Glenn Campbell's tweet archive, searching for "environ"

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Dates: after but on or before format: 2013-11-07
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Also try official twitter search for "environ" in @BadDalaiLama - @KilroyCafe - @BadLamaArt. (Word must be exact. Includes reader replies but not BDL retweets.)

Searching the archives for both @BadDalaiLama and @KilroyCafe for Glenn Campbell's tweets. Click on date to view original tweet on Twitter. Search is based on the downloaded archive, which is updated about every two weeks, so this search may not include the most recent tweets. Multi-line tweets may not be complete in this listing. See our Twitter Overview for more info. Help give these tweets new life by retweeting the ones you like.

1: 2018-12-16: Parenting makes a difference. Children raised in stable and compassionate environments tend to have better outcomes than those raised in chaos. Eighteen years of daily guidance cannot be replaced by an online course. ~ Glenn Campbell,
2: 2017-10-27: Keys to a healthy immune system: dog slobber, foreign toilets, regular contact with nature, exposure to mildly unsanitary environments.
3: 2017-07-06: I'm protecting the environment, defending my microbiome and supporting a strong immune system. I haven't showered in a week.
4: 2017-04-03: If you were raised in a just environment, you think morality is natural. You don't grasp that others might not possess it.
5: 2015-05-24: The root cause of addiction is not the drug, but the environment.
6: 2015-05-06: Why do they keep making new porn? It's not like the storyline has changed. Why can't they recycle the old porn and save the environment?
7: 2015-03-09: Mental illness thrives in any environment where the patient is protected from the consequences of his or her actions.
8: 2015-01-06: Insightful article on addiction: The best way to change behavior is to change ones environment.
9: 2014-12-31: Oh loyal spouse, what have you done? You have created an environment where insanity feels comfortable and has no reason to change.
10: 2014-10-17: The enabler provides a warm, caring environment where their partner can safely go psycho.
11: 2014-08-29: It can be hard to fathom for a noble soul, but being generous and "good" can be destructive and destabilizing in some environments.
12: 2014-08-26: Codependency is giving someone a warm, caring environment where they can safely go psycho.
13: 2014-07-05: The role of the enabler is to provide a warm, caring environment in which crazy can feel comfortable.
14: 2014-05-19: The enabler provides a warm, nurturing environment where someone else can safely go psycho.
15: 2014-03-08: Science keeps itself employed. It helps us build bombs—nuclear bombs, population bombs, environmental bombs—then it helps us defuse them.
16: 2014-01-12: The social world runs on unwritten rules. Just one person who doesn't get them can totally disrupt any environment.
17: 2013-09-04: The greatest luxuries are being able to manage your own time and environment.
18: 2013-08-26: If the pig was farm-raised in a humane environment and fed only organic feed, that means the bacon is healthy for you, right?
19: 2013-07-29: The best form of willpower is arranging your environment so you don't need any.
20: 2013-07-24: There is no need to resist temptation if you arrange your environment so temptation is not presented.
21: 2013-06-16: I don't take chances with my safety, but I am not afraid to test the environment to determine for myself what is safe.
22: 2013-06-02: If you don't trust your body to resist temptation, remove it from the environment where temptation takes place.
23: 2013-05-16: college — an environment of unfocused creativity and boundless optimism supported by student loans and Daddy's money.
24: 2013-05-02: The main feature of rural life is "caring" neighbors sensitive to any change in their environment. For less privacy, move to the country.
25: 2013-02-17: Controlling your own environment is more important than any form of material success.
26: 2013-02-01: Until now, I didn't know plastic straws had an environmental footprint.
27: 2013-01-16: RT @KilroyCafe: I know we've screwed up our environment, but I feel no guilt whatsoever for the extinction of the dinosaurs.
28: 2012-12-19: In every movie scene, a character will test his environment and learn something new. In a whole movie, he will be changed by it.
29: 2012-12-12: @lawnrocket You come from an environment where films are meticulously planned. That's not the only way nor the best if you have no money.
30: 2012-11-02: If you live in a dysfunctional environment, you can expect to become part of the dysfunction, regardless of your intentions.
31: 2012-10-12: Driving your Prius to Whole Foods. So conscientious and environmentally aware. Just don't let the poor people know the money you're blowing.
32: 2012-10-08: RT @KilroyCafe: Among adult humans, curiosity is rare. They may notice an alien presence in their environment, but they won't change cou ...
33: 2012-09-20: Real self-confidence is thoroughly understanding yourself and your environment. You don't have to fake anything.
34: 2012-09-05: "Go Green" = dress up your wasteful operation with some trivial environmental concessions that are cost effective anyway.
