Glenn Campbell's tweet archive, searching for "creati"

For at the start of a word
Dates: after but on or before format: 2013-11-07
Chronological order (oldest first) if checked:

Also try official twitter search for "creati" in @BadDalaiLama - @KilroyCafe - @BadLamaArt. (Word must be exact. Includes reader replies but not BDL retweets.)

Searching the archives for both @BadDalaiLama and @KilroyCafe for Glenn Campbell's tweets. Click on date to view original tweet on Twitter. Search is based on the downloaded archive, which is updated about every two weeks, so this search may not include the most recent tweets. Multi-line tweets may not be complete in this listing. See our Twitter Overview for more info. Help give these tweets new life by retweeting the ones you like.

1: 2017-04-15: Visiting a nice home is like touring a museum. I marvel at the owner's creativity, but I'm also thinking, "Who can live in a museum?"
2: 2017-03-17: @MinnieGupta thereby creating new fucked up mistakes because, you know, drama.
3: 2017-03-06: Evade your problem by blaming someone else and creating a diversion. It may work for a while but it won't solve the underlying problem.
4: 2017-03-04: Creativity and skill are the easy part of art. The hard part is direction and purpose.
5: 2016-09-07: RT @AdviceToWriters: You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.
6: 2016-02-13: Clip from my new video, "Glenn Campbell on Creativity: Top-Down vs. Bottom-Up"
7: 2016-02-13: "Glenn Campbell on Creativity: Top-Down vs. Bottom-Up" - My new 14-minute philosophy video:
8: 2015-10-30: Getting too attached to your past creative work only gets in the way of new creative work.
9: 2015-07-06: The Greek debt crisis is an unusual one for Americans in that you can't claim that America had any role in creating it.
10: 2015-07-02: Creativity is finding innovative ways to solve a problem. Wisdom is choosing the right problem to solve.
11: 2015-04-19: True creativity is: "I wasn't expecting this, but what can I make of it?"
12: 2014-12-11: Contingent reinforcement discourages creativity.
13: 2014-11-10: Oxymoron Alert: creation science
14: 2014-09-07: Creative advice: Don't have an idea then hunt for resources. Look at the resources you have and find an idea that uses them.
15: 2014-09-03: RT @TIME: EXCLUSIVE: Creative people move more, according to new data on MacArthur geniuses
16: 2014-09-02: Creative motivation requires a modicum of hunger and risk. If you're too fat and happy, you won't do a damn thing.
17: 2014-07-28: anticompetism — n. discrimination against those who are competent, creative and responsible by those who aren't
18: 2014-06-01: In fiction, there is no point in creating a world if you are not going to nearly destroy it.
19: 2014-05-01: Adam and Eve begat Fred and Wilma. #flintstones #creationistfact #inbreeding #itsinthebible
20: 2014-05-01: Creationist Fact: The Flintstones is historically accurate. Cavemen and dinosaurs lived together in a town named Bedrock 5000 years ago.
21: 2014-05-01: On My Bucket List: Become a Creation scientist, proving by scientific means that the earth is less than 6000 years old.
22: 2014-04-10: A relationship never rises above the lies told at the time of its creation.
23: 2014-01-29: RT @TeleArchive: From the Daily Telegraph 100 years ago today: Four Suffragettes are tried for ‘creating a scene’ in Downing Street http://…
24: 2014-01-08: Creativity: Don't pitch it; do it!
25: 2013-12-18: Creative partnerships are good, but if you get too close to your partner, you begin to share and reinforce each other's flaws.
26: 2013-10-19: The dilemma of charity: how to help without creating a dependency or enabling future dysfunction.
27: 2013-08-20: The young people you most want to help are those with creativity, initiative and a strong work ethic... but they don't need your help!
28: 2013-08-14: Creativity is plagiarization where you have thoroughly obscured your sources.
