Glenn Campbell's tweet archive, searching for "age"

For at the start of a word
Dates: after but on or before format: 2013-11-07
Chronological order (oldest first) if checked:

Also try official twitter search for "age" in @BadDalaiLama - @KilroyCafe - @BadLamaArt. (Word must be exact. Includes reader replies but not BDL retweets.)

Searching the archives for both @BadDalaiLama and @KilroyCafe for Glenn Campbell's tweets. Click on date to view original tweet on Twitter. Search is based on the downloaded archive, which is updated about every two weeks, so this search may not include the most recent tweets. Multi-line tweets may not be complete in this listing. See our Twitter Overview for more info. Help give these tweets new life by retweeting the ones you like.

1: 2018-09-18: As a "00" agent for Her Majesty's Secret Service, I am licensed to kill and entrusted with thwarting evil masterminds bent on world domination. I have taken no action on Trump because he is no mastermind. Given time, he will self-destruct with no intervention from me.
2: 2018-06-04: My first visit to the "real" Africa. Less than 16 months ago but seems like ages.
3: 2018-05-04: Trump and Guiliani prove age is no guarantee of wisdom.
4: 2017-03-29: The most far-fetched thing about The X-Files. Mulder & Scully travel the country as FBI agents yet NEVER HAVE TO FILL OUT EXPENSE REPORTS.
5: 2017-01-17: The pathological risk-taking of youth is matched only by the pathological risk aversion of old age.
6: 2016-11-15: RT @guardian: In the age of Trump, why bother teaching students to argue logically?
7: 2016-11-05: Disturbing fact: Former Playboy centerfold models are dying at an alarming rate… of old age!
8: 2016-10-22: RT @Peripatetia: Age of Chivalry Renaissance Fair, Las Vegas (8 Oct 2010).
9: 2016-10-01: For someone my age, I'm pretty hip, but there are some things about modern culture I just don't understand. For example: Kardashians.
10: 2016-01-09: What makes you seem "old" is not age but the insistence on pursuing fixed goals rather than the opportunities actually available to you.
11: 2015-12-10: Space Age Restaurant, Gila Bend, Arizona (now) @ Space Age Restaurant
12: 2015-07-20: This Twitter feed does not discriminate based on race, gender, age, sexual preference or national origin. Idiots? Darn sure we discriminate!
13: 2015-04-16: You would think in the Twenty-Zillionth Century, medical technology would be such that Han Solo didn't age so much. @TrekkieGirls
14: 2015-03-19: According to Russia's state-sponsored polling agency, public opinion firmly supports the state.
15: 2014-12-12: The stars that burn brightly in youth are usually dim embers by middle age.
16: 2014-12-08: Stupidity afflicts all races, genders, ages and ethnicities. It is not discrimination to detect stupid people and avoid dealing with them.
17: 2014-11-30: Edgar Allan Poe, at age 27, married his 13-year-old cousin. So, yeah, a little creepy. @Peripatetia
18: 2014-11-04: I guess, since #TimCook came out, every Russian with an iPhone must trash it. And any form of technology. The Stone Age wasn't gay, was it?
19: 2014-10-30: RT @BadLamaArt: The talent agent paradox: The talent grovels before you, until they become famous, whereupon you start groveling before the…
20: 2014-09-13: They engaged in a bitter custody battle over the dog that only ended when the dog died of old age.
21: 2014-09-03: A fact of the modern age: Whenever you write, photograph, say or do anything, you must ask yourself "What if this became public?"
22: 2014-08-21: New Age spiritual advice is rarely free. You got to pay good money to get the best bullshit.
23: 2014-08-21: As a middle-aged white male, I have felt the sting of discrimination, being blamed for everything that ever went wrong with the planet.
24: 2014-07-31: Old age has been determined to be a risk factor in dying. @TheEconomist
25: 2014-06-10: "Maybe they didn't die of old age," said the space detective. "Maybe they had the life force drained out of them."
26: 2014-06-06: RT @s8mb: Fascinating! Men / women's ages vs the age of the opposite sex that looks best to them:
27: 2014-05-28: RT @MailOnline: Antioxidants could make your body age faster
28: 2014-05-03: "Old" isn't an age but an attitude toward life. As soon as you say, "I'm too old to change now," you're it.