35: 2012-08-21: Even the most exotic environment seems routine after you've been exposed to it for a few minutes. The mind quickly resets "normal".
36: 2012-08-09: @LadyFriday Proves you "love the environment" no matter how much it costs.
37: 2012-08-06: RT @KilroyCafe: Your best security is being connected to your environment, not locking yourself off from it
38: 2012-07-30: RT @KilroyCafe: Curiosity is the impulse, when a novelity is detected in ones environment, to actively explore it until it is understood.
39: 2012-07-25: domestoxicity — n. a poisonous home environment.
40: 2012-07-24: Have you ever left an environment and come back years later to find nothing has changed? It shows you made the right choice in leaving.
41: 2012-07-24: The job of consumer marketing is to give the prisoner what he thinks he wants without disrupting the fragile prison environment.
42: 2012-07-05: The opposite of initiative is passivity. That's when you respond to your environment and repeat past behaviors but don't start anything new.
43: 2012-07-05: An argument can be made for environment science, where we are trying to undo the damage caused by previous scientific "advances".
44: 2012-07-02: Curiosity is the impulse to explore any anomaly in ones environment. Children possess it naturally, but in most adults it has burned out.
45: 2012-06-18: RT @KilroyCafe: The value of photography is that it records more of the environment than you notice at the time.
46: 2012-05-28: Curiosity doesn't kill cats; lack of curiosity does. If you don't look below the surface of your environment, it will get you!
47: 2012-05-18: Mitt in his native environment.
48: 2012-05-08: When a corporation says, "Help us save the environment," they really mean, "Help us save money so we can make more profit."
49: 2012-05-06: Twitter is a conservative environment where if you speak AGAINST drugs, alcohol or casual sex you must be some kind of hippie commie freak.
50: 2012-05-03: Photography is the art of seeing patterns and significant details in a random environment.
51: 2012-05-01: Give someone a fresh start in a new environment and he'll usually reconstruct the same dysfunctions he had before.
52: 2012-03-29: Belief can't change the facts of life, but it can radically change the environment in which they operate.
53: 2012-03-08: The easiest way to quit a bad habit is to remove yourself from the environment where it takes place.
54: 2012-02-02: .@pixieinthedark "Why do they keep making more porn?” <== Good question. Can't we just recycle the old porn and save the environment?
55: 2012-01-24: Photography is the art of detecting in the environment things that others have in front of them but can't see.
56: 2012-01-16: Environment hasn't improved since I left. Some interesting ladyflesh has set up camp nearby, but they're remaining clothed. Abomination!
57: 2012-01-15: Good intentions do not guarantee good outcomes, especially in an environment you do not fully understand.
58: 2012-01-15: There are many unintended and unpredictable consequences when you violate the Prime Directive—in an Earth environment you don't understand.
59: 2011-12-10: "Clean" art is straight edges and right angles in a controlled environment. "Dirty" art is an unexpected order wrestled out of chaos.
60: 2011-12-04: Doing our part to Save the Environment, BDL now recycles year-old tweets between 12 and 6am ET. What are YOU doing?
61: 2011-11-28: If you can't resist temptation, then remove yourself from the environment where it takes place.
62: 2011-11-25: Creativity is when you grab something routine from your environment and use it for a new purpose.
63: 2011-10-20: People, like dogs, are happiest when they have a mission and are surrounded by a structured environment that tells then how to pursue it.
64: 2011-09-05: Personality is what remains when you completely change a person's environment and see how they behave.
65: 2011-08-04: #### END tweeted essay: "Environmental Trivia"
66: 2011-08-04: There are no simple environmental solutions. Every effort to "help" the environment has its costs.
67: 2011-08-04: Health and environmental claims for a product are almost always distorted. They don't tell you about the other costs and damage.
68: 2011-08-04: Almost everyone promoting "environmentally conscious solutions" has a product to sell.
69: 2011-08-04: If recycling helps the environment, the real question is whether the benefit gained is worth the personal effort put into it.
70: 2011-07-15: Passive-aggression can persist only in a protected environment, where one party is willing to support the other unconditionally.
71: 2011-06-30: Enjoyed my stay at the Austin hostel. Got 12 hrs sleep and some work done in a nice environment. Beats the Hilton!
72: 2011-06-25: While total openness sounds nice in principle, no function of humanity can operate in that environment.
73: 2011-05-31: RT @washingtonpost: Compared with other disasters, tornadoes have small environmental impact
74: 2011-05-05: How many people really know how to think? Only a tiny portion of the human population. The rest merely react to their environment.