29: 2013-08-12: RT @brainpicker: "The crowd is the gathering place of the weakest; true creation is a solitary act." Bukowski
30: 2013-07-27: What usually passes for creativity is a prisoner decorating the walls of his cell without attempting to leave it.
31: 2013-05-21: Many young people burn brightly with creativity then grow dim, trapped in their own conundrums. Not many emit light all their lives.
32: 2013-05-16: college — an environment of unfocused creativity and boundless optimism supported by student loans and Daddy's money.
33: 2013-05-11: SEE DINOSAURS in Garden of Eden @ the Creation Museum. Only the $30 price is hard to swallow.
34: 2013-05-08: "The Spark of Life: What Makes a Great Work of Art?" - my new essay on creativity: -
35: 2013-04-23: RT @ScottSaab: But it can do a great job encouraging & creating new ones! RT @BadDalaiLama: No advertising campaign can divert people f…
36: 2013-04-23: Style is a system of voluntary constraints that tell you what to do when faced with endless creative possibilities.
37: 2013-03-14: It is good to have critics, but don't let them tell how the creative process should work. That's your business, not theirs.
38: 2013-02-19: RT @KilroyCafe: In any creative field, there's always a chance that someone will steal your work. Don't weep over it. You can make more, ...
39: 2013-01-27: Check out my new Lite™ feed on creativity and art: @BadLamaArt - Retweets from both past and present on the creative process.
40: 2013-01-25: A common artistic affliction: He used to be creative. Now he's just repetitive.
41: 2013-01-23: The best kind of creativity is: Think of it. Do it. Get rid of it. Move on.
42: 2013-01-21: Our new Lite feed on art, film & creativity: @BadLamaArt -
43: 2013-01-20: Our new Lite feed: @BadLamaArt - our wisdom on creativity, film, writing, photography and art.
44: 2013-01-20: Your most powerful creative assets are knowing what you want to do, having the means to do it and not needing anyone else to get it done.
45: 2013-01-19: Creativity disintegrates when you are obligated to produce it.
46: 2013-01-18: Creativity is an individual pursuit. A team can contribute to the periphery of an artistic project but can't build its core.
47: 2013-01-16: If you practice, practice, practice, you'll become more practiced at practicing, not necessarily more creative.
48: 2013-01-15: Life extension is the business of creating increasingly expensive technologies to keep the body going for those who can afford to pay.
49: 2013-01-07: A lower budget demands higher creativity.
50: 2012-12-24: There is no greater creative inspiration than 10 minutes of television. Any channel, any time. Watch 10 minutes. Turn it off. Week of ideas!
51: 2012-12-23: People with degrees have proven neither their intellect nor their creativity, only their tolerance of formal education.
52: 2012-12-22: Creativity is the willingness to recognize and exploit opportunities that are available to you alone.
53: 2012-12-22: The most important creative skill is being able to judge the value of something without other people telling you.
54: 2012-12-16: Overview of my acting credentials added to my Creative Master Index:
55: 2012-12-10: Creativity is not just having a good idea but having a good idea you can implement with your current resources.
56: 2012-11-16: Creativity is taking a multiple-choice test, listening to the options, then constructing your own elegant solution not on the list.
57: 2012-11-15: Creationist questions answered here.
58: 2012-11-15: Creationist question answered: Dinosaurs are extinct today cuz Noah wouldn't let 'em on the ark. Said, "Whoa, dudes, you'll sink my ship!"
59: 2012-11-05: Technical skill in the arts does not imply creativity or the motivation to use it.
60: 2012-10-29: Hypothesis: Love is affordable only to those whose own creative development has plateaued.
61: 2012-08-25: RT @KilroyCafe: Domesticity is the enemy of creativity.
62: 2012-08-18: Little dogs are the creation of man for his own vanity. They could never survive on their own. No wonder they're neurotic!
63: 2012-08-16: Practicing your art every day doesn't necessarily make you creative.
64: 2012-07-05: Technology does not improve the world. It just changes it, creating new problems to replace the old ones.