29: 2014-05-01: I have little in common with people my age except we all lived through the same news stories. I'm still moving but most are pretty turgid.
30: 2014-04-30: "Each hour people spent sitting and watching TV after age 25 deducted 22 minutes from their overall life expectancy." @TIME
31: 2014-04-03: We must stop judging people on their race, age, gender and orientation and focus on what really matters: whether or not they're an idiot.
32: 2014-03-22: Frat boys at Gettysburg College (this morning). Since the legal drinking age is 21, those must be energy drinks.
33: 2014-02-18: If you think your life is all washed up in your late 20s, you're right, but not because of age, only because you're dumbass.
34: 2014-01-31: All my past tweets preserved in amber for the ages
35: 2014-01-15: Advice of the Ages: Proms are something you will look back on and say, "That was really stupid. Why did I even go?"
36: 2013-12-18: It is unfair to judge someone on their race, gender, age or ethnicity. Being an idiot, however, is fair game.
37: 2013-12-03: Gay marriage is a step forward for human rights and a step backward into the Middle Ages for the damn fools getting married.
38: 2013-08-21: Modern Manners: It is considered impolite to ask a lady her age. Instead, you can just look it up on online.
39: 2013-08-16: RT @TIME: With age comes wisdom. It's science | (via @TIMEIdeas)
40: 2013-07-13: "He's incredibly sharp for someone his age." = He has no obvious signs of dementia but is stuck in his ways.
41: 2013-06-04: The cruelest way to murder someone is make them die of old age.
42: 2013-05-28: wine — cheap intoxicant of the Middle Ages, devoid of nutritional value, adopted by modern snobs to prove their good taste. [from Napa, CA]
43: 2013-05-21: Always act like a celebrity even if you're not. Produce every word and action as though it would be reported through all the ages.
44: 2013-05-07: My age and infirmity will never be so advanced that I ask for the Senior Discount.
45: 2013-04-21: What the Romans taught us: Prosperity Leads to overconfidence leads to overcommitment leads to collapse and the Dark Ages.
46: 2013-04-19: Age ought to bring a bonanza of wisdom, unless you get trapped in commitments that slow your growth.
47: 2013-04-02: At my age I can only assume this is an erroneous reading. I'll try it again.
48: 2013-04-01: On My Bucket List: Gather every day with folks my own age to talk about the weather, the old days and how the country has gone to hell.
49: 2013-03-18: Wisdom of the Ages! Our permanent searchable archive has been refreshed from twitter. Please retweet what grabs you.
50: 2013-02-26: Small is beautiful—as long as you like living in the Stone Age. Nearly all the technology you depend on came from corporate bigness.
51: 2013-02-16: I haven't used this torture device in ages. What's it good for?
52: 2013-02-14: MOSSAD: Unlike some OTHER intelligence agencies, we actually do get out of the office. @BadDalaiLama
53: 2013-02-06: "The way our bodies metabolize food is stuck somewhere in the Stone Age..." (quote found in an in-flight magazine)
54: 2013-01-29: Time flies, dude! Those rebels of early rock who died of drug overdoses might be dying now anyway—of old age!
55: 2013-01-20: The true emblem of frequent flyer status is you get to the check-in counter, the agent asks for your destination and you don't have a clue.
56: 2013-01-19: Proposing a new retirement age: death. Shouldn't be a problem if you're doing something meaningful.
57: 2013-01-06: "At every age we think we’re having the last laugh, and at every age we’re wrong." — The End of History illusion:
58: 2013-01-04: Some stars burn brightly when young but are dim embers by middle age.
59: 2013-01-02: Hey, Spooks, do you miss me? (@ National Security Agency (NSA))
60: 2012-12-19: Who is going to protect the innocent middle aged uncle from his creepy and perverted little nephews?
61: 2012-12-17: It may not mean anything to you, but Agent Scully once spoke my name on a TV show. Only if Mrs. Peel had said it would I be more fulfilled.
62: 2012-11-30: California beach girls may be Sunkist but they're prunes by the age of 30. #uvwarning
63: 2012-11-19: Age is a prerequisite of wisdom but not a guarantee of it.
64: 2012-11-11: "I'm too old to change now," is a fatalistic attitude unrelated to age. You even hear teenagers say it!
