Glenn Campbell's tweet archive, searching for "fallac"

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Dates: after but on or before format: 2013-11-07
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Also try official twitter search for "fallac" in @BadDalaiLama - @KilroyCafe - @BadLamaArt. (Word must be exact. Includes reader replies but not BDL retweets.)

Searching the archives for both @BadDalaiLama and @KilroyCafe for Glenn Campbell's tweets. Click on date to view original tweet on Twitter. Search is based on the downloaded archive, which is updated about every two weeks, so this search may not include the most recent tweets. Multi-line tweets may not be complete in this listing. See our Twitter Overview for more info. Help give these tweets new life by retweeting the ones you like.

1: 2017-07-01: Trump supporters: sunk cost fallacy or Stockholm syndrome? (But certainly incapable of grasping either.)
2: 2016-05-28: My new philosophy video: "Sunk Cost Fallacy: Why People Don't Quit When They Should" (12 min)
3: 2014-05-09: The fallacy fallacy: just because an argument is flawed doesn't mean the assertion is false.
4: 2014-03-04: .@PepGarcia "It depends on the magnitude of your loss" <= That's the Sunk Cost Fallacy. Size of past loss is irrelevant to future prospects.
5: 2013-08-26: RT @nguyenivy: I liked a @YouTube video from @baddalailama "Who Will Take Care of Me?" -- Glenn Campbell on a fallac
6: 2013-08-19: "All UFO sightings are false" is a logical fallacy. How can you have tested every claim?—So how can an atheist say the same about religion?
7: 2013-08-15: The Gambler's Fallacy: When you're winning, you think you're charmed. When you're losing, you think the world owes you. Acting accordingly.
8: 2013-02-20: Obesity and the falling cat fallacy: Maybe being a little overweight does NOT help you live longer via @hysell
9: 2013-01-22: Every investor is tempted by the Sunk Cost Fallacy.
10: 2012-08-22: @angusbatey A clear example of the Sunk-Cost Fallacy.
11: 2012-07-08: The Sunk Cost Fallacy: The bigger the investment one has made in a bad choice, the harder it is to acknowledge the error and retreat.
12: 2012-03-05: Fallacy: You can't keep negative emotions "bottled up" inside or you'll explode. Truth: Expressing them is usually far more destructive!
13: 2012-03-05: Beyond infancy, unconditional love is a fallacy.
14: 2011-12-06: The main fallacy of romance is thinking someone else can give your life meaning when you can't find it yourself.
15: 2011-12-04: "Just close your eyes and jump!" That's the No.1 fallacy of youth. Take initiative, yes, but only jump into what you see and understand.
16: 2011-11-04: The Sunk-Cost Fallacy: Just because you have made a huge past investment in something doesn't make it the right thing to continue doing.
17: 2011-08-06: Ego depletion is a fallacy.
18: 2011-07-10: Wile E. Coyote is trapped in the Sunk Cost Fallacy. The more he fails, the more he is compelled to press on, to justify his past investment.
19: 2011-06-30: The Sunk Cost Fallacy is the main thing keeping people from changing. "I've invested so much in this path that I can't turn back now."
20: 2011-06-30: "No pain, no gain" is self-fulfilling. If you've endured pain for something, you value it higher. Also known as the sunk cost fallacy.
21: 2011-03-30: #### End. This has been a live 1-hour essay by HHBDL: "The Sunk Cost Fallacy" — We now resume our originally scheduled programming.
22: 2011-03-30: The final solution to the sunk cost fallacy is death. Your obligations vanish; your heirs sell your stuff, and everybody moves on.
23: 2011-03-30: The most common escape from the sunk cost fallacy is catastrophe. The business fails or marriage collapses, and control is taken from you.
24: 2011-03-30: Most adults, over time, become crippled by a web of nonnegotiable possessions and obligations engendered by the sunk cost fallacy.
25: 2011-03-30: Children are less effected by the sunk cost fallacy because they live for the moment and have invested little in their past decisions.
26: 2011-03-30: The sunk cost fallacy is not just a quirk of human behavior but one of its main forces. We all tend to stick with our investments.
27: 2011-03-30: Many a business owner has been sucked into the sunk cost fallacy. You make sacrifice after sacrifice because you can't bear to give up.
28: 2011-03-30: The sunk cost fallacy applies to relationships. People value them according to "all that we've been through" rather than how they work.
29: 2011-03-30: The sunk cost fallacy means that people cling to things according to the price they paid for then, not their current market value.
30: 2011-03-30: The sunk cost fallacy: "I've already invested so much that I can't turn back now!"
31: 2010-12-06: The main fallacy of romance is thinking someone else can give your life meaning when you can't find it yourself.
32: 2010-12-04: "Just close your eyes and jump!" That's the No.1 fallacy of youth. Take initiative, yes, but only jump into what you see and understand.
33: 2010-10-27: "Two can live cheaply as one" is a fallacy. When you marry, costs increase due to bureaucratic inefficiency.
34: KilroyCafe: 2010-02-22: Kant's fallacy: "Act like everyone was doing the same as you." Well, everyone won't, and it's an impossibly high standard destined to fail.
35: KilroyCafe: 2009-12-24: A fallacy: "If my parents hadn't made the lifestyle choices they did I wouldn't be here today, so those choices are right for me, too."
36: KilroyCafe: 2009-12-06: Defense mechanisms are the logical fallacies a person adopts to protect their ego and avoid responsibility for their own failings.
37: KilroyCafe: 2009-10-11: Kilroy Cafe #54: "The Fallacy of Commitment" - Young people often mistake imprisonment for commitment.
38: KilroyCafe: 2009-09-10: "Two can live cheaply as one" is a fallacy. When you marry, costs tend to increase due to bureaucratic inefficiency.
39: KilroyCafe: 2009-06-10: See my earlier essay: "The Fallacy of Justice" (Kilroy Cafe #46)
40: KilroyCafe: 2009-05-07: Just released a new Kilroy essay "The Fallacy of Justice" (Kilroy Cafe #46) Justice can't repair the past, only you can.
40 tweets found.

(Search module created 7/18/2013)