65: 2012-06-10: It's not the creationists who upset me but the procreationists. How many offspring is too many?
66: 2012-06-08: Having technical skills in a creative field is not the same as having creativity.
67: 2012-05-23: "Say No to projects that take you further from rather than closer to your own creative goals, however flattering or lucrative."—Neil Gaiman
68: 2012-05-22: In any creative medium, every rule is breakable, but you have to know the rules and why you are breaking them.
69: 2012-05-21: RT @KilroyCafe: Attention inventors, artists, dreamers: An idea is useless without means to execute it. True creativity is building with ...
70: 2012-05-14: Awkward creativity: "l have an idea. Let's find the resources." Graceful creativity: "These are my resources. Let's find an idea."
71: 2012-05-13: If you're truly impassioned about some creative skill, you'll find a way to do it. If you're not impassioned, no opportunity will save you.
72: 2012-05-02: RT @brainpicker: The secret to creativity? "Carve out time for non-commissioned work, allow failure in." @danielpink #wiredbizcon
73: 2012-04-09: Ever seen the intricate mechanical creations of a meth addict? Truly amazing! But usually applied to an inane and irrelevant purpose.
74: 2012-03-31: There is little creativity in winning a race. Creativity lies in bypassing the race to win what's most important.
75: 2012-03-24: RT @philosophytweet: Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself. - George Bernard Shaw
76: 2012-03-15: A literal interpretation of every law, regulation, custom and courtesy would permit no creative activity whatsoever.
77: 2012-03-13: Pro forma creativity is when you go through all the motions of creating something new but it doesn't have the spark of life.
78: 2012-03-13: Money tends to squelch creativity. It lets you buy your way out of problems you should have innovated your way out of.
79: 2012-03-10: Brilliant! ==> @washingtonpost: The best time of day to get creative:
80: 2012-03-07: Lack of a market for most of his creations didn't stop Leonardo.
81: 2012-02-27: The risk of intervention is creating a dependency or instability that ultimately makes matters worse.
82: 2012-02-20: Alcohol is a poor substitute for creativity and imagination.
83: 2012-02-08: serendipitology — n. the study and exploitation of unexpected events as tools of creativity and personal growth. (Word I invented just now!)
84: 2012-01-25: Even a "successful" marriage runs the risk of freezing your life in place and bringing an end to creative growth.
85: 2012-01-25: A healthy creative life must return periodically to a state of zero commitments, where you are free to go in any direction.
86: 2012-01-25: Never underestimate the power of one creative person to cut through the bullshit that defeats whole armies. #jobs #zuck cc @laurenahayes
87: 2012-01-20: When a creative artist becomes a celebrity spokesperson for a charitable cause, you know their creative days are behind them.
88: 2012-01-20: The hardest part of creativity isn't creating but selecting, editing and evaluating what you have done.
89: 2012-01-17: Success can be the stepping stone to bigger things, but more often it brings laziness, self-indulgence and the death of creativity.
90: 2012-01-17: The world is an entertainment wasteland where people seek mainly to occupy time while expending as little creativity as possible.
91: 2012-01-17: You creativity gets blocked when you get hung up on old projects that aren't going anywhere. Set them aside and move on!
92: 2012-01-17: An essential skill of creativity is being able to let go of old projects to make way for new ones.
93: 2012-01-14: Given the choice of a tiny creative project I control and a big project negotiated with others, tiny usually wins.
94: 2012-01-13: Quantity is the nemesis of Quality. The more activities you attempt in a day, the less creative attention you can give to each.
95: 2012-01-11: I wonder how many students majoring in creative writing actually publish novels. What is the success rate vs. a placebo?
96: 2012-01-11: Just because you are technically skilled in a creative medium doesn't make you creative or give you something to say.
97: 2012-01-11: No art or music school can teach you creativity.
98: 2012-01-11: Learning to paint isn't creativity. Creativity is saying something meaningful and effective on the canvas.
