—that one has low faith in ones own ability to change.
20: 2011-02-20: The fundamental struggle of life is against your own fatalism and inertia.
21: 2011-01-05: Free will is a choice made in the present, not the future. As soon as you say, "I'll change later," you've surrendered to fatalism.
22: 2010-12-15: Fatalism is a self-fulfilling prophesy.
23: 2010-10-31: Addiction and fatalism go together. You don't see one without the other.
24: 2010-09-20: Fatalism is a self-fulfilling prophesy.
25: KilroyCafe: 2010-08-21: Addiction and fatalism go hand in hand. You don't have one without the other.
26: KilroyCafe: 2010-03-15: The fundamental human conflict is between fatalism and taking control. Problems are solved by moving from "I have no choice" to "I do."
27: KilroyCafe: 2009-06-21: Fatalism is a self-fulfilling prophesy.
27 tweets found.

(Search module created 7/18/2013)