65: 2012-11-09: Nomophobia — Terror of the modern age! (via @HumanBeam)
66: 2012-10-17: Maybe I should stop by and get my photos seized again. (@ National Security Agency (NSA)) [pic]:
67: 2012-09-24: All your different varieties of cultured milkfat. Nutrition-free. Junk food of the Middle Ages!
68: 2012-07-31: The main delusion of youth is thinking you have infinite options. The main delusion of age is thinking you have none.
69: 2012-07-20: In the digital age, pretty photos are a dime a dozen, but a photo that teaches you something is still rare.
70: 2012-07-13: Far more effective than feeding the hungry ==> Melinda Gates wants to put contraception back on the global agenda.
71: 2012-07-05: "I'm too old to change now," is an excuse almost anyone can use, regardless of age. Even teenagers have been heard to say it.
72: 2012-06-30: Age gives you more data points for understanding human behavior, whereas in youth you can only speculate on how people should behave.
73: 2012-06-12: The age-old problem of running a bar is how to sell people alcohol without drunks trashing the place.
74: 2012-06-08: Believe It...Or Not! — Hugh Heffner's original Playboy Playmates are now DYING OF OLD AGE!!!!
75: 2012-06-07: With age comes wisdom and experience but also inertia and entrenchment, so it's a wash for most people.
76: 2012-06-02: The foolish risk taking of youth is usually replaced by pathological risk aversion in old age.
77: 2012-05-29: I need your help! Now assembling a list of "Delusions of Youth". Any suggestions? (No need to divulge your age, as "youth" is relative.)
78: 2012-05-24: Nothing ages you like parenthood.
79: 2012-05-17: @xtinewu Travel agentry isn't for wimps. One must focus intensely and block out all distractions. Try to find The Zone.
80: 2012-05-12: The 1960s was the dawning of Age of Aquarius, a new era of peace, love and freedom. So what ever happened with that?
81: 2012-05-10: It's unfair to judge someone on their race, gender, age or sexual orientation. But capacity of their little pea brain? That's fair game!
82: 2012-05-09: The dueling agendas of gay rights are "Government must stay out of our bedroom," and "Government must sanction our relationship."
83: 2012-05-09: The conservative agenda, carried to the extreme, would be a totalitarian regime. Alas, the liberal agenda would lead to the same.
84: 2012-05-02: RT @MailOnline: Come into my lair: Inside the Californian space-age home where Bond took a beating
85: 2012-04-24: RT @latimes: Viral video: Dutch girl ages 12 years in 2 minutes, 45 seconds via @latimestech
86: 2012-04-13: Wine and cheese were the junk food of the Middle Ages. Millennia from now they'll probably treat Doritos with the same reverence.
87: 2012-04-10: OMG, I hope NSA isn't reading my National Security Agency tweets, hashtags #nsa #nationalsecurityagency !!!
88: 2012-04-09: NSA = National Silly Agency, the American counterpart of Britain's Ministry of Silly Walks. NSA does silly walks, talks and silly security.
89: 2012-04-09: Still detained (gently) while and "agent" comes from from HQ to check me out. Just like old times! See geotag for location.
90: 2012-04-09: This is it! I'm waking in the front door and demanding answers! #UFOs (@ National Security Agency (NSA)) [pic]:
91: 2012-04-03: Analyst Predicts Teenager Will Be Thirty Feet Tall By Middle Age Based On Current Growth Trends
92: 2012-03-31: Spooky stuff! Can't talk about it. (@ National Security Agency (NSA))
93: 2012-03-15: You've heard of sexism, racism and ageism. What's the "ism" for discriminating against single people and pressuring them to get married?
94: 2012-03-08: RT @MailOnline: Good news if you're middle-aged! You're at evolution's peak, according to scientists
95: 2012-03-05: If you get angry at the airline gate agent for your plane being delayed you'll get the official company policy, not one inch more.
96: 2012-02-26: Knowing what I now know about teens, it is a wonder any of us survived to age 21.
97: 2012-02-22: The active ingredient in alcohol is alcohol. It doesn't matter how long it's been aged or where it comes from. To the body it's all rotgut.
98: 2012-01-31: An otherwise talented shoplifter, she was betrayed by her age, gender and good looks, which immediately drew the security cameras.
99: 2012-01-11: College graduates are more mature, organized, disciplined and goal-directed than freshmen. The reason is simple: age.