99: 2012-01-11: Creativity has little to do with acquiring new skills. It's more about having things to say and fitting them into the skills you have.
100: 2012-01-09: Is romance the killer of creativity or an aid to it? It's a matter of choice.
101: 2012-01-08: Creativity isn't having a clever idea. It is having a system for generating clever ideas appropriate to the circumstances.
102: 2012-01-08: Your clever invention or idea doesn't impress me if you don't have the means to pull it off. True creativity is working with what you have.
103: 2012-01-08: Creativity isn't having a clever idea. It is having a system for generating clever ideas.
104: 2012-01-08: flamboyant = desperate to appear creative
105: 2012-01-05: Being flamboyant and outrageous should not be confused with being creative.
106: 2011-12-15: People talk about creativity, but in practice it requires you to go your own way and make your own judgments, which most are loath to do.
107: 2011-12-03: If you call yourself creative then create, dammit! Every day you don't create something is a day wasted.
108: 2011-12-02: Unlike the rest of life, sports obey a well-defined system of rules, so they don't teach you much about creativity in real-world chaos.
109: 2011-11-29: RT @TIME: Creative types are more likely to cheat | (via @TIMEHealthland)
110: 2011-11-28: Those who are creative and actualized above the surface are less likely to be deviant and destructive below the surface.
111: 2011-11-26: Writing and recording a song is a creative process. Performing it live is a religious one. People are worshipping the gods who made it.
112: 2011-11-25: Running a race and winning isn't necessarily creative. Creativity is bypassing the race altogether.
113: 2011-11-25: Creativity is when you grab something routine from your environment and use it for a new purpose.
114: 2011-11-25: For many, love is a creative asset, for others, the end of personal growth.
115: 2011-11-24: Creativity isn't playing by the rules; it's rewriting the rules by which the game is played.
116: 2011-11-24: Creativity is looking past conventions and preconceptions to what really works.
117: 2011-11-22: The hardest part of creativity is evaluating your own work.
118: 2011-11-22: You can afford to be creative or curious only if you allow enough time in your schedule for it.
119: 2011-11-16: It takes courage both to be creative and to move with it when it happens in a way you weren't expecting.
120: 2011-11-13: For all your Fancy Junk needs! (my first venue creation on 4sq) (@ Fancy Junk & Unusual Objects) [pic]:
121: 2011-11-12: Chaos is an essential part of the creative process. You can't just sit in your room and create. Life has to throw stuff at you.
122: 2011-11-09: Former creative artist, now safely entombed in the formaldehyde of celebrity. Hasn't done anything memorable in years.
123: 2011-11-07: Groupthink doesn't work! You're never going to get creativity out of a meeting. via @brainpicker
124: 2011-11-06: “Making the simple complicated is commonplace; making the complicated simple, that’s creativity.” – Charles Mingus via @laurenahayes
125: 2011-11-03: "We're the young generation, and we got something to say." In fact, the Monkees had nothing to say. They were a corporate creation.
126: 2011-10-28: Virtually every advantage of marriage is available a la carte to anyone with a little creativity.
127: 2011-10-25: Before you rescue someone or give them gifts, make sure you're not creating the expectation of the same in the future.
128: 2011-10-24: Most people are determined to be bland. If they do something creative and inspired, they back up, erase it and go back to bland again.
129: 2011-10-24: Regardless of the opportunities and resources available to me, I'm going to push my growth and creativity to their maximum.
130: 2011-10-23: "Musician" does not mean "creative". It only means you can play the notes. Creative is writing the notes.
131: 2011-10-23: People confuse technical virtuosity with creativity. It's amazing how he tickles the keyboard, but that doesn't make him creative.
132: 2011-10-23: .@PraveenSawh: "Why is [touring] a sad thing?” <== Because touring is merely re-performing, not creating.
133: 2011-10-23: Of the Pop icons of the 60s and 70s, only Paul Simon has remained creatively active. (Can you name another?)