75: 2011-04-14: For their own protection and development, children are kept in an artificial environment and fed fairy tales.
76: 2011-04-07: The life of an exiled spiritual leader: Rarely two nights in the same place. Few possessions. New environment every day. Heaven or Hell?
77: 2011-04-03: A wise man is wise even if you take him out of his environment and stick him in an entirely new one. Meta-skills make the difference.
78: 2011-04-03: Technical skills, like juggling or engineering, are useful only in certain environments. Meta-skills are applicable in ALL environments.
79: 2011-03-12: Most of us deal with the tragedy of the world by creating an artificial environment around ourselves where most tragedy doesn't intrude.
80: 2011-03-04: After a short time with a jerk, you just want to get away. He creates a noxious environment around him.
81: 2011-03-03: A coddled child, raised in a "perfect" environment, has it no easier than anyone else. His bias is an unreasonable expectation of reward.
82: 2011-03-03: We all grew up in Disneyland—an artificial and protected environment essential for our education and growth. The problem is leaving it.
83: 2011-02-07: Any joke can backfire. Sometimes funny comes out as creepy, stupid or offensive. Before you crack, understand your environment.
84: 2011-01-15: Get this straight: RVing is not "camping". It is more like "mobile apartment living". Camping is where you actually touch the environment.
85: 2011-01-09: Academia is the ultimate bluepill society—an artificial environment supported from the outside and isolated from redpill reality.
86: 2011-01-01: If you are having trouble resisting temptation, remove yourself from the environment where it is offered.
87: 2010-12-07: The most vapid form of travel is the cruise. You can't find a more artificial environment outside of a video game.
88: 2010-11-25: Creativity is when you grab something from your environment and use it for a purpose it was never intended for.
89: 2010-09-30: If porn is just the same acts repeated over and over, why do we need new porn? Can't we just recycle the old porn and save the environment?
90: KilroyCafe: 2010-08-18: Consciousness is not infinite. Every thought takes time, and perception registers only a few features of your environment at one time.
91: KilroyCafe: 2010-08-18: The value of photography is that it records more of the environment than you notice at the time.
92: KilroyCafe: 2010-08-15: It is human nature to stockpile resources (food, tools, etc) for future lean times, but in an environment of plenty it becomes pathological.
93: KilroyCafe: 2010-07-17: Your best security is being connected to your environment, not locking yourself off from it
94: KilroyCafe: 2010-06-28: Among adult humans, curiosity is rare. They may notice an alien presence in their environment, but they won't change course to investigate.
95: KilroyCafe: 2010-06-19: I know we've screwed up our environment, but I feel no guilt whatsoever for the extinction of the dinosaurs.
96: KilroyCafe: 2010-06-05: New video: "Who Will Save the Majestic Wal-Mart?" Another environmental tragedy from the Gulf Coast?
97: KilroyCafe: 2010-03-05: mind pollution — n. unnecessary sensory input from the environment (TV, music, talking, etc.) that interferes with your own thoughts.
98: KilroyCafe: 2010-03-01: Curiosity is the impulse, when a novelity is detected in ones environment, to actively explore it until it is understood.
99: KilroyCafe: 2010-02-15: If porn is just the same acts repeated over and over, why do we need new porn? Can't we just recycle the old porn and save the environment?
100: KilroyCafe: 2010-02-15: We all grew up in a protected environment, an artificial one, and the great trauma of life is discovering that the world works differently.
101: KilroyCafe: 2010-02-14: Seagulls are the new pigeons, living off of man in any environment, often far from the sea. Gotta admire their adaptibility.
102: KilroyCafe: 2010-02-05: Once you go vegan, gluton-free, organic, environmentally conscious, exploitation-free... honestly, what are you going to eat?
103: KilroyCafe: 2010-01-27: Living in the cold means no survival without technology. Only in the warm can you afford to directly experience the environment.
104: KilroyCafe: 2009-06-05: Our need for witnesses arises from our human nature. We are followers, even when we lead. We are always hooked in to our social environment.
105: KilroyCafe: 2009-05-31: The most vapid form of travel is the cruise. You can't find a more artificial environment outside of a video game. People pay for this?
106: KilroyCafe: 2009-05-24: In an urban environment, it is truly amazing where your own feet can take you at 3 mph!
107: KilroyCafe: 2009-05-10: We all grew up in a protected environment, an artificial one, and the great trauma of life is discovering that the world works differently.
108: KilroyCafe: 2009-05-02: If porn is just the same acts repeated over and over, why do we need new porn? Can't we just recycle the old porn and save the environment?
108 tweets found.

(Search module created 7/18/2013)