100: 2012-01-08: RT @ThatsWright: You can figure out a person's age just by what old TV show they can quote the most from.
101: 2011-12-28: RT @MailOnline: Cheeta the chimp dies aged 80 after outliving both of his Tarzan co-stars
102: 2011-12-14: Wine and cheese were the junk food of the Middle Ages. Years from now, we'll probably be treating Hostess Twinkies with the same reverence.
103: 2011-12-14: The needless risk-taking of youth is usually replaced by pathological risk aversion in old age.
104: 2011-12-12: The 2nd half of the 20th Century was the Golden Era of popular music. Post-Y2K—the Dark Ages!
105: 2011-12-09: Rome, in its debauched age, held great spectacles where slaves were torn apart by wild animals. Today, we have televised talent contests.
106: 2011-12-08: Judging by boy bands through the ages, girls like boys with hair like girls'.
107: 2011-12-01: After age 70, people stay alive mainly through medical science—at huge cost. Everyone deserves to live, but who is going to pay for it?
108: 2011-11-28: A "successful" artist (making money) should not be confused with a "great" one (remembered through the ages).
109: 2011-11-28: Youth may know the statutes, but age knows the case law.
110: 2011-11-16: Feeling the sting of discrimination: Locked out of my favorite hostel in Miami due to my advanced age. Apparently, I am no longer "youth".
111: 2011-11-12: A mystery of the ages in Dragoon, Arizona. $1 gets me in, but what will I find? (@ The Thing?)
112: 2011-11-03: One of the luxuries of age is being able to admit what an idiot you were in your youth.
113: 2011-10-17: When old people talk about how the world has gone to hell, it's a reflection not of a changing world but the delusions of youth and old age.
114: 2011-10-15: Affirming the age-old connection between music and weaponry.
115: 2011-10-13: Shocking Before and After images on the ravages of age: Mrs. Peel Diana Rigg
116: 2011-10-01: The secret real estate agents don't want you to know: You don't need a place to live, only a place to sleep.
117: 2011-09-18: "Old" is a state of entrapment, not necessarily a physical age. When people dress old, act old and believe old things, this they become.
118: 2011-08-03: Given the drug-induced meltdowns of many a young star, the worst form of child abuse appears to be fame before the age of 30.
119: 2011-08-01: #### End of live-tweeted essay: "Old Age"
120: 2011-08-01: The reckless risk-taking of youth is usually replaced by pathological risk aversion in old age.
121: 2011-08-01: Our 2009 philosophy essay: "The Secret of Eternal Youth" - Old age is a philosophical problem, not a physical one.
122: 2011-08-01: Why must people "slow down" in old age? Given the dwindling time, shouldn't you "speed up" to accomplish all you can?
123: 2011-08-01: Most of the inertia of old age has little to with age itself but with an accumulation of investments that make change seem impossible.
124: 2011-07-24: Humans live well beyond the age of breeding for good reason: Grannies help us survive. Daily Mail:
125: 2011-07-23: A catalyst is an agent that promotes a reaction between two other parties while maintaining plausible deniability.
126: 2011-07-22: It is remarkable how, as one ages, the age of naive youth also increases.
127: 2011-07-16: Nothing seems quite so ironic as former Hollywood sex symbols dying of old age.
128: 2011-07-08: Healthy living can help you reach age 70. After that, all your systems start failing at once. No matter what you do, time is gonna get you!
129: 2011-07-03: When a passenger berates an airline gate agent for a delay the agent obviously has no control over, we say, "What a jerk!"
130: 2011-06-01: The benefit of age, if you're lucky, is seeing things for what they really are.
131: 2011-05-03: Playboy centerfold dead at age 82! Daily Mail — Don't know what's more horrifying: her mummified state or her age!
132: 2011-04-28: Youth says, "It's summer; let's have fun!" Age says, "Winter is coming; we have to prepare."
133: 2011-04-22: RT @ebertchicago: "By the age of 50, every man has the face he deserves." (George Orwell)
134: 2011-04-07: Lessons of Rome: Success leads to overconfidence leads to overcommitment. Overcommitment leads to the Fall leads to the Dark Ages. {11/5}
135: 2011-04-02: World War II was the Golden Age of saboteurs. There were bridges to blow up and agents to seduce. The field hasn't been the same since.