134: 2011-10-23: Most Pop icons of recent years (Britney, Whitney, etc) are "re-performers" of other people's work. Not a creative bone in their body.
135: 2011-10-23: The main art of music is creating new songs, not re-performing old ones.
136: 2011-10-23: The real test of your creative drive is whether you keep doing it after you're fat and happy.
137: 2011-10-23: An artist's dedication to creativity isn't so impressive if he does enough of it to get rich and famous and then quits.
138: 2011-10-22: Twitter is about branding and creating a unique online identity. If you're using your full legal name then you're missing the point.
139: 2011-09-18: The essence of creativity is being able and willing to change course to adapt to shifting winds.
140: 2011-09-07: Whatever creativity may be, it is not standing in front of an audience and doing something you've done a hundred times before.
141: 2011-08-10: The only training system for creativity is to use it.
142: 2011-08-10: Education can teach technical procedures and standardized bodies of knowledge. It cannot teach creativity, intelligence or wisdom.
143: 2011-08-10: Creativity and intelligence are the product of choices you make not courses you take.
144: 2011-07-17: If you don't have the option to buy your way out of a problem, you're forced to try creative solutions that are usually more efficient.
145: 2011-07-04: Why does creativity have to be limited to a few isolated circumstances? Why can't you be creative all the time?
146: 2011-07-02: If you cheat on sleep, you're cheating your own creativity.
147: 2011-07-02: Creativity can happen only where you allow it to.
148: 2011-07-02: You can't force creativity, but you can arrange your life so you are free to follow new ideas when they happen.
149: 2011-06-25: The skills of diplomacy and creative problem solving are a liability if they merely delay an inevitable collapse.
150: 2011-05-08: #### End. This has been a live 1-hour essay: "Rules and Creativity"
151: 2011-05-08: Creativity has little to do with arts and crafts. It's coming up with ingenious solutions to your problems using the resources you have.
152: 2011-05-08: Creativity is always a little dangerous. It requires thinking the unthinkable, even if you don't actually do it.
153: 2011-05-08: Conventional thinking is seeing a fence and turning back. Creativity is walking the fence line, testing it and looking for ways around.
154: 2011-05-08: Non-creative people see a rule or barrier and take it at face value. Creative people will push that boundary to see what it really means.
155: 2011-05-08: Creativity is "playing the gap" between rules and enforcement.
156: 2011-05-06: The way to be creative is to get off your ass and actually do the thing you claim to aspire to.
157: 2011-05-06: If you want to be creative, then create, dammit! No one can do it for you.
158: 2011-05-06: True creativity can only come from within.
159: 2011-05-06: An example of motivational outsourcing is a class on creativity. If you are taking the class, then you are not being creative.
160: 2011-05-05: If you are engaged in a meaningful personal project, the more time you spend thinking about it, the more creative solutions you'll find.
161: 2011-04-29: The superpower of infinite creativity is within your grasp. You just do it!
162: 2011-04-29: We use only a tiny portion of our creative ability, not for any neurological reason, but because of emotional blocks standing in our way.
163: 2011-04-26: People in stable relationships may be happier, but their creative initiative also drops. They're less likely to take chances or push limits.
164: 2011-04-10: My creative approach to a transportation dilemma. Been at the onramp for 15 minutes now.
165: 2011-04-10: At the end of ambition is usually a barrier of your own creation.
166: 2011-04-10: The center of all creation.
167: 2011-03-30: The creative life is a process of continuous refinement and revision.
168: 2011-03-27: Creativity isn't what you do with paints or clay but what you do with opportunities and details of your own life.
169: 2011-03-27: Don't expect useful advice on creativity from someone who doesn't display any in their own life.
170: 2011-03-27: Many talk about creativity, but when the opportunity for it arises in real life, most will fall back on convention.
