Glenn Campbell's tweet archive, searching for "hoard"

For at the start of a word
Dates: after but on or before format: 2013-11-07
Chronological order (oldest first) if checked:

Also try official twitter search for "hoard" in @BadDalaiLama - @KilroyCafe - @BadLamaArt. (Word must be exact. Includes reader replies but not BDL retweets.)

Searching the archives for both @BadDalaiLama and @KilroyCafe for Glenn Campbell's tweets. Click on date to view original tweet on Twitter. Search is based on the downloaded archive, which is updated about every two weeks, so this search may not include the most recent tweets. Multi-line tweets may not be complete in this listing. See our Twitter Overview for more info. Help give these tweets new life by retweeting the ones you like.

1: 2013-09-11: baby hoarder — woman who refuses to stop having babies in spite of being unable to care for the children she already has.
2: 2013-07-12: RT @NYPost_PW: Other than SHARKNADO, this is the funniest thing on the web right now: Batman is a hoarder
3: 2013-06-28: 3-D printing opens up new frontiers for hoarders. If you aren't crippled by stuff already, you can just make more stuff until you are.
4: 2013-06-09: Hoarders Without Borders — addiction support group for international travelers who can't stop buying tacky souvenirs.
5: 2012-07-21: Humans are natural hoarders, saving up resources for lean times that never come. The best way to defeat it is have no space to hoard in.
6: 2012-07-19: RT @TIME: Suddenly the average American home is beginning to feel like an episode of Hoarders | (via @TIMEMoneyland)
7: 2012-01-14: The BDL is now addiction free! No alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, caffeine, junk food, television, book reading or possessional hoarding.
8: 2011-11-29: Humans are natural hoarders, genetically programmed to stockpile resources for lean times. Once, it was essential, now dysfunctional.
9: 2011-11-13: If you're stopping to take pictures at every roadside attraction, isn't that photographic hoarding? Shouldn't it be a reality show?
10: 2011-08-04: Eating after taste has faded is a form of compulsive hoarding. You're trying to sock it away for lean times that will never come.
11: 2011-07-13: #### End of live-tweeted essay: "Hoarders"
12: 2011-07-13: The thing that rarely influences a hoarder: their limited time on earth. One way or another, you're going to lose all your stuff!
13: 2011-07-13: Nicholas Cage: hoarder! How else do you explain his financial problems with his enormous income? He couldn't stop collecting homes!
14: 2011-07-13: A hoarder in a one-room apartment is less dysfunctional than one in a six-room house. The "good fortune" of a house is bad for its owner.
15: 2011-07-13: Even the very rich can become hoarders, collecting homes and possessions until the whole system collapses.
16: 2011-07-13: The most effective way to prevent physical hoarding is to simply not have any storage space. Living on the road, hoarding is impossible.
17: 2011-07-13: In the past, some hoarding seemed justified, because albums and keepsakes took up physical space. Now most albums are virtual.
18: 2011-07-13: Hoarding isn't limited to physical possessions. One can hoard data—stockpiling information that hardly justifies the expense.
19: 2011-07-13: Hoarding makes little practical sense today, when most goods are easily obtained at low cost. Future value rarely justifies storage cost.
20: 2011-07-13: Hoarding made perfect sense in most of human history, when every scrap of string was precious.
21: 2011-07-13: The limiting rule of hoarders—and indeed most humans—is that ones possessions will expand to fill whatever storage space is available.
22: 2011-07-13: The mantra of the hoarder is, "You never know when you might need it."
23: 2011-07-13: Homeless people build "nests" of treasured belongings the same way hoarders with homes do.
24: 2011-07-13: The belongings of a hoarder are like the web of a spider. You can't move anything without a defensive reaction: "Don't touch that!"
25: 2011-07-13: Hoarders can't stop collecting like the obese can't resist food. They know there's a problem but can't walk away from the food on the plate.
26: 2011-07-13: As the mind breaks down—in Alzheimer's or other mental illness—natural instincts like hoarding become more prominent.
27: 2011-07-13: Humans are generically programmed hoarders, like a squirrel saving nuts for a winter that never comes.
28: 2010-11-28: Humans are natural hoarders, genetically programmed to stockpile resources for lean times. Once, it was essential, now dysfunctional.
29: 2010-11-04: Humans are natural hoarders, jealously guarding their possessions and stockpiling resources. It was functional for the cave but not today.
30: KilroyCafe: 2010-09-10: Humans are natural hoarders. They infuse objects with emotional meaning and don't want to part with them.
31: KilroyCafe: 2010-09-10: The mantra of the hoarder: "I may need that later." In fact, the storage cost almost always exceeds the potential utility.
31 tweets found.

(Search module created 7/18/2013)