136: 2011-04-02: "Saboteur" is a wonderful word we rarely use these days. We have hackers and terrorists but few with the grace of a true subversive agent.
137: 2011-03-30: It's pretty remarkable, at the age of graduation, to have already achieved perfection, so you don't need advice from anyone.
138: 2011-03-29: With age can come balanced judgment that transfers to any field. We can blow young people out of the water if we choose to!
139: 2011-03-24: Students graduate from college smarter and wiser than when they went in. The reason is simple: age! {9/30}
140: 2011-03-17: Customer service agent at Alamo Rent-a-Car, Lihue airport. She had some bad news...
141: 2011-03-12: Men seek superior health and childbearing ability. Women seek a strong protector. These agendas are encoded in modern sexual preference.
142: 2011-03-11: Stupidity is usually a chronic condition, unmitigated by age.
143: 2011-03-11: The chief benefit of age is a larger inventory of past mistakes.
144: 2011-03-08: A meaningless job isn't meaningless if you can secretly get things out of it that advance your own agenda.
145: 2011-03-04: The customer service agents in every field deal with jerks every day. You say the right words to placate them, then move them along.
146: 2011-02-16: Trenitalia agent wanted €59 for FCO to Naples. I declined. Took train to Termini (€14) then Regional to Naples (€10.50). System beaten!
147: 2011-02-08: Youth differs from age mainly in the number of mistakes already made.
148: 2011-02-04: Dieting products, hair-loss treatment, male enhancement, consumer-marketed prescription medicines — the snake oil of our age!
149: 2011-01-22: Those who can, do. Those who can't... become salesmen, agents and marketers, making millions off those who do.
150: 2011-01-16: Age ought to imply wisdom, but it doesn't. Usually it just means you've run around the same track longer and are less inclined to change.
151: 2011-01-15: RT @garamiredux: If @DalaiLama and @BadDalaiLama will ever meet the world will immediately desintegrate. Like Neo and Agent Smith on Matrix.
152: 2011-01-08: "It is unbecoming for young men to utter maxims."—Aristotle (@philoquotes) <== But middle aged men can, if they got some street cred.
153: 2011-01-08: It is illegal and immoral to discriminate by race, gender, age or ethnicity. Stupidity, however, is open game!
154: 2011-01-05: Youth may be foolish with change, but age is dumb with routine.
155: 2011-01-02: Old age, for most, is mindless, comfortable repetition.
156: 2010-12-31: 2010 Highlights: Las Vegas Age of Chivalry Renaissance Faire (Oct)
157: 2010-12-13: The needless risk-taking of youth is usually replaced by pathological risk aversion in old age.
158: 2010-12-13: Wine and cheese: junk food of the Middle Ages. 1000 years from now, we'll probably be treating Hostess Twinkies with the same reverence.
159: 2010-12-08: RT @TheBosha: Of course honesty increases with age, it takes a lot of youthful energy to bullshit people.
160: 2010-12-07: Judging by boy bands through the ages, girls like boys with hair like girls'.
161: 2010-11-29: Youth may know the statutes, but only age knows the case law.
162: 2010-11-27: Capitalism expects you to be a small cog in a big exploitative machine. Sometimes you have to play along to advance a more noble agenda.
163: 2010-11-25: There is no reason you can't become a child prodigy at any age. Just free yourself of all the useless stuff you've accumulated since then.
164: 2010-11-18: Whenever someone speaks of an "economic miracle", the listener should prepare for the economic dark ages that follow.
165: 2010-11-05: Lessons of Rome: Success leads to overconfidence leads to overcommitment. Overcommitment leads to the Fall leads to the Dark Ages.
166: 2010-10-30: Wine and cheese were the junk food of the Middle Ages.
167: 2010-09-30: Students graduate from college smarter and wiser than when they went in. The reason is simple: age.
168: KilroyCafe: 2010-11-29: RT @BadDalaiLama: Youth may know the statutes, but only age knows the case law.
169: KilroyCafe: 2010-11-28: TSA agent just said I looked like "that actor from Spiderman". I guess my future is assured as a J.K. Simmons impersonator.
170: KilroyCafe: 2010-10-21: Attn French strikers: You can't keep raising life expectancy and lowering the retirement age. Would you mandate death at age 75?