171: 2011-03-26: @laurenahayes Google would be just as creative if it renamed itself "Internet Search Systems". A rose is a rose. What would be the loss?
172: 2011-03-26: @laurenahayes What would twitter look like if everyone was @firstname-middleinitial-lastname? No more @badbanana. No more creativity!?
173: 2011-03-26: "Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach." — Applies most strongly to creative fields.
174: 2011-03-24: Creating a new social media site is like building a new city in the desert: No one wants to be the first to move there.
175: 2011-03-24: RT @amankaptan: @BadDalaiLama studying creative writing makes great sense. thanks to that lessons you'll learn ctreativity is not someth ...
176: 2011-03-24: Did anyone ever become a great writer by studying creative writing in college? Name one example.
177: 2011-03-24: Catch-22: If you're writing books or teaching seminars on creativity and innovation then you obviously aren't doing it yourself.
178: 2011-03-21: When you lose sleep you lose your creativity and resilience. If you don't need these things, by all means party all night!
179: 2011-03-16: If you're truly impassioned about some creative skill, you'll find a way to do it. If you're not impassioned, no course can save you.
180: 2011-03-15: RT @Kyoks1: El fraude educacional + grande: Clases de Creatividad (tecnicas, claro! pero Creatividad como tal no se puede "enseñar") via ...
181: 2011-03-15: RT @Kyoks1: no hay ejemplos en el mundo de educacion formal en creatividad (mencionen una!), se pueden enseñar tecnicas solamente. via @ ...
182: 2011-03-15: @SrMaryNapalm "Edward De Bono's techniques can help anyone with structured creativity" <== Example, please! What great artist has it helped?
183: 2011-03-15: The biggest educational fraud: classes for "creativity". (Crafts and techniques, sure, but creativity itself can't be formally educated.)
184: 2011-03-15: There is no example on earth of anyone "educated" into creativity. (Name one!) At best, education teaches technical skills, nothing more.
185: 2011-03-15: .@Andres_iracheta "but education can" [force creativity and responsibility] <== Most certainly not! You can't educate these things.
186: 2011-03-15: Authority can make people do things or not do them, but it can't force creativity or responsibility.
187: 2011-03-12: Most of us deal with the tragedy of the world by creating an artificial environment around ourselves where most tragedy doesn't intrude.
188: 2011-03-10: model railroading—the creation of perfect miniature worlds to avoid dealing with the imperfect full-scale one.
189: 2011-03-05: Most of what passes for creativity is simply a prisoner decorating the walls of his cell without attempting to leave it.
190: 2011-03-05: Domesticity is the enemy of creativity.
191: 2011-03-04: Best things to share online: your creative discoveries. Worst things: details of your day-to-day life when there's no creativity involved.
192: 2011-02-26: In most cases, adulthood is the shutting down of creativity. You become invested in a path and stop seeing any others.
193: 2011-02-23: Creativity is finding a new use for something you already have.
194: 2011-02-22: Creativity is proven only by action. No book, video, class or seminar can give it to you. Either you talk about it, or you do it!
195: 2011-02-22: The quality of your creative output depends on the standards you hold yourself to and the time you allow yourself to spend on it.
196: 2011-02-20: .@Type_One_ “If the universe is digital you can make infinite copies." <== The universe is analog! Digital is an artificial creation of man!
197: 2011-02-11: Creative source material is everywhere, all around you. You just have to see it.
198: 2011-02-10: The more you use your creativity, the more of it will come.
199: 2011-01-31: A great skill of creativity is to quickly identify the skills of others and assimilate them into your own.
200: 2011-01-26: The silliest courses in college are anything to do with creativity. If you are going to the class, then you aren't being creative.
201: 2011-01-26: Marriage is the end of macroscopic creativity. Now you're an institution, a rooted plant. Get used to TV cuz you'll be watching a lot of it!
202: 2011-01-20: The secret of creativity? Don't talk about it. Do it! Then stand back and look at what you've done, figuring out what needs work.
203: 2011-01-14: RT @GreatestQuotes: "Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself." - George Bernard Shaw
204: 2011-01-02: The best creative position is the blank slate – no demands, no commitments. You should get back to that point whenever you can!
205: 2010-12-19: Paranoia, once it reaches a certain level, is self-sustaining, creating new enemies to match those imagined.
206: 2010-12-18: Society allows young people a reasonable period of creativity and freedom before settling into a normal adult life of debt and servitude.
207: 2010-12-07: The Malthusian Dilemma says that when you feed the hungry their population expands, creating just as much misery as before.
208: 2010-12-03: If you call yourself creative then create, dammit! Every day you don't create something is a day wasted.
209: 2010-11-30: You can't teach someone creative writing or film. Either they're inclined to pick up a pen or video camera or they're not.
210: 2010-11-26: The most hideous musical form is the "cover", where one singer repeats the famous song of another. It only proves their bankrupt creativity.
211: 2010-11-26: Running a race and winning isn't necessarily creative. Creativity is bypassing the race altogether to find what really matters.
212: 2010-11-25: Creativity is when you grab something from your environment and use it for a purpose it was never intended for.
213: 2010-11-23: Creativity isn't playing by the rules; it's rewriting the rules by which the game is played.
214: 2010-11-23: Creativity is looking past conventions and preconceptions to what really works.
215: 2010-11-22: For most, life is an exercise in digging holes and filling them up again—creating new obligations then struggling to fulfill them.
216: 2010-11-11: .@Stonerpreneur "Creating art/beauty for others who appreciate it is something devoid of meaning?” — Correct.
217: 2010-11-01: Most of what passes for creativity is merely interior decoration—adorning ones walls without attempting to change them.
218: 2010-10-19: The key to success in any creative medium is seeing what is right in front of you, not what you want to be there.
219: 2010-10-16: Anyone can surround themselves with the tools and technical skills of an artistic medium, but few are capable of real creativity.
220: 2010-09-27: Curiosity is the hallmark of creative intellect.
221: KilroyCafe: 2010-08-15: People are bounded by fences of their own creation and are loath to cross them except under duress.
222: KilroyCafe: 2010-07-26: Society allows young people a reasonable period of creativity and freedom before settling into a normal adult life of debt and servitude.
223: KilroyCafe: 2010-07-14: Tenets of creativity: (a) remain uncommitted (b) work with what you have (c) take the initiative, and (d) decide for yourself.
224: KilroyCafe: 2010-07-13: Attention inventors, artists, dreamers: An idea is useless without means to execute it. True creativity is building with the tools you have.
225: KilroyCafe: 2010-06-17: If you practice, practice, practice, you'll become more practiced at one specific skill, but that doesn't make you more creative.
226: KilroyCafe: 2010-06-17: All forms of true creativity involve leaving your comfort zone and overcoming your own fears. There's no simple formula for it.
227: KilroyCafe: 2010-05-18: Most of what passes for "creativity" is simply a prisoner decorating the walls of his cell without attempting to leave it.
228: KilroyCafe: 2010-05-12: Domesticity is the enemy of creativity.
229: KilroyCafe: 2010-03-26: Too many times I have watched children do something creative, inspired and funny only to be scolded by their parents for that behavior.
230: KilroyCafe: 2010-03-16: If you are a creative artist with a wide portfolio, one of your best career moves is to die. It has been the key to success for thousands!
231: KilroyCafe: 2010-02-07: Pseudo-creative people surround themselves with all the symbols of the thing they are supposed to be doing, but they can't actually do it.
232: KilroyCafe: 2010-02-05: Morality is different from self-denial. You don't become a moral person simply by creating barriers for yourself.
233: KilroyCafe: 2010-01-29: In any creative field, there's always a chance that someone will steal your work. Don't weep over it. You can make more, but they can't!
234: KilroyCafe: 2009-12-07: Why does everyone want to know about the actors? They would be lost without invisible writers creating the story and feeding them lines.