171: KilroyCafe: 2010-10-21: RT @TheBosha: Hey France! They've raised our retirement age here in the United States also, to NEVER.
172: KilroyCafe: 2010-10-08: First photos from the Age of Chivalry Renaissance Faire, Las Vegas:
173: KilroyCafe: 2010-09-30: RT @BadDalaiLama: Students graduate from college smarter and wiser than when they went in. The reason is simple: age.
174: KilroyCafe: 2010-09-10: The trouble with most people my age is they've gotten really, really old. They've gone from "Anything is possible" to "Nothing is possible."
175: KilroyCafe: 2010-08-22: Age of Chivalry Renaissance Faire, Las Vegas, Oct. 8-10 - I'll be attending (as a mere peasant). A total hoot!
176: KilroyCafe: 2010-08-12: The ritualized activities of old age aren't a function of the body but of accumulated emotional investments restricting any alternatives.
177: KilroyCafe: 2010-08-11: The reckless risk taking of youth becomes pathological risk aversion in old age. Given what they have to lose, shouldn't it be the opposite?
178: KilroyCafe: 2010-06-12: By age 70, everyone is a doctor and a walking encyclopedia of symptoms and diagnoses. Set a spell and they'll tell you about it.
179: KilroyCafe: 2010-06-11: Lessons of Rome: Success leads to overconfidence leads to overcommitment. Overcommitment leads to crash leads to the Dark Ages. And repeat!
180: KilroyCafe: 2010-04-09: "Old" is the state of having already given up on life. For some, it happens at an early age; others never get there.
181: KilroyCafe: 2010-04-03: Judging by boy bands through the ages, girls like boys with hair like girls'.
182: KilroyCafe: 2010-04-01: Age doesn't make you old. What makes you old is getting trapped in your own investments.
183: KilroyCafe: 2010-03-08: A luxury car, like a beauty queen, does not age gracefully. After the first few thousand miles, she's a high-maintenance bitch.
184: KilroyCafe: 2010-02-28: My naïve youth was everything prior to my current age.
185: KilroyCafe: 2010-02-24: Students graduate from college much smarter and wiser than when they went in. The reason is simple: age.
186: KilroyCafe: 2010-02-17: The essence of old age is saving old knick-knacks because no matter how close to death you may be you never know when you might need them.
187: KilroyCafe: 2010-02-03: Years are not the only way to measure age. Positively, you can measure experience or wisdom; negatively, entrenchment.
188: KilroyCafe: 2010-01-13: The Golden Age of Soft Drinks may be coming to a close. Why? Powdered low-cal drink mixes at a fraction of the cost. They're getting better!
189: KilroyCafe: 2010-01-10: RT @Sheamus: Pretty cool. Enter any search term and relive the golden age of naivety, sexism and marketing.
190: KilroyCafe: 2010-01-09: You're officially old when some marketing campaign refers to your age group as "young at heart".
191: KilroyCafe: 2009-11-29: Guy in Utah lives in a cave without money & blogs about it: (From @wordymouth) A bit too New Agey for me!
192: KilroyCafe: 2009-11-28: Many of the beliefs that are presented as "New Age" are really a mask for mental illness.
193: KilroyCafe: 2009-09-26: Wine and cheese are the junk food of the Middle Ages. They've got nothing to offer the body except carbs.
194: KilroyCafe: 2009-08-26: Photo Tip #10: TAKE A LOT OF FRAMES. Shoot first, ask questions later. In the digital age, it's all free, so why not?
195: KilroyCafe: 2009-07-16: Age can be measured in years or in the number of excuses one has to not do things.
196: KilroyCafe: 2009-07-15: Think of "Sound of Silence" by S&G. Simple, word-driven song. You don't need a band or agent. The song stands on its own.
197: KilroyCafe: 2009-06-15: "Old" is an accumulation of restrictions about certain ways things must be done. It has little to do with age.
198: KilroyCafe: 2009-06-09: Old age is not a physical problem but existential one. People get so trapped by their past investments that they can't change.
199: KilroyCafe: 2009-05-08: The commercial agenda poisons everything it touches. When a speaker has something to sell, everything he says becomes suspect.
200: KilroyCafe: 2009-05-04: My latest philosophy essay: "The Secret of Eternal Youth" - Old age is a philosophical problem, not a physical one.
200 tweets found.

(Search module created 7/18/2013)