235: KilroyCafe: 2009-12-04: The danger of comfort is that you're lulled into repetitive activity and lose the incentive for real creativity.
236: KilroyCafe: 2009-10-27: Childbirth is the world's most narcissistic act. It is creating new responsibilities where none previously existed.
237: KilroyCafe: 2009-10-25: Anyone can surround themselves with the tools and technical skills of an artistic medium. Very few are capable of real creativity there.
238: KilroyCafe: 2009-10-25: The key to creative success in any field is seeing what is right in front of you, not what you want to be there.
239: KilroyCafe: 2009-10-25: Emotional neediness may provide motivation but it kills creative detachment. You are most creative when you need nothing.
240: KilroyCafe: 2009-09-07: Creative writing classes are a fraud. You can't teach creativity. Either you figure it out on your own and do it, or you don't.
241: KilroyCafe: 2009-09-04: The biggest barrier to creative success is the demand that it be on your terms, rather than the terms of the medium you're working in.
242: KilroyCafe: 2009-08-23: Comfort often means the death of creativity because you lose the incentive to push your limits.
243: KilroyCafe: 2009-08-15: The best creative position is the blank slate -- no demands, no commitments. You should get back there whenever you can!
244: KilroyCafe: 2009-08-15: In any art, there is real creativity and fake creativity -- which is mimicking the sound and fury of creativity without saying anything.
245: KilroyCafe: 2009-07-06: Glenn Campbell: Continuous creativity built on a solid base of trauma.
246: KilroyCafe: 2009-07-04: Liberace's flamboyance is an example of "stressed creativity" - a desperate attempt to be unique and make a mark.
247: KilroyCafe: 2009-06-13: A great song is great after only a single recorded performance. Once it's been nailed, there's no creative purpose in performing it again.
248: KilroyCafe: 2009-06-13: There is only one reason an artist would perform the same song over and over: money. Otherwise, they should be creating new songs.
249: KilroyCafe: 2009-06-13: The main creative problem in music is the same as any other medium: having something to say.
250: KilroyCafe: 2009-06-08: Governments are incompetent at raising children because they cannot make the creative compromises that real parents make every day.
251: KilroyCafe: 2009-06-07: Britney, Cher, Madonna, Michael Jackson, Barry Manilow - They're all has beens, guys! Haven't done anything creative in years!
252: KilroyCafe: 2009-06-06: True creators will always be the abused underclass, while promoters, performers and poseurs with no creative skill reap the benefits.
253: KilroyCafe: 2009-05-31: The Malthusian Dilemma says that when you feed the hungry their population expands, creating just as much misery as before.
254: KilroyCafe: 2009-05-31: All forms of charity risk creating dependence while failing to change behavior. See my "Paradox of Protection" Kilroy 23
255: KilroyCafe: 2009-05-27: The law, by its nature, suppresses creativity. Every new rule makes it more difficult for people to find unique personal solutions.
256: KilroyCafe: 2009-05-24: The creation of music and its performance are two different things. Most "musicians" are only capable of the latter.
257: KilroyCafe: 2009-05-23: There is no problem in the world that will be resolved by creating a Facebook page for it. Virtual protest is worth nothing.
258: KilroyCafe: 2009-05-21: Boredom is an attitude, not a real emotion. It reflects your own refusal to make creative use of the time available to you.
259: KilroyCafe: 2009-05-20: The true art of music lies in its creation, not its performance.
260: KilroyCafe: 2009-05-20: Why do singer-songwriters perform at all? They need the money! Committed artists would be creating new material, not rehashing the old.
261: KilroyCafe: 2009-05-15: "Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself." (Via @linkibol)
262: KilroyCafe: 2009-04-30: I'm thinking of creating a Facebook page and Twitter feed exclusively for my lower intestine, for people who must have those updates.
262 tweets found.

(Search module created 7/18/2013)